Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC): Blog items

Let's Celebrate

Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 8:21pm

The children in Reception have been busy learning about Diwali the festival of light.  As part of our learning the children and teachers in Reception held a Diwali Celebration Day where the children were invited to dress in bright colours.  Throughout the day we learnt about different Sikh and Hindu Diwali trandtions including making our own Rangoli Patterns to welcome people, making and decorating salt dough diva lamps to put in our houses, learning a Sikh dancel and preparing a sikh desert 'a ladoo'. We also looked at some tradition clothing and had the opportunity to ty them on.  We designed and made Diwali card which we sent to our friends and family.  At the end of the day we had a Diwali celebration in the dance studio where we preformed our dance to Miss Ashton and Miss Moyes.  To close the day we sat in a circle and lit our diva lamps together.  We reflectied on our learning and  thought carefully about the importance of being kind to others ensuring good overcomes evil.  What a fabulous day of learning.  Have a look at some of our pictures!


Poppy Art

Date: 6th Nov 2021 @ 7:40pm

Today we created our own brilliant poppy art. We experimented and explored marks using a variety of tools, including thick brushes, thin brushes and small sponges. We also were introduced to the primary colours and how they can be mixed to make secondary colours. In year 1, we enjoy every oppourtunity to use paints and be creative and today was no different! We all took great care to produce our final piece and we were all very proud of our efforts! 

Black History Month

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 3:48pm

October was Black History month, and in Year 5 we enjoyed finding out about promenent Black muscians from the past. This linked with our learning in Music, where we were listening to, and making observations about Motown music from the 1960s and 1970s. In our writing journey, we researched the singer and musician, Stevie Wonder, and wrote a historical narrative about his amazing life. As part of our guided reading sessions, we read about other famous Black people who have had an impact on the world; Sislin Fay Allen, Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela.

Let's Celebrate

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 5:17pm

Nursery had a wonderful time celebrating Diwali. Mrs. Kaur, who works in Reception, came in to to talk to the chidlren about the festival and all the special things she does to celebrate Diwali. The children then made some Diva Lamps, Rangoli Patterns and designed some gorgeous Mehndi patterns. 

An Introduction To Yoga

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 7:48am

Today was our first introduction to yoga. We began our journey with breathing exercises and discussed the importance of taking time out and connecting our mind, body and soul. We started to learn the main yoga poses which included: cobra, downward facing dog, butterfly, cow and cat, warrior and many more. We can't wait to see where the rest of our yoga journey will take us. 

Lest We Forget - Poppy Art

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 7:38am

Leading up to Remembrance Day, we looked at famous World War poems and different styles of poppies. Using our art skills of sketching and the use of water colours, we created some poppy art over the top of the war poems. We discussed and remembered those who fell during the wars and thought about how their families and friends must have felt during this time. 

Trick or Treat

Date: 3rd Nov 2021 @ 9:28am

This week our classrooms were transformed for Halloween.  We enjoyed making potions, carving pumpkins, role playing in our haunted house, painting spooky pictures, labelling spooky characters and playing halloween games.  Have a look at our super learning.

Eco Week 2021 - A summary

Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 2:20pm

Boundary's Eco Week!
This week we have been busy taking part in the citizen’s science campaign ‘What’s Under Your Feet?’ – looking at the impact climate change is having on the British bird population.
The children will take part, with other schools from around the UK, and will make observations on the number of invertebrate (worms, spiders etc. that birds eat) they find in the soil in the school grounds. This information will then be compiled into one large database and will form the basis of a research paper which participating schools will get credited for.

Black History Month Postboxes

Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 12:50pm

While black history is celebrated year round, Black History Month is marked annually. It recognises and values the inspirational individuals and events that have shaped the black generation. During Black History Month, we remember and celebrate the important people from the past and also those who contribute to and help our society today.

Alongside shared class books highlighting the work and impact of Black people, the month of October began with an assembly to introduce the themes of Black History Month and its importance for us all. Classes have woven some significant figures from Black History into a range of lessons including Reading into Writing:

EYFS and Year 1 – People around the world
Year 2 – Rosa Parks
Year 3 – Mary Seacole
Year 4 – Sporting achievements
Year 5 – Influential musicians

The children's work will be displayed on specially designed black and gold post boxes that will feature, as in previous years, in prominent positions throughout school as we share our learning with other classes and visitors to Boundary.

Travelling By Tuba!

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 7:48pm

Today Year 1 experienced the musical delights of Travelling By Tuba! During the morning show we watched Stewart and Chris perform different musical intruments and pieces from around the world. It was a very entertaining tour around the world, which we all very much enjoyed! We then took part in a workshop where we had the oppourtunity to play some of the musical instruments. Our workshop involved creating a piece of music to a Brazillian Samba! Our day ended in a musical performance where we shared our learning with our audience! 

Blackpool School's OAA Competition

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 11:02am

A team of Year 5 pupil's took part in the Blackpool’s schools OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities - orienteering) competition at Stanley Park. Despite the weather they finished in 2nd place completing the course and finding all the checkpoints & codes with a time of 19 minutes! The team were a little wet but they were so proud of themselves and we're proud of them too!
Well done to everyone who took part.

School Council Meeting 19th October

Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 7:11pm

This week we all met to discuss the results of which charities we are going to support. The councillors had met with their class and had taken notes of what was their most popular charity- some even had to exercise a democratic vote to achieve a fair result.

After exchanging their ideas, the school council reached a decision.

Local Charity- Donna's dream House

National Charity- The British Heart Foundation

International Charity- Water Aid.

Now Press Play!

Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 7:25pm

Today we enjoyed our first Now Press Play session in Year 1! Our experience today was all about the United Kingdom. We put on our headphones and we we're on a school trip to Buckingham Palace, where we met the Queen! However, something very strange was going on and the Queen was behaving very strangely! When we discovered the real Queen in the basement we went on a mission across the UK to foil her imposter and save the Queen!

Soccer Stars

Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 12:21pm

Year 5 have had a great 6 weeks of football coaching in PE, delivered by our local FA qualified coach. In our final lesson this week we were playing small-sided, competitive matches on the MUGA.  To be successful pupils had to use the skills that they have learned over the course of the unit: controlling the ball, dribbling, defending and shooting. As we were playing as a team, pupils also had to work together to attack and defend as team, and support others to win the match.  Pupils developed their tactical awareness, developing tactics to beat the other team by scoring and defending. Everyone enjoyed this, and has made progress with their football skills and their tactical awareness in games.  A big 'thank you' to Mr Williams for supporting our learning this half-term. 

Singing Stevie!

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 4:06pm

During Black History Month, Year 5 have been given the topic of 'Influential Musicians' to research and create work about. 

Over the past week, we have looked at numerous Black musicians, including: Ray Charles, Louis Armstrong, Aretha Franklin and Martha and the Vandellas. We have had so much fun singing and dancing to their songs, but had even more fun writing about them. 

We have been planning our historical narrative around Stevie Wonder so we spent a lesson researching his life. 


Year 3 and 4 Multi-skills Festival 2021

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 3:00pm

Our Year 3 and 4 children took part in the Blackpool Schools Games Multi Skills Festival at Stanley park. They had great fun whilst performing their traveling, sending and receiving skills in a variety of different games. 

Black History Month

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 4:45pm

As part of Black History Month, Year Two have been finding out about the amazing Rosa Parks.  We found out about her life and how she was treated as a black person living in Alabama in the 1950's.  We learned about how Rosa's actions sparked the 'Bus Boycott', which in turn helped to bring about a change in equality laws.  We made links between her actions and our character curriculum and we discussed how she was brave, resilient, courageous, self-controlled and a great leader.

Hygiene Habits

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 4:17pm

Over this half term Year two have been learning about ways to keep ourselves healthy.  We have been learning about how sleep, excercise, a balanced diet and looking after our mental wellbeing are all important parts of staying healthy.  This week our focus was on hygiene.  We took part in a little experiment where we covered our hands in glitter to represent how bacteria can spread so easily if we do not wash our hands properly.  We also practsied a good hand-washing regime.

Church Army

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 11:20am

Jenny and Matt from The Church Army visited one of our RE lessons this half-term. They explained the meaning of ‘Sin’ as anything they ‘think’, ‘say’ or ‘do against God’s law. We discussed what constituted a sin and the meaning of ‘salvation’. Salvation means being saved, rescued from sin and being forgiven. Christians believe salvation from sin was the purpose of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Thank you to Jenny and Matt for sharing your knowldege and experiences with us. 

Feature Finders!

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 10:32am

In Reading into Writing we were being immersed into a variety of diaries and we were on a mission to find features! We were all given a label and we were the chief finder of our feature. We did a great job and we are looking forward to writing our own diaries soon, inspired by Mary Seacole. 

First School Council Meeting 12th October

Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 8:33pm

The school councillors met on Tuesday for the very first time since being elected. After introducing themselves, they began to eagerly discuss ideas they had about their first task. Each councillor had the task of determining what charities the school would support over the next year. A meeting to discuss these results will be held next week.  

Super Sensory Bottles

Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 9:26am

Today in Science we made our very own sensory bottles using a range of colourful and textured objects. We recapped the five senses and how our senses help us explore the world and keep us safe. We linked our learning to World Mental Health Day and identified objects we wanted to add to create a sensory bottle to convey a certain emotion. Children classified the items into sensory groups and thought about how different items and colours might make people feel.

Twit Twoo!

Date: 12th Oct 2021 @ 9:57pm

This week in Reception have been lucky enough to be visited by SMJ Falconry who brought 4 different owls to visit us; JD, Midge, Bobby and Titch.  We found out lots of interesting facts about the owls including what they like to eat, what they look like, where they live and different features  on their bodies including their sharp talons (claws).  We disccused how some owls are nocturnal, which means they sleep in the day and wake up at night.   The children throught of some excellent quesions to ask including;

What do owls eat? Isaac

Do they just make noises at night? Marleigh

How do owls hear? Do they have ears? Indi-Anna

When we returned to class we read the story Owl Babies.  We then enjoyed using the props at the storytelling table to help us retell the story, 

In maths we, played the owl game and practised recognising numbers 1-6 and subtising using a dice.  We also used the owl number cards to put numbers in the correct order from 1-10.  

The children also drew pictures from the story and labelled them with the initial sound.

In the creative area we enjoyed collaging owls using a range of different materials and painting the owl babies ising sponges.

Have a look at some of our amazing learning!

Who needs whiteboards...?!

Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 4:07pm

In our latest Reading into Writing journey we are focussing on non-chronological reports. We have been identifying the features of a 'non-chron' and having a little practice ourselves! This week we are researching and beginning to write our very own non-chronological report on famous footballer and all-round good egg Marcus Rashford. In Year 4 we decided that we needed a little bit more space than we had on our whiteboards so writing on the tables it is! Don't worry.... it rubs off.... we hope!

Now Press Play...

Date: 6th Oct 2021 @ 3:54pm

Today, Year 2 explored their Science topic of Animals and their habitats further. We were aliens from another planet searching for another habitat and we had lost our co-pilot Shift. Whilst exploring the different habitats we encountered a variety of animals that would be found in that habitat. As we strolled through the rainforest a monkey helped us swing between trees and we grew feathers to keep warm in the Arctic. Miss Hooson and Miss Duckworth were impressed with the everyone's listening skills. 

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust