Science: Blog items

Nursery Explore Planting Seeds

Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 11:28am

Nursery have been exploring growth and change and this week we have been learning about planting seeds. We read the story "Jasper's Beanstalk" about a cat who finds a bean and plants it in his garden. We planted our own beans and we really hope they grow in to giant beanstalks! We talked about how to look after our beans and that they need soil, water and sunlight to help them grow. Our planting didn't stop there! We have been very busy planting sunflowers in our outdoor classroom. We also used different construction toys to see who could build the tallest beanstalk - we had some whoopers! We explored shape by making our own Jasper using triangles and circles. 

Reception receive a letter from the Giant!

Date: 24th Apr 2023 @ 5:07pm

This afternoon, Reception received a very exciting letter from the Giant in the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Also enclosed, were a bag of beans to plant. The letter was asking the children if they would plant some beans to grow a beanstalk.

Of course, the children were delighted to do this and couldn't wait to get planting outside with Mrs McAllister.

"I'm going to grow mine so I can climb up it!" Kian.

"First we need soil in a pot" Dolly- Anne.

"We need to make a hole with our finger and put the bean in it then cover it over with the soil so the birds don't take it!" Dillan.

"Don't forget to water it and put it in the sun to grow" Albie. 


Nursery The Hungry Very Caterpillar

Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 8:31pm

We have throughly enjoyed reading the classic story by Eric Carle "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". Through the story the chidlren have learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly, looked at the symmetry of butterfly wings, counted the food the caterpillar ate each day and used the light box to explore the red and green colours of the caterpillar. 

Year 3's Plant Hunt

Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 2:45pm

In Science, we started our journey learning about plants. We went to our forest school area and had a hunt for plants. We discussed how these had changed since we were in Forest School in winter and why that might be. When we got back to class, we discussed and recapped from KS1 what plants need to grow. We then went on to planning our own experiement to test what would happen if we were to change the liquid given to a plant. Would this change the growth rate?

Year 5 - Flower Power

Date: 19th Apr 2023 @ 8:49pm

This half term we are learning about the life cycles of plants and animals. This lesson was about flowering plants and how they reproduce. Pupils learned the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction in plants, and the positves and negatives accociated with each method. Next, we found out about pollination and the importance of insects in this process. Pupils found the names of the different parts of a flower and labelled a diagram, then dissected a daffoldil flower to find the different parts and see what they look like in real life.

Year 2 Planting

Date: 19th Apr 2023 @ 5:00pm

Today, we planted some cress seeds, sunflower seeds and runner beans so we can observe their changes over time. We are exploring whether beans need soil to germinate and if cress needs light to grow into a healthy plant. We look forward to looking at them over time and exploring their changes.

Year 4 - Sound Walk

Date: 17th Apr 2023 @ 7:53pm

We started our new Science unit all about Sound today by going around school on a sound walk. We took a decibels meter with us so we could measure the sound in each area and we wrote down what sounds we could hear. We discussed whether or not there would be any areas in school where there's complete silence and we all agreed that would only be likely when school is closed.

Gardening Club

Date: 4th Apr 2023 @ 12:07pm

Once again, Gardening Club has begun and children have been busy planting lots of seeds.

Spring has arrived and the school grounds are starting to come alive with the Spring flowers Gardening Club planted in Autumn, (daffodils, crocus and hyacynth) and the leaves and blossom are now growing on the trees.

As it is the growing season, Gardening Club have begun to grow brocolli, tomatoes, spinach and various herbs. Hopefully, as the seeds germinate, we should have a bumper crop to enjoy in a few months time- watch this space!

"The seeds need lots of water to help them grow" Connor.

"Hopefully, it should be sunny which will make the tomatoes grow big" Sharleigh.


Reception- Holly Class Zoo Trip

Date: 2nd Apr 2023 @ 9:45pm

This week, Holly Class visited Blackpool Zoo- what a fantastic day we all had!

We looked at monkeys, wolves, gorillas, orangutans, camels, elephants, giraffes, flamingoes, a red panda, penguins, sea lions and wallabies. The animals had different habitats and came from different countries. 

At the end of the day, we were lucky enough (and brave enough) to enter the Dinosaur park where we were amazed at the different sizes and sounds of all the dinosaurs.

Take a look at how much fun we had!

"The flamingoes stand on one leg" Eliza.

"The giraffes have a long neck so they can eat the leaves off trees" Lennox.

"I saw a monkey eating a banana!" Finley.

"The sea lion show was the best- they did lots of tricks " Harper.

Year 1 Zoo Trip

Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 5:26pm

We have all been looking forward to our zoo trip and today was finally the day! We enjoyed exploring the zoo and seeing all the animals we had been learning about in Science this half term. We all took part in a habitat workshop, where we impressed with our habitat knowledge and explored lots of different animal parts. We used these as clues to discuss which habitat each animal was from. We then visited the sealions and watched their fantastic show before having our lunchtime break. After lunch, we visited lemur wood, wallaby walkabout and wolf ridge. Finally we spent some time in the dinosaur safari, before finally seeing the giraffes and elephants. We all had a fantastic day exploring!

Year 3's Trip to Aspire

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 2:44pm

Year 3 were lucky enough to have a trip to the local high school, Aspire. We went to their labs and had a Science lesson based on light. We first of all learnt about white light and tried to create our own rainbow. We then used finger lights to create white light. We had such fun and can't wait for another visit. 

Year 5 - Cogs and Gears

Date: 28th Mar 2023 @ 8:45pm

As part of our journey into forces, we have been learning about levers, pulleys and gears. In this lesson, pupils used lego pieces to create a 'drive train' of cogs and investigated what happened when they turned the handle. We learned that smaller cogs turned faster, but larger cogs created more power. Also, if a cog is turned clockwise, the next cog will always turn anticlockwise.  

Reception Willow Class Forest School

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 8:21pm

This week Willow Class have been busy outside enjoying Forest School!

Although the weather was rainy and it was extremely muddy, the children had a fabulous time. The children spent some of the session talking about spring and spotting some of the sign of spring outside.  These included finding new plants growinf like daffodils, finds blossom on the tress and finding some birds nests in the trees.  The children were even lucky enough to find some frog spawn in the ponds.  We talked about how the frog spawn would change into tadpoles in the coming weeks.

"In spring blossom grows on trees" Lana-Rose

"Baby lambs are born in spring" Logan

"The days get longer and warmer" Alfie

"Leaf buds grown on trees" Noor-Fatima

"Daffodils grow outside" Albie

Reception learn about space

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 8:16pm

Over the past few weeks the children in Reception has been learning about Space.  The children have taken part in lots of space activities in the classroom including counting moon rocks, reading books about space, making rockets out of recycled materials, using 2D shapes to make rockets and using small world characters to create their own narratives.  We read the story 'Whatever Next' and used the props and pictures at the story telling table to retell and sequence the story correctly.  As a class we explored what the moon would been like if we visited it, comparing it to Earth.  We explored what it was like when Neil Armstorng landed on the moon and why it is important to wear the correct clothing.  We talked about how the mooon orbits the Earth and how and why it changed shape in the sky.  We also explored the different planets in the solar system and found out which were the closest and furthest from the sun.

"The Earth has land and water on it.  That's why it's blue and green" Alfie

"Mercury is the closest to the sun" Kit

"The Earth has one moon and it goes round it" Skylor

"The moon is made of rock and it has lots of crators in it" Logan

The children produced some lovely pieces of non-fictiion writing all about space.


Year 1 Animal Habitats

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 2:57pm

To explore our question for this lesson, ‘what is the best habitat for an animal?’ we visited our forest school area. We listened to a sound clip recorded in woodland in the UK at night time, with very blustery winds blowing, birds singing and trees creaking. We recalled what we already learnt about woodland habitats…

They are covered by trees’

‘It is shady on the ground’

‘Lots of plants and animals live there’

We also recapped the names of animals and where in the woodland they might be found. Finally we looked specifically at animals that we might find on the woodland floor before going out into the forest school area to make observations to answer our key question.


Year 4 - Threats to living things

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 1:53pm

After flashing back to recap the five vertebrates we have been learning about, we started to look at how these living things habitats are under threat. Each table was given an area to research, then they presented their findings to the rest of the class. 

We researched:

  • Urbanisation
  • Pollution
  • Deforestation
  • Natural disasters

Year 3- How are shadows formed?

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 4:20pm

In this lesson we looked at the question 'How are shadows formed?'. For our flashback we looked at what the words translucent, transparent and opaque meant. We identified and grouped objects into the different categories. We then went outside to form our inital ideas for how shadows are formed. We then tested a variety of different objects to see if there is a pattern for which objects made a shadow. 

Year 6 - Fossils and Evolution

Date: 20th Mar 2023 @ 5:54pm

In today's science lesson we considered the key question: What can fossils tell us about extinct species? We first examined several fossils and then learned how they are formed. We moved on to think about what fossils can tell us about evolution before learning about what is missing from the fossil record. All the children in Year 6 showed great participation and were able to remember lots from our previous lessons. 

Year 3- Exploring reflection!

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 4:16pm

After planning our investigation last week, Year 3 carried out an investigation on which materials are reflective. We made reflection testers and experimented to see if bubble wrap, DVDs, tinfoil, paper, card, clothing and plastic is reflective. The children then came up with conclusion in groups, as to which material we would use on a reflective strip on a bag.

Year 3- Science Day

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 4:10pm

The whole school were exciting to have a science day last week, exploring the wonders of space!  Year 3 focused on the moon and explored the phases of the moon, how craters are formed and had an amazing time in The Wonderdome! We were so inspired to ask lots of questions and investigate the moon and space.

Nursery Explore Space

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 11:24am

Nursery took part in science day by exploring space through art, maths and music. They created a wonderful piece of collaborative art work showing a super outer space scene. They then created their own space pictures. Using shapes, the children then made some 3D rockets. They thought carefully about the shapes they would need and where to put them. To end the day, the children enjoyed a space themed music session. They sang "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" and sent planets soaring in to the air using the parachute! 

Year 1 Astronaut Art

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 7:21pm

As part of our Science Day, we also completed some astronaut art to show what we might see if we were to look outside the window of a spaceship. We watched a video to explore what astronauts might see from their spaceship and used that alongside photgraphs to inspire our own art. We used oil pastels and collage to create our pieces. 

Year 1 Science Day

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 6:39pm

Today, alongside the rest of our school, Year 1 had lots of fun celebrating Science day! We began the day by becoming NASA astronauts! We learnt what an astronaut is, how you become an astronaut and what characteristics you need to have. We then looked at what astronauts wear in space, how they sleep and eat and drink! We watched a short video where astronauts talked about what life is like in space. After this we thought about what we would take to space with us. Then it was time for our Wonderdome experience! We were all amazed and thoroughly enjoyed the space exploration!

Year 1 Neil Armstrong

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 6:24pm

Today, as part of Science day we learnt about a number of different astronauts including Neil Armstrong. We watched a video which explored Neil Armstrongs life and the key events that led up to what he is famous for! We learnt that Neil Armstrong was born in 1930 and his first time in a plane was when he was just 5 years old. We placed key events in his life onto a timeline, including 1969 when he became the first man to walk on the moon!

Year 2 Science Day

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 4:20pm

Today, alongside the whole school we celebrated Science Day with our theme of Space and year two were tasked with learning about the sun. We begun the day by watching videos about the sun and learnt lots of facts including: it would take 20 years to fly to the sun from Earth, the sun is the centre of the solar system, Earth orbits the sun and completes 1 full orbit every year and the sun is actually a star made up of gases. We recorded our information on strips of card and stuck them down as sun rays beaming out of our big sun in the middle. Next, we used our new knowledge of obitting to model how the Earth orbits the sun and the moon orbits the Earth and learnt it takes 28 days for the moon to orbit the Earth- our models also helped us imagine the size difference between the sun, moon and Earth. The excitement continued as we visited the space wonder dome exploring stars, the sun, the moon and all the other planets which we named. We also were fully immersed and amazed by exploring what it would look like and feel like in space. During the afternoon, we got more creative listening to two pieces of space themed music- the final countdown as well as Holst Venus and appraised them. We also thought about the similarities and differences between the two pieces of music. Lastly, we ended our exciting day by creating our own sun art using different techniques including pointilism to complete our paintings. 

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Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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