Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC): Blog items

And My Vote Goes to.....

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 8:09am

Election day was upon us and the Year 3 children had a bug decision to make. Who would be their class councillor? The children did such a great job creating a manifesto and sharing that with their peers and then a secret poll was held. We discussed the importance of having a democracy and how this had an impact on our lives.

We are extemely proud to announce this year's winners were:

Bracken- Lacey

Fern- Jasmine


Well done! We can't wait to watch you rule the school!

Meet Katie Kindness

Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 7:54pm

This week in Reception the children were introduced to our first Characteristic Monster 'Katie Kindness'.  We read lots of stories in  class about being kind and talked about the importance of being kind to others.  Katie Kindness taught us that you can be kind in lots of different ways including; taking turns, sharing our toys, playing nicely with one another, helping eachother if we have and problem and using kind words.  Mrs Clark and Mrs Farley havebeen keeping an eye out looking for lots of acts of kindness and even managed to catch some on camera.  


Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 6:30pm

This afternoon in Year 4 we swapped our French lesson as yesterday was the European Day of Languages! To celebrate we changed our French lesson and learned all about the different langauges in Europe, which there are 24 of! In Year 4 the langauge that we focussed on was Portugese. We learned about where Portugal is, we learned a bit about Portugese culture and a few words along the way. Here are some of our Year 4's doing an absolutely excellent job at our English to Portugese phrases/numbers match up activity. Tenha um bom dia!

European Day of Languages

Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 6:24pm

Today, alongside the rest of our school, we celebrated European Day of Languages. We began by learning a little bit about the day, who can participate and why it is good to learn more than one language.

We then focussed more on our chosen language which was Spanish! We learnt how to say hello, good morning, yes, no, thank you, please and goodbye! We all enjoyed learning how to pronounce these phrases and we tried to use them throughout the day.

Finally we watched 'Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas and Pies,' which is heads, shoulders, knees and toes! We had lots of fun joining in with the song and we then used our knowledge and word mats to label different parts of the body, which links to our learning in Science this half term.

School Council Elections 2021

Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 3:02pm

This week has been the launch of the School Council Elections!

On Monday Mrs Farley held an assembly about The School Council and the practice of democracy, a key British Value, at Boundary Primary School. The children learnt about why we vote and what democracy means before discussing which characteristics they would need to demonstrate in order to become a School Councillor.
Voting commences on Thursday 30th September followed by a Great British Lunch with the Results Assembly in the afternoon. 
Here is a reminder of what you need to do if you wish to become a School Councillor. 
Do not forget- your school needs you!

European Day of Languages 2021

Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 2:00pm

Today we celebrated the European Day of Languages. We began by taking broadly about the continent of Europe and some of the countries that make up Europe. From that we began discussing the different European languages we knew. After that, Oak and Elder classes were given a specific country to focus on: Poland and Latvia. We then used Google Translate to find out what some key words/phrases are in Polish and Latvian. We also found out some other key facts about the countries, such as populaiton, countires that they border with and traditional dishes. We enjoyed finding out about other countries.

No-Bot The Robot!

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 5:09pm

No-Bot the Robot is a  story about Bernard the robot who lost his bottom on a swing at the park. Everytime he thinks he has found it- it disappears again! Fortunatley, Bernard has lots of friends who kindly help him search for his bottom until it is found. It is a story of resillience and friendship.

The children in Reception enjoyed listening to the story with their teacher, looking at the illustrations in the Book Nook, building and creating their own robots with blocks, playdough and art resources. They also talked about the characteristic 'Katy Kindness' and what being a good friend means.

Here's some of the activities we did this week...

Human and Physical Features

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 7:02pm

This week in Geography we began to learn about physical and human features. We learnt that human and physical features are things we can see all around us. We discussed how physical features are natural and would be here even if there were no people around. We identified physical features such as seas, grass, mountains and rivers. We also talked about how human features are man made and built by people. It was then time to visit the outdoor areas around school and the Forest School area to identify as many human and physical features as possible. Have a look at what we found!

Watch Out Robots About!

Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 12:20pm

The children took the lead with some loose parts play this week! They used the resources in the construction area to create brillaint Robot costumes! Their robot voices were very impressive too! 

Religious Education so far this year...

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 3:22pm

In school, we’ve enjoyed getting back to learning and seeing our friends and new teachers. The past 2 weeks, we’ve been learning lots in RE, from where Christians find guidance to baptisms. We have loved learning about some different stories from the Bible and looking at ourselves and what we’ve achieved that makes us feel proud. Enjoy looking at our fabulous learning!

Practicing our Harvest assembly songs

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 2:13pm

Assemblies are an important part of our school life. It is where we come together as a school community, to celebrate, to think, to share and to reflect on ourselves living in a global society. It is a special time to develop a wider respect across the whole school membership, to mark special occasions and to develop those important behaviours that are needed in society when large numbers are gathered together.

So on Thursday it was our singing assmebly, we practised singing our Harvest songs; Autumn Days, Cauliflowers Fluffy and Harvest Samba...we have included the videos here so that you can practise them at home too!

Religious Education - Love thy neighbour

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 12:06pm

We have recently started our RE journey in Year 4. We have been looking at the way Christians live their lives. We discussed what the term moral means. We found out that our Boundary characteristics and promises are closely related to making the right choices. We looked at a variety of scenarios and we discussed what would be the right choice to make.

Building Relationships

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 7:57am

This half term we are building our communication and relationship skills in Lego Therapy. Each person in the group has a role, whether that be builder, supplier or director. The builder is not aloud to see the pictures of the instructions and must follow the from other peers in the group. Look at the pictures of the children's first active session to see how they got along.

Fun at PGL!!

Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 2:50pm

What a brilliant time the children (and staff) had on our annual residential to PGL. The children were absolutely amazing and a real credit to Boundary. They worked so well as a group and took part in a range of activities, showing resilience and determination. We hope the children had a great time - they have made memories that will last a lifetime!!

Eco Warriors!

Date: 13th Sep 2021 @ 12:22pm

This half-term in Cedar, we are going to be eco warriors!

We started our topic by investigating Miss T's rubbish into what is recyclable or non-recylable. We discussed each item and how some parts of the items weren't and some were so we would have to separate them.

We learned about how must plasic there is in the oceans and seas and what we can do to help. We then used some of Miss T's rubbish to junk model our own sea creatures.

Creative Creatures!

Date: 9th Sep 2021 @ 8:29pm

Year Two have had a great first week!  We had fun combining our Science topic on Living things and our Art topic on Sculpture, to create some interesting animal sculptures.  We cut, folded and shaped paper to create some fantastic, colourful creatures.  Then we got super sticky when we were challenged to create an animal sculpture from marshmallows and cocktail sticks. We all showed a great Growth Mindset, trying our best and helping each other.

Nice to Meet You!

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 9:08pm

We were so excited to welcome back some of our Nursery children and meet our new starters this week and what a smashing bunch they are! All the children have settled in so well and it seems like we are in for a great year! Over the summer we have had some improvements made to our Nursery outdoor area and the children have been busy exploring it and working together to use the wonderful water wall! What a great start to the new term! 

Teamwork makes the dream work

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 9:31am

This week we began our new PE topic Outdoor and Adventurous Activities. Mr Willets, our sports coach, set up a number of team work activities. But there was a twist... we had to do the activities blindfolded! This meant we had to use our speaking and listening skills and put our trust in our peers to guide us through the activities. We had a great time and learnt so much!

Welcome back Year 6!

Date: 6th Sep 2021 @ 7:48pm

What a great first day back we have all had! Our WOW this afternoon was all based around teamwork - we discussed as classes the importance this year of working together and the characteristics we need to demonstrate in order to achieve our goals. Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Jones planned a series of orienteering courses for us to work through as teams; the aim was to show our teachers just how well we can work together and communicate. It was tricky at times but most of us managed to finish the 8 courses through good teamwork and collaboration. 

Ballet Dancing Success!

Date: 7th Jul 2021 @ 12:14pm

Lots of children have been chosen this week by the Royal Ballet Teachers and invited to participate in a club from September which will give them Dance opportunities with the Royal Ballet School. We have been practising galloping, balancing, moving to the music and coping the different stretches that the teachers have shown us. It has been a fabulous opportunity for Year 3 and we know the next Year 3 class will really enjoy taking part in September!

It's Your Move!

Date: 6th Jul 2021 @ 7:54am

As we're approaching the starting line for our move to high school, we had the pleasure of speaking to Matt and Jen from the Trinity Parish about transitioning from primary school to high school. We had a great discussion about what worries we had and what we were most looking forward to. It was good to discuss and listen to what other people felt about their move to high school! 

We had a visitor!

Date: 3rd Jul 2021 @ 9:30am

This week we had a little visitor! It was lovely for our children to look after this little chap one afternoon this week. The children got to interact and hold him as we learnt about chicks and what they grow up to be.

RSE Week

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 7:48am

This week we have all taken part in our statutory RSE (relationship and sex education) lessons. In Year 6 we have looked at the changes that happen to our body during puberty as well as human reproduction and the science behind how babies are conceived. We have also looked at relationships and what makes a healthy/unhealthy relationship. This has also included the concept of consent and what it means - we have learned that it is ok to tell people if we don't enjoy physical contact and how to respond to people.

Dazzling Dancers!

Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 4:18pm

This week, Boundary Primary School hosted a day of dance workshops. The children in Year Two and Year Five each recieved a dance lesson from Sarah Gough (from the Royal Ballet School and Blue Moose Dance Company).

Boundary hosted dance training sessions and a staff meeting attended by teachers from other local schools and staff and pupils both learnt  a lot throughout the day.

Year Five explored the topic of coasts through dance and Year Two visited the rainforest and the animals you would find there. A fantastic time was had by all!

Special delivery!

Date: 15th Jun 2021 @ 2:52pm

Today Reception have had a very exciting delivery of 5 duck eggs.  The duck eggs were put inside an incubator to keep them warm.  We listened really carefully and we could hear the ducklings cheeping away inside their eggs.   At lunch time some of the eggs started to crack and 3 ducklings chipped away at their egg untill they were out.  When the ducklings hatched out of the egg their feathers were very wet.  We left them in the incubator so their feathers could dry out.  In the afternoon the children enjoyed observing the ducklings from our viewing station and recording what they could see.  We can't wait until the next two eggs hatch and we watch our ducklings grow and change.

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust