Science: Blog items

Year 5 Now Press Play

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 12:37pm

Today we had our Now Press Play Experience which was lots of active listening and learning fun! We went on an adventure with Squidge from an alien planet, who was learning all about Solids, Liquids and Gases. We begame particles and moved through different states including water to water vapour, liquid to solid chocolate. It has helped to consolidate our science learning from this term, whilst also getting us up and moving with a little bit of acting!

Year 6 Investigating Shadows

Date: 5th Oct 2022 @ 4:40pm

Year 6 continued their 'Light' unit this week by investigating shadows. The children were given some key questions to investigate and several different pieces of equipment. They were asked to investigate how shadows are created, what created the shape of the shadow, how a shadow can be made larger or smalller and what type of material created the darkest shadow. 

Year 2's First Forest School Fun!

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:39pm

Today, Year Two enjoyed their first Forest School session with Jenna and Michelle who had planned some fun activities for us. We began the session by completing some tasks for the Gruffalo finding things that lived in trees, near flowers and under logs linking our learning from yesterday to the fun. Then Michelle kindly read us the story of the Gruffalo and we were experts and could join in with parts of the story! Lastly, we were tasked with the mission of creating a nest for a bird of our choosing, thinking carefully about where we were going to place the nest and the materials we used. We had lots of fun linking our Science learning of living things and their habitats to our forest school fun and cannot wait for our next two sessions.

Year 2 Exploring Microhabitats

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 7:58am

Today we explored different types of microhabitat. Once we had learnt what a microhabitat was, we went into the forest school area to search for microhabitats and hunted for minibeasts. We explored a range of microhabitats including under logs, in the soil, leaf piles, rocks and grass. When we found minibeasts we got very excited! Once we returned inside, we discussed how different minibeasts prefer different habitats and came up with adjectives to describe the habitats.

Year 1 Taste Testing

Date: 26th Sep 2022 @ 7:29pm

 Today in Science we focussed on our sense of taste. We learnt about the different parts of our mouth and what these are used for. We also learnt new vocabulary to describe how things taste. We then tasted a range of foods, using these new key words to explain what we could taste and to enable us to categorize them.

Year 5 A Watery Solution

Date: 26th Sep 2022 @ 4:58pm

In this week's science lesson, pupils in Hawthorn and Rowan continue to learn about the properties of different materials. Pupils carried out an experiment using water as a solvent, to find out which materials were soluble and which were insoluble. We also noticed that the soluble substances were edible.

We also melted and solidfied white chocolate, dark chocolate and milk chocolate by heating and cooling it. We obseved that it it was still the same substance after these changes in state - they were reversible changes. The chocolate looked and tasted the same too!

Year 3- Why do our hands warm up when we rub them together?

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 7:57am

In Science we explore the question 'Why do our hands warm up when we rub them together?' In order to answer this question we carried out a range of activities, exploring friction. We used balloons to create friction, we watched videos, we identified how forces and friction is used in sports and finally we investigated the difference in rubbing our hands when we used rubber gloves. We discovered that friction is created when two surfaces rub together. 

Year5 Science Acid Test

Date: 20th Sep 2022 @ 4:58pm

Today the pupils in Year 5 have been learning about acids and alkalis.  First of all we used bicarbonate of soda to neutralise an acid (white vinegar). When this happened the liquid started fizzing and bubbles of carbon dioxide were created. This tells us that a chemical reaction took place. Pupils then conducted an experiement to test the pH level of several everyday items, such as cola, vinegar and lemon juice. The pH level tells you if the substance is an acid or an alkali.  

Year 6 Investigating how light travels

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 8:56pm

Our lesson today focussed on understanding that light travels in straight lines. To prove this we worked in groups and were given a torch and several pieces of card with holes in them. We experimented with shining the torch through the holes to try to get the beam of light to hit a solid surface. Then we moved one of the pieces of card and this stopped the beam of light from reaching the solid surface. This is because it was blocked and could not get through the opaque material.

Year 1 Our Senses

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 7:41pm

Today we began to explore our five senses by naming each sense and the part of the body that is to do with each sense. We then focused specifically on our sense of touch. We recapped on the different parts of the hand, including thumb, palm, skin and wrist. As a class, we then discussed what is touch? What happens when we touch something? And is it only our hands that we touch with?

‘We touch with our skin!’

‘Your sense of touch tells you if something is hot or cold.’

We talked about what is safe and unsafe to touch, completed ‘I can feel’ sheets, labeled the properties of these objects, and completed a mystery box feely activity.

Nursery Become Archaeologists!

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 2:37pm

After reading "Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs go to School" nursery immersed themselves in all things dinosaur! We looked for dinosaur bones and fossils and one day we even found some dinosaur eggs! We waited patiently for the babies to hatch and then had great fun making up stories about the dinosaurs together. The children also learnt about shapes by creating shape dinosaurs and worked together to paint some big dinosaurs! 

Nursery Take Care of the Outdoors

Date: 13th Sep 2022 @ 8:35pm

We are lucky to have a wonderful outdoor area in nursery and everyone takes pride in keeping the area neat and tidy. The children love caring for  the plants and creatures that are living in the garden and work together to keep it looking fabulous. This week the children have been busy picking up the litter that gets blown in. Using the litter pickers is a great way of developing fine motor skills! They have also been sharing the hose pipe and watering cans to keep the plants healthy and building realtionships with each other at the same time. Speaking of relationships, we found a new friend in our garden - a giant slug! We were all fasinated by the little fella and wanted to make sure he didn't go hungry. What else would you feed a slug but the carrots growing in the garden! 

Year 5 Combustible Materials

Date: 12th Sep 2022 @ 4:47pm

Our science topic this half-term is all about materials and their properties. In this lesson, pupils learned about the 'fire triangle', which explains that there must be fuel, oxygen and heat for combustion to take place. To help children to undertsnt this, we conducted two experiments which showed that oxygen is needed for a candle to burn and that as a candle burns it decreases in mass. The children carried out these experiments using equipment safely, measuring time and mass, and recording results.

Year 3 Furious Forces!

Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 4:39pm

In Science we started looking at forces and understanding what a force was. We played a game called Furious Forces, where we idenitfied how forces could change an object or make an pbject move. We complied a list of verbs to go along side this such as squash, roll, stretch, throw. We then went on a force hunt and carried out every day activities to identify what forces we use to complete them.

Year 6 - Light recap

Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 4:21pm

Today we began our new science unit of light. We spent the lesson recapping on all the work we did on light when we were in Year 3. This included how light travels, how shadows are formed and key vocabulary, such as opaque, transparent and translucent. We ended the session with a Kahoot quiz to see how much we remembered. 

Year 4 discover what solids, liquids and gases are

Date: 6th Sep 2022 @ 4:12pm

Today, after learning about solids, liquids and gases and their properties, we looked at all three states. We discovered that the particles of a solid are closely packed together, the particles of a liquid are close together but able to move and the particles of a gas are spread out all over.

Remember, Solids,liquids and gases........ they all matter!!

Year 2's Final Forest School Fun

Date: 22nd Jul 2022 @ 3:37pm

Yesterday saw our final forest school session of Year 2 before we begin completing our passport in Year 3. This week, we thought about our senses and took a moment to lie on the floor and think about the things we could see, hear, taste, smell and feel- some of us were lucky enough to be joined by a miniature spider. We then looked at different cloud formations and tried to see if we could see any different ones in the sky as well as playing a game of forest school bingo. To end the session, we toasted crumpets on the fire. 

Nursery have green fingers!

Date: 18th Jul 2022 @ 12:21pm

Nursery are taking good care of our beautiful new garden. We have loved watching all the sunflowers grow taller and taller and have made sure that we water our new flowers and plants so the can stay strong and healthy. We have also been exploring our new sensory path and have loved listening to the different sounds the stones make and talking about the differernt textures. 

Year 2's Fun at the Zoo

Date: 13th Jul 2022 @ 5:14pm

Today, Year 2 visited the Zoo to consolidate our learning about Animals and their habitats as well as food chains. We have absolutely loved looking at all the different animals including: Giraffes, Tapir's, Otters, Zebras, Elephants and many more. We discussed the different animals diets and whether they were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. As well as learning lots, we valued the experience of going to the zoo. Well done everyone, you were a credit! 

Reception The Seasons- Summer

Date: 3rd Jul 2022 @ 6:49pm

Thorughout the school year, Reception have been learning about the different seasons. They have looked at the changes in the weather, the clothes we wear and how nature grows and changes too .

"In Summer the weather is hot but in Winter it is cold" Athena

"All the trees have leaves" Alicja

"In Summer you wear shorts and t shirts and sandals to keep you cool" Mercedes

" You don't need to wear a coat outside" Charlea-Rai

"In Autumn the leaves die and fall off the trees but in Summer they have all grown again- the trees look very green" Charlie

As the seasons change, Reception paint a season tree. Take a look at our Summer tree!


Reception- Life Cycle of a Duck

Date: 26th Jun 2022 @ 11:07pm

Reception have been learning about the life cycle of a duck.

We were very lucky to have our own six duck eggs delivered to us from the farm. These were in an incubator and over the next ten days all the eggs hatched and we had six ducklings which we watched grow and change.

"First they there were six eggs in an incubator" Maya

"An incubator keeps the eggs warm like a mummy duck would if it had a nest" Isobel

"Then the eggs hatched- they cracked open the egg shell with their beaks and they came out" Isaac

"They were wet and needed to dry and keep warm under the heater in the cage" Harrison

"The ducklings were cheeping and running everywhere...when they got bigger we put them in the water...they could swim in the water" Mercedes


Year 4 - Sound in Science

Date: 26th Jun 2022 @ 6:45pm

This week in our Science lesson we revisited our Sound topic. We recapped and discusses how soundwaves are made, how we hear sound and how sound travels. We looked at the different part sof the ear and their function and finished off with a quiz. A great lesson with our Year 4's and some fantastic participation and retreival skills from our long term memory!

Year 2 Hand Hygiene

Date: 25th Jun 2022 @ 8:11pm

This half term in Science, we are consolidating all our learning from Year 2. This week, we discussed how hygiene is important through our Animals including Humans unit. We conducted an experiment to test how effective different cleaning products that we can use on our hands are. We used pepper in a bowl and tested how far the pepper dispersed from our finger when we had washed our hands using: no soap, liquid soap, washing up liquid and hand sanitiser. We learnt the most effective product to use when washing hands is liquid soap and the least effective was no soap. We are enjoying revisiting our learning and deepening our understanding of each unit. 

Year 1 Animals and Humans

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 6:45pm

This week we began our Science consolidation unit. Our lesson this week began with recapping on the parts of the human body and the five senses. We were challenged to label as many part of the human body as we could on a blank human outline. We then recorded different body parts on our whole class body. We could remember lots! After that we then began to talk about animals. We recapped on the different animal classifications and the features of each. We then completed a number of different tasks, including an animal sort, writing about similarities and differences and labelling key features of animal body parts.

Year 3 - Zoo trip!

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 4:19pm

As part of our Science consolidation unit we went on a trip to the zoo to investigate an animals diet. We looked at what they ate to keep them healthy and compared this to our diet. We also linked our discussion to out Skeletons and Muscles topic and compared the size and shape of different muscles and bones. We thoroughly enjoyed our trip out and looking at the different animals.

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