Voice 21: Blog items

Year 5 - RSE

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 9:34am

This week year 5 pupils took part in Relationship and Sex Education lessons. In these lessons we learned about the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty and how this may affect our relationships. Pupils followed our class discussion guidlines to ensure they were being respectful of other children's ideas and giving everyone a chance to participate. All of the children were very sensible during these discussions.

Year 4 - Oracy in Science

Date: 28th Jan 2025 @ 3:40pm

This week in our Science we practised our oracy skills. We were given a concept cartoon and 'Challenge' stem sentences. First we practised our responses in a Nest then we did Pair work.

Year 5 - Aujourd'hui , c'est quel jour?

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 10:06am

This half term, Year 5 are focusing on how to say the date in French.  They have been learning how to say the days of the week, the months of the year and numbers up to 31. They have also been learning how to ask and respond in French to questions about the days of the week.

Year 3- Discussing stereotypes!

Date: 21st Jan 2025 @ 1:45pm

In this lesson we looked at the book ‘Julian is a Mermaid’. In this book it looks at a young boy who wants to become a mermaid. The children discussed people’s stereotypes and used our Oracy skills to discuss and share ideas on different topics. We discussed how people may think ballet it only for boys and football is only for girls, but how this is not true and we must challenge these stereotypes. From this book we will create a play script.

Year 3- Developing our Oracy skills!

Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 4:06pm

In this session Year Three were developing their Oracy skills. The children looked at how to build a conversation and what was needed to structure talk effectively. The children then used this and took on a role in the conversation, to discuss different questions and listened carefully to the answers of other children.

Year 3- Oracy skills

Date: 9th Dec 2024 @ 10:45am

Through our Reading into Writing the children have been working on our oracy skills. We have looked at what our body language should be when we are listening to each other. We then looked at how to work as a team. The children discussed the key skills they would need and then used these skills to play a teamwork game.

Year 6 - No Pen Morning

Date: 27th Nov 2024 @ 12:16pm

For our No Pen Morning we focussed on our Oracy skills. We began by discussing how to project out voice and took part in some projeciton activities, which helped us to make our voices louder and clearer. We had fun ready the line 'Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall' in different styels, including as if we were in a rush, if we were angry and if we were telling a secret. We finished the session with some agree, build or challenge statements, where we used our student talk tactic statements to help with organise our answers.

Year 4 - No pen morning

Date: 27th Nov 2024 @ 11:55am

In Maths, for no pen morning we used our place value knowledge to create a ‘Number Museum’. We were given a number which we had to display in as many ways as possible with Maths resources and other resources around the room. We also had to include a red herring for other groups to try and find when they were visiting our museum. In Reading into Writing, we used our computing skills to edit a WABOLL playscript. To end the morning, we used our oracy and active listening skills. We have been learning about active listening in our 'Skills for Life' lessons and assemblies. We had to ask our pair questions and make sure that we listened to their response and reasoning well enough to retell the rest of the class what we had learnt about each other.

Year 5 - Reading into Writing - Oracy

Date: 16th Oct 2024 @ 1:43pm

A new Reading into Writing journey has begun and we are looking at Non-Chronological reports; specifically linking to our learning in Geography: Mountains! As always, our first lesson was an Oracy lesson. We looked at Physical Oracy and how facial expression and eye contact can impact how we speak and how (and if!) we are listened too. In the second part of the lesson, we looked more closely at our writing focus of mountains and, using key vocabulary (such as foot, summit and valley) we climbed our very own mountains in class - looking at our actions, thoughts, internal dialogues and the five senses...some of us were very cold and some of us had to overcome our fear of heights!

Year 5 - Shared Writing

Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 9:32am

As part of our Reading into Writing journey, we have worked collboratively to write a paragraph for a biography about Billie Eilish. Our paragraphs had to include a fronted adverbial and a range of pronouns and possessive pronouns. 

Poetry by Heart

Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 3:54pm

Poetry by Heart

Well done to Year 6 who took part in a national poetry competition highlighting poetry and oracy in Primary Schools. They have been Highly Commended by the Poetry by Heart judges who said:

"We were impressed by the unity of voices and actions and that you all memorised this long poem..."

Boundary is proud of you all!

Boundary Choral Speaking competition

Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 2:46pm

This week we held our annual Choral Speaking competition. From Reception to Year 6, year groups learned poems by heart and performed them to the rest of the school. Once again, the standard was extremely high and we are proud of all the children for taking part. This year's winners are Year 3, who will represent Boundary at the Blackpool Choral Speaking competition on Friday. 

Year 3- V for Victory!

Date: 16th May 2024 @ 3:00pm

In History, we looked at VE day. We studied various sources to see what VE day celebrations were really like and we looked at similarities and differences between the celebrations and discussed in teams whether they were reliable sources or not. We also looked at why VE day was not such a happy time for everyone!

Year 5 - A 'Grand' Day out

Date: 13th May 2024 @ 5:15pm

All of the pupils in year 5 had a great experience at Blackpool's Grand Theatre watching the amazing new show, The Boy at the Back of the Class; based on the book by 

Onjali Q. Raúf, which we have been reading in class. The children loved the opportunity to visit the theatre and watch the production. 
Some quotes from Year 5 pupils:

“All of the acting was brilliant.”

“My favourite part was when Ahmet had eyes like a lion.”

“I liked the unexpected turn of events.”

“I loved it when Mr Irons was fired.”

“It was clever how they showed Alexa and Tom travelling around London by train and taxi.”

Year 5 - Parker's Poets

Date: 7th May 2024 @ 4:44pm

Today, the pupils in year 5 were given some excellent guidence about writing poems, and becoming a writer after their school days have ended. Blackpool poet, Nathan Parker visited us and shared his knowledge and experience. He guided the children to write a collaborative poem, which we also performed as a class. All of the pupils were engaged with the activity and contributed their ideas to the final poem.

Year 3- Amazing artefacts!

Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 2:43pm

In our History lesson we were exploring artefacts from World War Two. We were exploring their significance and discussed what they could teach us about how Britain stayed strong in the war. The children worked collaboratively and discussed which they considered to be the most important. They children used our ABC’s when sharing their ideas. We also explored what the artefacts could teach us about women in war, the home guard and schemes such as rationing.

Year 3- Seed Dispersal!

Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 2:39pm

Today we learnt about the different ways that seeds disperse. We did a carousel around the room completing different activities that included an experiment, a cloze passage, sorting activities and even popping balloons!

Year 5 - 3-D Shapes

Date: 1st May 2024 @ 9:49am

As part of our journey into 'properties of shapes', children in year 5 have been exploring 2-D and 3-D shapes. We used practical objects to support learners finding the number of faces, edges and vertices, and used an online tool to make a variety of 2-D shapes on a virtual pinboard.

Year 4 - What is it like in a rainforest city?

Date: 1st May 2024 @ 8:56am

What an interesting lesson learning about the city of Manaus, which is situated in the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. We couldn't believe that 2 million people live there! We looked at human and physical features of the city and compared them with life here in Blackpool.

Year 5 - Hamlet with the Royal Shakespeare Company

Date: 29th Apr 2024 @ 4:03pm

We are please to share with you some of the official performance photos from the RSC Playmaking Festival. Year 5 pupils from Boundary worked with a director from the RSC to perform part of Hamlet, which was combined with performaces from other schools to tell the whole story. The performances were fantastic and we were pleased to be able to offer this amazing experience to our pupils.

Year 5 - Music: K-Pop

Date: 29th Apr 2024 @ 8:02am

Over the last two lessons we have looked at the K-Pop genre. Using our listening and appraising skills, we heard a track called Into the Night. This track brought out the K-Pop fans in the classroom and started a discussion about foreign language music and its impact on the world - we talked about how useful it could be to learn a new language and learn about other cultures.

We also started learning the song Into the Night (our favourite of the year so far!) and some of us even choreographed some dance moves for our final performance!

Year 5 - Feelings and Emotions

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 3:54pm

Over the last couple of lessons, we have been talking about feelings and self-regulation. Pupils have discussed different feelings and talked about various senarios and how they might react in certain situations. In today's lesson, pupils played a board game where they had to discuss certain emotions with a partner.

Year 3- No Pen Morning !

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 2:50pm

For our No Pen Morning, we thought about how we could use our oracy skills to complete our Reading into Writing and Maths lessons. In Reading into Writing we were completing our GPS lesson focusing on subheadings. The children ordered a text based on subheadings, created their own headings and matched topics to the headings. In Maths, we looked at adding fractions. The children created a tarsia using our knowledge of adding numerators.

Year 4- No Pen Morning

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 1:56pm

Year 4 have had a great time during no pen morning. In Reading into Writing, we started our next journey which to write a poem based on rivers. We looked at a range of different poems and discussed common features such as alliteration, personification and rhyming. 

In Maths, we learnt how to represent hundredths as fractions. Firstly, we use base ten blocks to understand how to represent hundredths as fractions. Then, we used our digital literacy skills to use rekenrek on our chromebooks. We discussed how many beads were on each side of the rekenrek and talked about how to represent each of the sides as a fraction. 

Year 2- No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Apr 2024 @ 7:24am

Yesterday, Year Two completed no pen morning alongside the rest of the School. In Reading into Writing, we developed our digital literacy skills using the Chromebooks to read a teacher model and find all the different features on SeeSaw. In Maths, we completed a cutting and sticking activity to help us with recognising equal or unequal parts in a range of pictorial representations to begin our new fractions unit. 

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust