Science: Blog items

Nursery Explore Elephant Poo

Date: 27th Mar 2025 @ 3:06pm

This week we have been reading the story "Poo in the Zoo". The chidlren came to school to discover a big lump of elephant poo in the tuff tray! "Ewww! What's that?" they said. We discussed what it looked like and how it might of got there. We remembered that Miss Walsh had been to the zoo on Tuesday and maybe she had trodden in it or an elephant did a poo in her bag! The children explored the poo (wearing safety googles of course) and pulled bits out using tweezers. They found bits of food and a few stones! It was a great discussion point and encouraged lots of conversation. 

(Disclaimer - it wasn't real elephant poo!)

Nursery Make a Shepherd's Pie

Date: 27th Mar 2025 @ 2:57pm

This week Mrs Welch was treated to a delicious Shepherd's Pie made in the mud kitchen. One child led the play and started off cutting the carrots to go in the pie. He then added mud and sand and another child said "I will go and get you some water". They came back with a jug of water which they added to the pie. This was then mixed together. The children showed the pie to Mrs Welch but she was firmly told "Don't eat it yet! It's hot!". When it had cooled down, the pie was given to Mrs Welch to enjoy. She ate every last bit and said it was the best Shepherd's Pie she had ever tasted. 

Year 4 - Science - Pitch

Date: 27th Mar 2025 @ 9:17am

This week in science, we looked at pitch. We learned that it is how high or low a sound is. Pitch is determined by the frequency of the sound waves. Higher frequency sound waves produce a higher pitch, while lower frequency waves produce a lower pitch.

We compared two straws—one short and one long. We noticed a difference in pitch when we blew through them.

The short straw produces a higher-pitched sound because the air vibrates faster inside it, creating sound waves with a higher frequency.

The long straw produces a lower-pitched sound because the air vibrates more slowly, creating sound waves with a lower frequency.

We also looked at what happens when a bolt is placed into a balloon. The children predicted what would happen and why. When a bolt is placed inside a balloon and the balloon is shaken or spun quickly, the bolt moves around and creates a vibrating sound. When the bolt moves faster, the vibrations happen more frequently, producing a higher pitch.

Year 3 - Shadows

Date: 26th Mar 2025 @ 5:05pm

In our exciting science topic about light, we’ve been discovering all about shadows! Can you believe that different objects can cast different shadows? We’ve talked about opaque objects, like a solid book, which block light completely. Then, there are transparent things, like windows, that let light pass right through without any shadow at all! And don’t forget translucent objects, like rulers, which create softer shadows. It’s amazing how our world works! So, next time you see a shadow, think about what kind of object is making it. We looked at our shadows outside and discussed that shadows will be longer during the morning and evening as the light source (the sun) is closer to the object.

Reception Spring Walk

Date: 26th Mar 2025 @ 4:08pm

This week the children have enjoyed exploring the season of spring.  As part of our learning we went on a sping walk around the school grounds to spot the different signs of spring.  The children working in pair to tick off what they saw.  We spotted pink blossom growing on the trees, daffodils growing by the pond, buds on the trees and frogspawn in the pond.   We were even lucky enough to see a see life frog.


"The blossom grows on the trees" Dennis

"I can see a bird in the nest" Kevin

"The frog lays frogspawn in the pond" Freyja

Reception Animals and their habitats

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 9:43pm

As part of our learning about animals, today we had a visit from the fabulous Teach Rex.  We had a special assembly where we were lucky enough to meet Thomas the Gorilla.  We listened carefully to a story about Thomas and his family and participated in some different games to find out more about where he lives and the different foods he eats.  When we when back to the classroom we further explored different animal habitats.  We sorted different animals to the correct habitat and discuss why lived in this environment.  We also had the opportunity to meet Rodger the Sloth and Derek the Cherokee.  We has a fabulous time learning about the diffeerent animals.

"Sloths live in the rainforest" Dennis

"The gorilla had black fur" Aurora

"Thomas lives int he rainforest" Kamiyah

"Lions and elephants live in the savanna.  It's hot there" Kevin

"Camels live in the desert.  They have water in their humps" Freyja

Year 3 - Science and Geography Day!

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 8:57pm

What an exciting day we've had today at Boundary - when Science and Geography come together...

We started off the day by looking at what extinct and endangered meant and then explored a range of animals that are now on the endangered list.

Then utter excitement erupted within our children as TeachRex came into school and we got to meet Thomas, the gorilla. We were told a story about Thomas and how his life has been effected by the hands of humans - poaching! Back in the classroon, we looked at the reasons why they were endangered and looked at the conservation efforts that are being done to save them. We then made a fact file about these animals, including their habitat, threats, conservation status and located where these animals live on a world map. Finally, the afternoon was spent creating videos on a greenscreen, where the children got bananas thrown at them by some very cheeky gorillas. 

Nursery Meet a Gorilla called Thomas

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 8:04pm

Nursery joined in with Science and Geography day. Teachrex came to school a brought a very freindly gorilla called Thomas. The children learnt all about Thomas and where he lives and even got to have a little cuddle They also met a baby sloth! We had a wonderful day and really enjoyed learnig about all the animals. 

Year 4 - Science and Geography Day

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 5:04pm

In the morning, we completed a map starter. We had to spot places and routes on a map. Then we had a very special visit from Thomas, the Gorilla, and some of his rainforest friends. We started the day meeting Thomas and learning all about his habitat in the rainforest. We were shocked to hear about the impact human behaviour has on our world and Thomas’ home.

After, we looked at climate change - how it is caused and the implications it has for humans and animals.

In the afternoon, we made videos using a green screen! They had bananas thrown at then by some very cheeky gorilllas and some were even chased by elephants!


Year 2- Science and Geography Day!

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 4:10pm

When Science and Geography come together…

Wow, what an amazing day we have had at Boundary today as we had a very special visit from Thomas, the Gorilla, and some of his rainforest friends. We started the day meeting Thomas and learning all about his habitat in the rainforest. We were shocked to hear about the impact human behaviour has on our world and Thomas’ home.

The morning was filled with utter excitement as we got the opportunity to meet an adorable baby Sloth and Cherokee and we learnt about how they adapt to their environments and the problems that they overcome.

We then focused on the rainforest, looking at the animals that live there and the plants that grow. We worked in teams to research different aspects of the rainforest and then used our oracy skills to present to the class, teaching them about our focus area. 

When Science and Geography come together..

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 3:56pm

When Science and Geography come together…

Isn’t it fascinating how science and geography intertwine? They help us explore habitats teeming with life, from vibrant rainforests to stark deserts. Yet, they also shed light on pressing issues like deforestation and climate change, which threaten endangered animals. By studying these subjects together, we can understand our planet better and protect its precious ecosystems!

Wow, what an amazing day we have had at Boundary today as we had a very special visit from Thomas, the Gorilla, and some of his rainforest friends. We started the day meeting Thomas and learning all about his habitat in the rainforest. We were shocked to hear about the impact human behaviour has on our world and Thomas’ home.

The morning was filled with utter excitement as EYFS and KS1 got the opportunity to meet an adorable baby Sloth and Cherokee and we learnt about how they adapt to their environments and the problems that they overcome.

What an incredible afternoon KS2 had as they made their very our videos using a green screen! They had bananas thrown at then by some very cheeky gorilllas and some were even chased by elephants!

Throughout the day, the whole school also completed work focusing on the rainforest, animals and their habitats, and the effects that some animals are under through our planet changing and through the awful actions of some humans.

Year 6 - Meeting Thomas the gorilla!

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 12:58pm

As part of Science and Geography day, we got to meet Thomas the gorilla. We were told all about the loss he expereineced as a result of poachers and how humans are having a detrimental effect on the land. Take a look at some of our pictures with him! We also learned about the effects of deforestation and how this can have an impact on the whole world. We designed our own posters to encourage people to look after the planet. 

Year 6 - Science and Geography Day

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 12:53pm

For Science and Geography day we have been looking at what deforestation is and the implications of it on our planet. We have looked at why deforestation happens and the devastating effects it has on our rainforests. We created posters to highlight the issue and to raise awareness of what can be done to help our world.

Acorns - Science Day & Baby animals

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 12:13pm

Acorns have enjoyed lexploring and learning about jungle animals this week. We have been reading Rumble in Jungle and looking at lots of different animals and their jungle habitat.

Acorns loved their visit from the animals. We met Roger the sloth and Derrick the parrot. We loved feeling how soft their fur was and exploring where their eyes nose and mouths were. Especially when they had a little peck! 

Year 1 Science and Geography Day

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 10:16am

Today we were very excited to meet Thomas the gorilla! We thoroughly enjoyed our assembly where we listened carefully to Thomas' story and played some games to interact with him. In the afternoon, we then had a visit from the baby animals! We learnt lots of new information and completed some gorilla tasks around our visits to further develop our understanding of their features, habitats and location.

Reception Willow Class visit Blackpool Zoo

Date: 19th Mar 2025 @ 4:07pm

Willow Class had a brilliant time on Tuesday when we went to visit Blackpool Zoo.  We were very excited to get our wager proofs and wellies on and venture out to the zoo on our school minibus.  The sun was shining and the children behaved impeccably all day.  They enjoyed exploring the zoo and finding out about all the different animals.  We saw the elephants, tigers, lions, giraffes, gorilla, camels and lots of different types of monkeys.  We were even lucky enough to have a classroom session where the children learnt about different animals and their habitats.  The children also had an opportunity to look at a range of different animal artefacts including different fur and feather, animal skulls, egg, bones and teeth.  The children tried to guess which animal the artefacts belonged to and what it's habitat was! 

Year 1 Together Time

Date: 17th Mar 2025 @ 10:11am

Today some of our grown-ups joined us for together time, where we continued to explore the key question ‘what is the best habitat for an animal?’ We recapped on the key habitats we have learnt about this half term and the four things each habitat provides for an animal; food, water, shelter and space. We looked at a number of different habitats and discussed which animals belonged there and which animals had been placed in the wrong habitat and why. We then worked independently to create our own habitat diorama for a chosen animal, orally explaining why our animal lives in this habitat and what it provides for them.

We also showed our adults how we complete our mini mes and spent some time in our outdoor area!

Reception- Waste Week

Date: 14th Mar 2025 @ 7:38pm

Reception have been embracing Waste Week and learning to recognise different types of materials that can be recycled.

They had to look at the waste being recycled and decide if it was plastic or paper or cardboard. They then talked about how these items can be recycled and made into new items, such as paper being recycled into paper towels.

Nursery and the Frogs

Date: 12th Mar 2025 @ 4:52pm

We were so excited to find a frog in our garden a few days ago! We got it safely back to the pond area only to find it had returned a few days later - he must like us! With the children so excited, we took the opportunity to learn about the life cycle of a frog. We carefully collect some frogspawn from the pond and the children are fasinated watching all the little changes that take place. Fingers crossed we will get to see some tadpoles emerging from the frogspawn soon! 

Year 2- Zoo Trip

Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 8:09am

Today, Year Two enjoyed a fantastic visit to the zoo. We looked at the different animals enclosures for what things they have to meet their needs of survival as well as exploring their habitats for adaptations to help them. We were lucky enough to see some baby animals including the Orangutans and looked at how they differed from their adult. We also loved watching the sea lion show and watching all of their amazing tricks. We had a fabulous time! 

Year 4 - Sound dissipation

Date: 10th Mar 2025 @ 8:33pm

This week, we looked at what happens to sounds the further away they get. We used the school hall and measured (using a sound meter) the sound (in decibels) of four different sources. We used a whistle, a drum, a whispered sentence and crumpling paper. Using a trundle wheel, we measured 5m, 10m, 15m and 18m. We found that the further away the sound got, the more quiet it became. This is because the sound energy starts to run out - this is called dissipation.

Year 5 - Fabulous Friction

Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 4:48pm

This week pupils in year 5 were investigating the force of friction. Using force metres, pupils measured the force rquired to move a 500g load up an inclined ramp made from different materials. We discussed how to make it a fair test by keeping certain variables the same: E.g. the people conducting the test, the weight of the load, the incline of the ramp and even the force of gravity! Pupils then discussed their findings and made conclusions about the smoothness of a material and the amount of friction that it creates.

Year 1 Polar and Desert Habitats

Date: 3rd Mar 2025 @ 7:52pm

 Today we learnt about two habitats – a polar habitat and a desert habitat. We began by identifying the features of a polar habitat, watching a short video and looking at photos. We looked at the climate in a polar habitat, animals that live there and how they are suitable to their habitat. We then began to look at a desert habitat, again identifying the features by watching a short video and looking at photos. We then looked at a number of animals that live in the desert and learnt about how they are suited to that habitat. We then completed a desert and polar habitat sort with a partner, verbally discussing the reasons and explaining how we know which animals live where.

Year 2- Forest School

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 8:10am

Yesterday, we had our first forest school session of the Spring term. Whilst in the forest school area, we went searching for worms in the area as well as other bugs that were out there and discussed how the conditions were right for their survival. 

Year 3- Investigating light!

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 8:53am

In Year 3, we have started our new Science topic of Light. In this lesson we looked at our key questions 'What is light?'. We looked at placing objects in a box and thinking about if we could see the objects inside. Slowly, we added more light and saw that we could see. From this we then looked at what produces light and what doesn't. We then looked at identifying, classifying and grouping light sources into natural and human made sources.

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust