Acorns: Blog items

Reception- Music

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 7:28pm

This half term Reception have been singing songs, using actions and reinforcing their learning of how to keep a steady beat whilst exploring different instruments, such as the glockenspiel and the maracas. They have learnt to follow instructions as to when to pick up and play the instrument as well as playing it in time with the music.

Acorn class also enjoyed joining in with the learning too.

Take a look at our photos.

Acorns - We're going on a polar bear hunt

Date: 4th Feb 2024 @ 7:35pm

Acorns have had lots of fun this week going on a polar bear hunt as part of thier winter theme.

We have enjoyed our sensory story 'going on a polar bear hunt', climbing over snow drifts, through snow storms, across rivers (water sprays), over the ice and into dark caves.

We have been talking about arctic animals and creating polar bears using sponge painting and cotton wool during our arts and crafts activities.

We are continuing to develop our focus and concentration during Bucket and have had fun watching snow splatts, fountains and bubbles.

What a busy week we have had. 

Acorns - Bailey's visits

Date: 4th Feb 2024 @ 6:08pm

Acorns have had the pleasure of Bailey the therapy dog visiting weekly. It has been lovely to see their confidence around Bailey developing each week. Most of our students are now confident enough to stroke or brush Bailey and enjoy a little game of chase around the classroom!


Acorns Outdoor Fun

Date: 28th Jan 2024 @ 4:41pm

Acorns have enjoyed their outdoor provision this week.

We have had lots of fun in the water trays, catching fish and ducks.

Our focus has been on developing turn taking skills, waiting and playing alongside others. 

Acorns Bucket: Attention Autism

Date: 23rd Jan 2024 @ 4:49pm

Introducing Bucket - Attention Autism

Acorns have been enjoying 'Bucket'. Developing focus and attention skills, turn taking and aticipation through fun activities. 

Acorns have enjoyed experiening a variety of fun action objects and winter realated activities like snow, snowman splatt and snow fountains. 

Acorns Winter Wonderland

Date: 21st Jan 2024 @ 1:38pm

Acorns have enjoyed exploring all things wintery this week.

Ice, snow and snowmen have all made an appearance inside the classroom as well as outside. 

Students have had fun exploring all things wintery.

Acorns Snow day

Date: 17th Jan 2024 @ 5:58pm

Acorn class had great fun in the snow yesterday. Lots of snowballs and sledging. 

Acorns Welcome Back

Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 4:41pm

Happy New Year Everyone

Welcome back to Acorns. This term our topic is Winter Wonderland.

We have enjoyed exploring our winter theme through our sensory tough tray, songs and activities. 

Acorn Christmas Festivities

Date: 22nd Dec 2023 @ 1:36pm

Acorn class have had a great week exploring the Christmas festivities. 

Christmas theme tuff trays, fake snow and sensory stories topped off with a great Christmas party and meeting Santa.

Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

Acorn - Christmas Jumper Day

Date: 12th Dec 2023 @ 1:51pm

Acorn had a wonderful day filled with some Christmas activities, a delicious Christmas dinner and even wearing our Christmas jumpers. We can't wait to do more Christmas activities over the next 2 weeks! Keep your eyes peeled to see what we do next! 

Acorn - Gingerbread Man

Date: 12th Dec 2023 @ 1:44pm

In Acorn, we have been reading the story 'Gingerbread Man'. We have been using props at the storytelling table to retell the story, using playdough during our Dough Disco sessions that smell of gingerbread too. We made salt dough and cut them into gingerbread shapes ready to paint them. What a busy week! Have a look at our wonderful learning.

Acorns - Music Circle

Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 9:12am

A few times a week, we gather in a circle for 'Music Circle Time'. Sensory activities is of great importance to our children. Just as taste, textures and colours aid a child's sensory development, so does music. The children love using the maracas and drum tambourines as we encourage them to keep the beat to a particular piece of music. The children love to explore with the maracas, and get the cause and effect of shaking it softly or vigoursly. 

Acorns - Dough Disco

Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 9:04am

Each morning we spend a little bit of time warming up our hands and fingers and encouraging our fine motor skills in our Dough Disco sessions. 'Dough Disco' is a fun activity for the children which combines the use of play dough with a series of hand and finger exercises designed to improve fine muscle control. The movements develop children's fine and gross motor dexterity, hand-eye coordination and self-esteem. The children are really beginning to enjoy this session and are becoming more confident with the different actions used during these sessions. 

Acorns - Welcoming Bailey!

Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 9:00am

Today we welcomed Bailey and her owner Vincent to our classroom for the first time. Bailey's Book Club in Year 2 is such a huge success and we are lucky enough to have a little time with her every Wednesday. The children enjoy watching her owner, Vincent throwing the ball to Bailey outside our classroom. A few of the children gave Bailey a treat and even brushed her fur, which they got so excited about. 

Acorns - Remembrance Day

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 1:39pm

On Thursday 9th November and Friday 10th November, the children in Acorns have been looking at poppies and exploring the pictures and key words associated with Remembrance Day. 

The children were very busy painting poppies and making poppy cookies. They also explored the different materials that were used, with adult supervision and support, to make a poppy ready to plant in our Remembrance Garden. 

Finally, on Friday, the children went and planted the poppies in our Poppy Garden. 

Acorns - Bonfire Night

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 1:21pm

This week the children in Acorns have been exploring the celebration of Bonfire Night. We listened to the song of Guy Fawkes and looked at bonfires and fireworks. We created a 'bonfire' style tuff tray where the children pretended to toast marshmallows on the bonfire. The children enjoyed getting creative making their own bonfire night pictures and fireworks. We also looked at firework numbers and some of the children could order the numbers 1-10, which is a huge achievement for our children. We encouraged communcation through repeating the numbers aloud and pointing to them at the same time. 

Acorns - Halloween

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 1:17pm

This week Acorns have been having a spooky time in class!

We listened to the story Room on the Broom, looked at spooky objects, which encouraged us to use our fine motor skills, did some pumpkin craft and made spooky potions. We also enjoyed exploring the inside of pumpkins and the different textures it has. We used widgit cards to encourage communication for the story 'Room on the Broom' and also for the key objects for Halloween. 

Acorns - Handa's Surprise

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 11:31am

This week's theme was based on the story 'Handa's Surprise'. We enjoyed exploring new colours, texures and fruits. We had lots of fun painting with fruit and adding the different fruits to a basket just like in the story. We looked at using our fine motor skills by threading laces through different fruits and vegetables. 

Acorns - Transport Week

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 11:21am

This week we had our theme of 'Transport'. We had lots of creative fun: painting with cars, construction tuff tray, racing the cars around road numbers and messy play car wash. We encouraged communcation using makaton and widgits for: car, road, bus, plane, train, digger, right, left, forward and backward. 

Acorns - Owl Meeting

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 10:30am

We had some very exciting visitors - the owls! 

We met Tike, Casper, Bugs and Twiglet. The owls were all very different. Tike was a burrowing owl who lives underground. Casper has huge brown eyes which can see for miles. We enjoyed watching the flying demonstrations and were amazed at how silent their wings were when they flew.  We were lucky enough to hold Twiglet - the youngest of all the owls.His feathers look just like the bark of a tree so he can camouflage himself from predators. He had sharp talons to help him catch his food too. 

We spent the afternoon painting owls, using pegs and pom poms.

Acorns - Exploring Outside

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 10:20am

During our time exploring the outside area, we enjoyed looking at playing with the different resources and looking at the different areas. We do love the great outdoors and having a good play! 

Acorns - Dear Zoo

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 10:09am

This week our theme has been 'Dear Zoo'. We enjoyed looking at the different animals and looking at the book as well as listening to Mr Tumble's storytime version. We created some art work using our hands in the paint to create some of the animals from the story: puppy, lion and frog. 

Acorns - Wet Wet Wet!

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 9:57am

Our favourite thing to engage with in our outdoor area, are the water tuff trays. We especially enjoyed it when we used the hose to spray it in the air and wash the windows and walls. Thank goodness for our waterproofs! 

Acorns - Jumping For Joy

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 9:51am

During our PE session, we enjoyed jumping over the hurdles and crawling underneath them. We then explored with balls and rolled them underneath the hurdles too. We had such a fun time! 

Acorns - A Love For Books!

Date: 28th Nov 2023 @ 12:11pm

We love looking at and listening to the books in our room - especially the nursery rhyme ones. We sing the nursery rhymes alongside the musical books too. Some of the children are beginning to repeat key phrases from them too such as, 'Hickory Dickory Dock' and 'Tick Tock'. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust