Acorns: Blog items

Acorns - Blackpool Zoo

Date: 25th Mar 2025 @ 6:23pm

Acorns had a fabulous time visiting Blackpool Zoo today. The sun was shining and the children were amazing. We loved looking at all the different animals including elephants, lions and tigers, giraffes, lots of different monkeys and apes and our favourites, the sea lions! We enjoyed repeating their animal names and even tried signing them. We also listened to the different sounds and loved feeling the raised animal sketches around each area. We had a great day! 

Acorns - Science Day & Baby animals

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 12:13pm

Acorns have enjoyed lexploring and learning about jungle animals this week. We have been reading Rumble in Jungle and looking at lots of different animals and their jungle habitat.

Acorns loved their visit from the animals. We met Roger the sloth and Derrick the parrot. We loved feeling how soft their fur was and exploring where their eyes nose and mouths were. Especially when they had a little peck! 

Acorns - Spring walk

Date: 18th Mar 2025 @ 4:27pm

This week Acorns have started exploring the signs of spring. Today we went on a spring walk around our forest school area to look for the signs of spring.

We were excited to find a variety of items from our checklist, including buds, blossom, insects and some frog spawn. We enjoyed watching the insects crawling around the logs and tried touching the new buds, blossom and leaves to see how soft they felt. We even listened to some birds singing.

We also enjoyed exploring our new trim trail. What a great afternoon! 

Acorns - Whatever Next!

Date: 14th Mar 2025 @ 10:48am

Acorns have been exploring the concept of space over the last two weeks. Our sensory story Whatever Next! follows a teddy bear who flies to the moon in a cardboard box for a picnic. We have had lots of fun trying on our space helmet and flying to the moon in our own box, developing our imaginations, engagement in group activities and taking turns with a rocket to play with. 
We have been busy making space rockets and aliens during arts and crafts, counting backwards in maths as we blast into space and developing our focus and concentration with space themed 'Bucket' activities. 

Acorns - World book day

Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 2:13pm

Acorns loved engaging in world book day activities. We looked fantastic in our outfits.

We enjoyed lots of mark making with crayons until they quit and we had to use different mediums including paint and chalk instead.

We all engaged in listening to the story for a short burst and loved listening to each other’s stories that we came dressed up in.

Acorns - Pancake day

Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 2:08pm

Acorns enjoyed lots of fun and messy play on pancake day. We even made our own pancake faces with a choice of fruit. Some of us tried the bananas or strawberries and enjoyed eating the pancakes.

Acorns - Commotion in the Ocean

Date: 1st Mar 2025 @ 7:53am

This terms topic is Let's go wild! This week Acorns have been reading Commotion in the Ocean and learning about all things fishy!

We enjoyed listening to the story and exploring all the different animals. We hunted for the animals in our understanding the sea tuff tray and developed our counting skills, counting the sea creatures during maths. 

We loved the sensory spaghetti seaweed in our outdoor area and getting messy playing with the animals alongside our peers. 

Acorns - 100th day

Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 12:27pm

Acorns have been celebrating 100 days in school with lots of maths activities this week. We have love developing our knowledge and understanding of number and geometry through a variety of activities.

We have loved listening too and counting along with songs to 100. We have been using building blocks to count and explore repeated patterns. We continued to explore repeated patterns through our art activities and 'Bucket time'. 

Acorns - Bikeability

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 2:39pm

Acorns have had a fantastic time exploring the art of riding balance bikes.  We listened to an adult talk about wearing a helmet and all tried one on before heading outside. We all had a try holding a balance bike and as our confidence developed, tried riding one. Some of us found it a little challenging but loved exploring the large outdoor space, running and balancing on stepping stones. We all explored essential skills like balance, coordination and confidence while having lots of fun. 

Acorns - Lost and Found

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 12:06pm

This week Acorns have been reading Lost and Found. We have enjoyed listening to the story and watching the puppets. Some of us have used the puppets to explore retelling the story.  

We explored friendships from the story and linked this to RSE week. We have had lots of opportunities this week to explore friendships and kindness, developing our social skills to play with and alongside our peers, share and take turns with resources and practice waiting. 

We have continued to explore artic animals with a focus on penguins. We enjoyed making a penguin using shapes in art and learnt about ovals. We developed our pencil control skills, mark making number and letters on the interactive white board and exploring oral blending during phonics. 

Another busy week in Acorns. 

Acorns - Chinese New Year

Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 12:15pm

This week Acorns have been exploring the celebration of Chinese/Luna New Year. We have had lots of fun exploring a variety of multi-sensory activities to develop our awareness and understanding.

Incorporating the theme through maths, mark making Chinese symbols, making lanterns in art and learning about the Great Race in our sensory story. We had fun racing the animals to see who would win. 

We loved watching dragon splat during 'Bucket' time, developing our focus and attention skills. We also had a dancing dragon moving to the drums. We recreated this during PE becoming the dancing drag in and making our own beats to move too. 


Acorns - Artic animals and habitats

Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 12:55pm

This week Acorns have continued their learning about Arctic animals with a focus on polar bears. We have enjoyed listening to 'What the polar bear heard' and enjoying multisensory activities about their habitat.

We have loved engaging in the sensory tuff trays with snow and ice, especially making snow storms! We also rescued animals and numbers from frozen ice. 

During art we made our own polar bears using different materials and tools. We've had a great week. 


Acorns - Big and small

Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 11:59am

Acorns have been developing their understanding of big and small alongside reading Goldilocks and the three bears.

We have been comparing real objects in a multisensory approach to support our learning. We enjoyed comparing the big bed and small bed, big and small spoons, and we loved looking at our small wellies and Mrs Richardson big wellies! 

Acorns - Goldilocks

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 4:50pm

Acorns have enjoyed learning the story of Goldilocks and the theee bears this week. We have engaged for short periods of time listening to the story and taking turns with the puppets. We loved the voices of the bears and it made us giggle when Miss Richardson said " who's been sitting in my chair". We enjoyed learning the Goldilocks song and signs and dancing along to it.

In maths we have been exploring the number 3 and big and small, linking with our story.

We have been busy creating bear during arts and crafts and developing ball skills during PE.

Acorns - Winter wonderland

Date: 13th Jan 2025 @ 9:31am

Welcome back and Happy New Year.

This week saw a wintery start to the term, but a great introduction to our new topic Winter Wonderland.

Acorns have enjoyed exploring the ice in our sensory tray and digging out the frozen animas. We have enjoyed reading Jack Frost and creating some play dough snowmen. 

What a busy week we've had. 

Acorns - Christmas in Acorns

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 10:59am

Acorns have enjoyed learning about Christmas celebrations and the Nativity over the last few weeks. 

Acorns have explored a variety of multisensory activities and experiences to develop their skills and understanding, including turn taking and social skills.


We have enjoyed a Christmas themed 'Bucket' to support our focus and concentration.


In art we have enjoyed recreating the Nativity scene and making Christmas ornaments to take home for our families. 

We loved our singalong with our families during stay and play, and exploring signing during our singing. 

A highlight was dancing during the Christmas party and a visit from Santa.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year.

Acorns team.

Acorns - Christmas party and a visit from Santa

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 8:08am

Acorns enjoyed their Christmas party yesterday. We loved dancing and playing the freeze game. We had lots of fun playing passed the parcel. 
acorns had a visit of Santa and were very inquisitive when meeting him. Everyone received a gift from Santa which they loved opening. What a wonderful we had in Acorns. 

Acorns - The Gingerbread Man

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 11:22am

This week Acorns have been reading the Gingerbread Man.

We have had lots of fun using the characters from the story to tell the story. 
Omer - "Swim, swim"

We have enjoyed making our own collage gingerbread man and baked our own gingerbread cookies. 

Acorns - Christmas Jumper Day and lunch

Date: 9th Dec 2024 @ 12:14pm

Acorns have enjoyed Christmas jumper day and lunch. We loved pulling the crackers with support and trying on the hats. Some of us wore them all lunch time. 
We enjoyed colouring in some Christmas jumpers and trying on the Christmas hats. We all looked very smart. 


Acorns - Stay and play

Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 10:21am

Acorns had a lovely morning when our families came for a stay and play session.

With lots of fun activities to engage in and a Christmas singalong to finish, we had a great morning and look forward to the next one. 

Acorns - exploring habitats

Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 11:16am

This week Acorns have been exploring habitats. We have engaged in a variety of multisensory activities to develop our curiosity and understanding.

We have enjoyed our tuff tray of different environments, singing the habitat song and looking at the different animals and where they live. 

Acorns - Night and Day

Date: 22nd Nov 2024 @ 10:56am

This week Acorns have been exploring night and day. We have enjoyed developing our understanding through songs and rhymes and visuals, exploring what we do at night and during the day. Some of us made choices about what we would like to do during the day.

Acorns - we’re going on a leaf hunt

Date: 22nd Nov 2024 @ 10:39am

This week Acorns have been reading "We're going on a leaf hunt" for our class story. Acorns went on their very own leaf hunt around our forest school area. We had lots of fun looking through our magnifying glasses, looking for different coloured leaves. We even found the Gruffalo hiding in the bushes!!

Acorns - Children in need

Date: 15th Nov 2024 @ 4:27pm

Acorns explore and celebrate children in need in style! 

We have engaged well in our sensory Pudsey Bear tuff tray and loved creating and counting spots in art.

Acorns are developing their social skills, interacting along side others and beginning to share some resources in our group activities. 

Acorns - Exploring Diwali

Date: 14th Nov 2024 @ 9:10pm

This week Acorns have been exploring Diwali.
We have enjoyed all the bright colours and light associated with Diwali.

Acorns explored different clothing that people wear, drawing and creating rangoli patterns and creating their very own Diva lamps.  We enjoyed moulding our salt dough and making a choice of which colours to decorate them with. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust