Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC): Blog items

Year 2 Measuring Metres

Date: 15th Mar 2023 @ 12:01pm

Today, we continued our measuring journey by practicing measuring in metres. We discussed appropriate things to measure using a metre ruler before going outside and using our ruler to mark 1m, move the ruler along and measure another metre for longer objects.

Year 2 Science Day

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 4:20pm

Today, alongside the whole school we celebrated Science Day with our theme of Space and year two were tasked with learning about the sun. We begun the day by watching videos about the sun and learnt lots of facts including: it would take 20 years to fly to the sun from Earth, the sun is the centre of the solar system, Earth orbits the sun and completes 1 full orbit every year and the sun is actually a star made up of gases. We recorded our information on strips of card and stuck them down as sun rays beaming out of our big sun in the middle. Next, we used our new knowledge of obitting to model how the Earth orbits the sun and the moon orbits the Earth and learnt it takes 28 days for the moon to orbit the Earth- our models also helped us imagine the size difference between the sun, moon and Earth. The excitement continued as we visited the space wonder dome exploring stars, the sun, the moon and all the other planets which we named. We also were fully immersed and amazed by exploring what it would look like and feel like in space. During the afternoon, we got more creative listening to two pieces of space themed music- the final countdown as well as Holst Venus and appraised them. We also thought about the similarities and differences between the two pieces of music. Lastly, we ended our exciting day by creating our own sun art using different techniques including pointilism to complete our paintings. 

Reception Music

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 12:53pm

Today in music we were listening to some songs about animals ready for our trip to the Zoo. We played the glockenspiel to the Big Bear Funk which was lots of fun and started to think about how to play the notes nicely. We sang the song Lets go to the Zoo and did the actions. 

Year 2 Exploring free and fixed axles

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 1:28pm

We investigated different types of axles - fixed axles and free axles to see if they were different.  We found that the free axles moved faster and they were able to turn .  The fixed axles were slower and they could only travel in straight lines.

Year 5 - RSC: Sandgrown Shakespeare

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 9:42am

We are very proud of the Year 5 children who performed in the Sandgrown Shakespeare show at The Grand Theatre on Tuesday night- Eviee's artwork even took pride of place on the front cover of the program!


Well done to all who took part - please see the Year 5 blog for more pictures!

Reception Keeping Healthy

Date: 6th Mar 2023 @ 8:57pm

This week in Reception the children have been learning about the importance of keeping our bodies and minds healthy.  We have been talking about the importance of a healthy diet and understanding that things like biscuits, sweets and cakes are a 'treat'.  We also talked about hygiene including brishing our teeth regualry and visiting the dentist, washing our hands and  keeping our bodies clean including have a shower and bath.  The children have exercising in the garden by riding on the balance bikes, playing ball games and having races.  The children designed healthy lunch boxes and wrote simple sentences about how to keep healthy.

Year 2 The Ten Commandments

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 3:47pm

Today, we continued our Judaism learning journey by exploring the story of Moses. We looked at his background and then learnt that God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on two scriptures. We looked at what each of the Ten Commandments meant and how to say them in everyday language. Then, we discussed with our groups which of the Ten Commandments we felt was the most important and ordered them most to least important. Finally, as a class we discussed the order that we put them in and gave reasons for our ideas appreciating the fact we all have different beliefs and value different things more highly than others.  

Reception celebrate World Book Day

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 12:29pm

Today, alongside the whole School, Reception have celebrated World Book Day. The children have all dressed up as characters from some of their favourite books and all looked incredible- thank you for all the effort you have gone to!   We had a special assembly where we were visited by an author Shane Hegarty.  When we returned to class we enjoyed listening to some of our favourite stories, making book marks, role playing in our costumes and drawing and paint our favourite book characters.  What a great day we had!

Year 2 World Book Day

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 1:19pm

Today, alongside the whole School, Year Two have celebrated World Book Day. The children have all dressed up as characters from some of their favourite books and all looked incredible- thank you for all the effort you have gone to! To start the celebrations we took inspiration from Willy Wonka and created our own exciting new chocolate/sweet and used our knowledge of adjectives to describe it before we were treated to a visit by author Shane Hegarty who told us where he gets his inspiration from and got us thinking creatively too. We have enjoyed the day celebrated and shared some of the stories we love with each other.

Art - Young Seasiders

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:37am

This year, Boundary took part in the annual Young Seasiders Art competition. We submitted nearly 30 entries, from across the school, and we are very proud to announce that Maja (Year 3) and Alice (Year 1) have been chosen as our school’s winners! All the entries will be displayed at the exhibition located at Blackpool School of Arts and can be viewed by the public from 27th February until 31st March. For more information, please see the flyer below.

Shane Hegarty author visits Boundary!

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:32am

The children and staff at Boundary were treated to a visit and story telling assembly from the children's author Shane Hegarty - Author who has also kindly signed and donated copies of his new book 'The Shop of Impossible Ice Creams'! Such a brilliant way to begin our World Book Day celebrations!

Year 6 - Art: Activism

Date: 28th Feb 2023 @ 3:58pm

Today was the first day of our new art journey. This unit focuses on activisim and looks at how to use words and images to create strong messages. Today we discussed what activism is and words associated with it. We then created a double-page spread linked to what we had been discussing.

School's Alive Award

Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 9:03am

Thanks to a generous donation by a parent, each child who took part in our School's Alive performance received a medal in recognition of their hard work, determination and overall brilliant performance!
Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to our parent donor for allowing us to give each child their own medal!
#schoolsalive #BoundaryBelieves 

Year 4 - Online Safety

Date: 23rd Feb 2023 @ 10:23am

Today we did an online safety quiz. This brought out lots of great conversations between the children and we were able to develop and use the oracy skills we have learned and continue to learn.

Reception Past and Present Teddy Bears

Date: 22nd Feb 2023 @ 9:12pm

Today in Reception the children were invited to bring their favourite teddy bear to school.  The children enjoyed talking to their friends about their teddy and why it is special to them.  Mrs Clark then introduced her teddy which was given to her by her nana.  He was 72 years old.  In small groups we compared how the teddies had changed over time 

"In the past there was only teddy bears" William

"The old teddy bears were made to look like real bears" Lana-Rose

"Newer teddies can be different characters like Minnie Mouse and Spider Man" Ishaanvir 

The children then worked independently to sort the pictures of different teddies in to past and present.

Reception celebrate Shrove Tuesday

Date: 22nd Feb 2023 @ 8:42pm

Reception have been celebratng Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes.  We talked about what Shrove Tuesday is and why it is important in the Christian calendar.  We discussed what ingredients and equpiment we needed to make pancakes and the importance of following a recipe.  The children enjoyed adding the ingredients into a bowl, mixing it up and then cooking it in the frying pan.

"You need eggs, milk and flour to make pancakes" Sofia

"You mixit with the whisk"  Alfie

"The oil stops it sticking to the pan" Olivia

"The pancakes are yummy" Kazimir

Reception Music

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 8:05pm

Earlier in the term we did some music around Chinese New Year, we selected the instruments from the percussion trolley to represent the animals and played them loudly and softly.

We have been doing lots of singing of a variety of nursery rhymes including Hey Diddle Diddle, Pop goes the Weasel, Have you ever seen a Penguin come to tea and Baa Baa Black sheep. We have been learning the names of the percussion instruments and learning the vocabulary of beat, tempo (fast and slow) and dynamics (loud and soft). 

Year 2 100th Day in School

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 4:56pm

Today, we celebrated our 100th day in School. We begun the day with an assembly by Miss Hooson who asked us 'What is the number 100?' and we had to come up with lots of different ways to make the number. She then read us the story '365 penguins' and we did lots of maths throughout adding up how many penguins we had as each day another one turned up. We continued our celebrations in Maths by making arrays using penguins linking to our multiplication unit by practising our skills of making arrays, writing repeated addition as well as writing multiplication sentences.

School Council -Fundraising for the NSPCC

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 3:48pm

The School Council have been selling cup cakes to raise money for the NSPCC, a national charity they have chosen to support.

They were baked by our school cook and were absolutely delicious! 

Reception- PE Throwing and Catching!

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 11:05am

The children in Reception have been learning how to throw and catch a ball using their hand eye coordination skills.

They worked together to throw the ball into a hoop, then they practised bouncing and catching it on their own and finally they had to throw a ball to each other .

Take a look at how we did!

Reception Luna New Year

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 8:42pm

The children in Reception have been learning about Luna New Year and how it is celebrated across the Uk and the world.  The children enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities inclduing making lantern and dragons, reading the story of the 'New Year Animal Race' and role playing in the home corner.  The children learnt why each year is named after different animals, how people prepared for the celebrations aswell as enjoying some different themed maths activities.

"People clean their houses ready for Luna New Year" Lelan

"They wear red clothes because they think it is a lucky colour" Kit

"People have a special meal with their family" Kazimir

"They have a big celebration with music and fireworks" Lennox

"Each year is named after a different animal.  This year it is the  year of the rabbit" Lana-Rose


Year 6 - healthy relationships and consent

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 6:51pm

During our RSE week, we explored different relationships and the qualities we want others to have in order to be in a relationship with them. We also disucssed what makes an unhealthy relationship and what to look for when we get older. We finished the session by looking at what consent means and why we must always ask for consent before we touch someone else.

Year 2 Moving Vehicles

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 5:31pm

Today, we explored some existing toy cars and looked at how the cars moved. We discussed that the cars moved because they all had wheels and thought about why different sized vehicles have different sized/different amount of wheels. We then explored how the wheels are connected and learnt they are joined by an axle that ensures the wheels move together.

Year 4 - Fit 2 Go finale

Date: 19th Feb 2023 @ 7:50pm

On the last day of Spring 1, we welcomed parents and carers into school so that the children could showcase everything they have learned during our Fit 2 Go course. From living a healthy lifestyle, to teeth health, as well as physical and mental health, the children showcased their work brilliantly. Four children from the year group won certificates for their fantastic efforts during Fit2Go. Well done everyone!

Year 6 - All About Pride

Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 10:13am

This week we have been learning about the prigins of 'Pride' month as part of our LGBTQ+ work. During 'No Pen Day', we had lots of discussions about what Pride month is and why it was first introduced. As part of Reading into Wriitng, we used what we have learned to write a non-chronological report. Here are our drafts - we are looking forward to completing our final piece of writing.

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust