Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC): Blog items

Acorns - Blackpool Zoo

Date: 25th Mar 2025 @ 6:23pm

Acorns had a fabulous time visiting Blackpool Zoo today. The sun was shining and the children were amazing. We loved looking at all the different animals including elephants, lions and tigers, giraffes, lots of different monkeys and apes and our favourites, the sea lions! We enjoyed repeating their animal names and even tried signing them. We also listened to the different sounds and loved feeling the raised animal sketches around each area. We had a great day! 

Year 2- Forest School

Date: 25th Mar 2025 @ 3:32pm

Today we enjoyed our final Forest school session of the year. We explored the areas, built some dens, looked at the frog spawn and continued emptying the pond. Finally, we used the firefighters to create some sparks so we could toast marshmallows and make smores. 

Year 1 Red Nose Day

Date: 21st Mar 2025 @ 11:22am

Today we came to school dressed in something red to celebrate Red Nose Day! We enjoyed raising money to help others and completing Red Nose Day activities in Always Time.

Reception Animals and their habitats

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 9:43pm

As part of our learning about animals, today we had a visit from the fabulous Teach Rex.  We had a special assembly where we were lucky enough to meet Thomas the Gorilla.  We listened carefully to a story about Thomas and his family and participated in some different games to find out more about where he lives and the different foods he eats.  When we when back to the classroom we further explored different animal habitats.  We sorted different animals to the correct habitat and discuss why lived in this environment.  We also had the opportunity to meet Rodger the Sloth and Derek the Cherokee.  We has a fabulous time learning about the diffeerent animals.

"Sloths live in the rainforest" Dennis

"The gorilla had black fur" Aurora

"Thomas lives int he rainforest" Kamiyah

"Lions and elephants live in the savanna.  It's hot there" Kevin

"Camels live in the desert.  They have water in their humps" Freyja

Year 1 Science and Geography Day

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 10:16am

Today we were very excited to meet Thomas the gorilla! We thoroughly enjoyed our assembly where we listened carefully to Thomas' story and played some games to interact with him. In the afternoon, we then had a visit from the baby animals! We learnt lots of new information and completed some gorilla tasks around our visits to further develop our understanding of their features, habitats and location.

Reception Willow Class visit Blackpool Zoo

Date: 19th Mar 2025 @ 4:07pm

Willow Class had a brilliant time on Tuesday when we went to visit Blackpool Zoo.  We were very excited to get our wager proofs and wellies on and venture out to the zoo on our school minibus.  The sun was shining and the children behaved impeccably all day.  They enjoyed exploring the zoo and finding out about all the different animals.  We saw the elephants, tigers, lions, giraffes, gorilla, camels and lots of different types of monkeys.  We were even lucky enough to have a classroom session where the children learnt about different animals and their habitats.  The children also had an opportunity to look at a range of different animal artefacts including different fur and feather, animal skulls, egg, bones and teeth.  The children tried to guess which animal the artefacts belonged to and what it's habitat was! 

Acorns - Spring walk

Date: 18th Mar 2025 @ 4:27pm

This week Acorns have started exploring the signs of spring. Today we went on a spring walk around our forest school area to look for the signs of spring.

We were excited to find a variety of items from our checklist, including buds, blossom, insects and some frog spawn. We enjoyed watching the insects crawling around the logs and tried touching the new buds, blossom and leaves to see how soft they felt. We even listened to some birds singing.

We also enjoyed exploring our new trim trail. What a great afternoon! 

Year 1 Together Time

Date: 17th Mar 2025 @ 10:11am

Today some of our grown-ups joined us for together time, where we continued to explore the key question ‘what is the best habitat for an animal?’ We recapped on the key habitats we have learnt about this half term and the four things each habitat provides for an animal; food, water, shelter and space. We looked at a number of different habitats and discussed which animals belonged there and which animals had been placed in the wrong habitat and why. We then worked independently to create our own habitat diorama for a chosen animal, orally explaining why our animal lives in this habitat and what it provides for them.

We also showed our adults how we complete our mini mes and spent some time in our outdoor area!

Reception- Litter Picking!

Date: 14th Mar 2025 @ 7:48pm

The whole school has been involved in cleaning up the litter around school this week. Reception have a weekly litter pick in their outdoor area to ensure it stays clean and tidy but decided they wanted to help clean the front of school too. They set out Thursday afternoon with their litter pickers and had a great time removing all the litter that had been dropped or blown into our school.


Reception- Waste Week

Date: 14th Mar 2025 @ 7:38pm

Reception have been embracing Waste Week and learning to recognise different types of materials that can be recycled.

They had to look at the waste being recycled and decide if it was plastic or paper or cardboard. They then talked about how these items can be recycled and made into new items, such as paper being recycled into paper towels.

Year 1 Trim Trail

Date: 13th Mar 2025 @ 7:39am

We were all very excited for our new trim trail to open! This week we have been practising how to use each section of the trim trail, ensuring we keep ourselves and others safe. We showed lots of determination to try and get as far round the sections as we could!

Year 1 The Disgusting Sandwich!

Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 4:23pm

This week we have started to read the story 'The Disgusting Sandwich.' In today's lesson we learnt how to follow instructions to achieve an outcome - making our own disgusting sandwiches! Firstly, we gave instructions to Miss Kay, telling her how to make a disgusting sandwich using different ingredients. We learnt that we need to be clear and specific when giving instructions to enable a final goal to be reached successfully. We then worked with a partner, developing our verbal instructions further, to give them a set of instructions to make a sandwich. We worked hard to give clear and precise instructions!

Year 5 - R.E - Pilgrimage

Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 2:32pm

We went on a Pilgrimage! Today we discussed journeys and why some religions, especially Christianity, consider the act of pilgrimage as a key part of learning more about their faith.

We began by looking at journey’s we have been on and how we prepare for them and we packed a suitcase in preparation! Next, some of us undertook a real pilgrimage to learn more about holy sites in the Christian religion while others looked closely at why these sites are important.

Finally, some groups used Choose It to consolidate their new learning, identifying the correct sites of pilgrimage while others shared what we had learnt in a class collaborative discussion.

Year 2- Zoo Trip

Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 8:09am

Today, Year Two enjoyed a fantastic visit to the zoo. We looked at the different animals enclosures for what things they have to meet their needs of survival as well as exploring their habitats for adaptations to help them. We were lucky enough to see some baby animals including the Orangutans and looked at how they differed from their adult. We also loved watching the sea lion show and watching all of their amazing tricks. We had a fabulous time! 

Year 2- Islam

Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 8:05am

Today, we had the pleasure of Noor Fatima bringing in her prayer mat and prayer beads to show the class. It was such a lovely addition to our lessons! We have been learning all about Islam, and Noor was eager to share her faith with her classmates. She explained the significance of each item, and it really opened up an important discussion about different cultural practices.

Not only that, but she also crafted a model of the Kaaba, the cubed structure in Mecca that holds great significance for Muslims. It was impressive to see her creativity and effort! The children were thoroughly engaged and curious, asking questions and sharing their thoughts.

What a wonderful experience for her to share her beliefs and values with everyone! It truly enriched our understanding and appreciation of different cultures and religions. Thank you, Noor Fatima, for such a meaningful contribution!

Eco at Boundary- World Book Day Book Swap!

Date: 10th Mar 2025 @ 12:17pm

On World Book Day the whole school took part in a giant 'Book Swap' in order to recycle books. 

Lots of children had books in good condition that they had read so they swapped them for another book they had not read before. 

" I bought in Winnie the Witch- I have read it loads of times... I have chosen Minecraft! I can't wait to read it at home- it's my favourite!" Harry in Reception.

Eco at Boundary- Waste Week

Date: 10th Mar 2025 @ 12:09pm

This week sees the launch of Waste Week but what is waste? Waste is something that someone doesn’t’ need or want anymore.


Here at Boundary we are trying reduce the amount of food left on our plate at lunchtime.   Every year, we waste approximately the equivalent in weight to that of an elephant!  


Also, the Eco warriors will be ensuring that everyone in school recycles all the paper, card and cardboard by placing it in the brown recycling bags and not the bins where it will be sent to landfill!


Don’t forget we also recycle school uniform and batteries.


Reception World Book Day

Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 11:55am

Reception had a fabulous time celebrating World Book Day.  The children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book character including Zog, Matilda, Spiderman, Alice in Wonderland, Mary Poppins and The Tiger who came to tea.  Throughout the day we enjoyed sharing lots of different stories and even enjoyed spending some times in our school libray 'The Attic'.  The children also enjoyed making their own book marks and drawing and writing about their favourite stories.

Year 5 - World Book Day

Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 4:32pm

We had an exciting and interesting World Book Day - we were visited by Princesses, witches and wizards, authors and many, many more. We talked about our favourite books, authors and books that had been made into films. We then took part in a fun quiz about our last class novel 'Kensuke's Kingdom' and then a special World Book Day quiz.

World Book Day - Beech Class

Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 11:01am

We were very excited to come to school today dressed as our favourite book characters. We started the day by taking part in our whole school assembly, before coming back to class to complete lots of World Book Day related activities! We drew pictures of us in our costumes, wrote sentences to explain who we were, read different stories and made World Book Day bookmarks. 

Year 1 Mental Health Week

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 6:07pm

After our assembly about Mental Health Week, we learnt more about this years theme 'know yourself, grow yourself' through our PSHE lesson. We recapped on what mental health is, the importance of our own mental health and what we can do to look after ourselves. We also took part in lots of discussion to talk about our differences, things we are interested in, talents we have and our dreams for the future. 

Year 2 - Islam

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 6:00pm

Today, Eshal was so excited to share her religion with the class! Since we’ve been learning about Islam in R.E., she brought in some special items she uses during her prayer ceremonies. Eshal unveiled her beautiful prayer mat, showed us her prayer beads, explaining their significance and shared the Kida that she reads daily. She even demonstrated how she performs her prayers, inviting us to ask questions throughout. It was lovely to see her enthusiasm as she described the importance of her faith and the way she connects with it daily. The whole class really enjoyed her sharing her religion and can’t wait to learn more about it over the next few weeks!

Year 5 - Frame Structures BLT

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 9:12am

In DT we have been looking at frame structures and as a class we have designed, built and evaluated bug habitats and bird feeders. Addison took this idea and made her own bird feeder at home and has donated it to Year 5 so that we can keep an eye out for any winged visitors! Well Done and Thank You Addison!

Reception- Internet Safety

Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 12:18pm

Today we have been learning about how to keep ourselves safe online.

It started with a whole school assembly and then we read a story in class too. After we had discussed who our trusted adult was, we then drew pictures and wrote labels and sentences about who our trusted adults were.

"I would tell my Mum and Dad" Dina.

"Never speak to anyone you don't know if you're playing a game on your mum's phone" Harry. 

"They are still strangers even if you are playing a game on the internet" Hazel.

Acorns - Bikeability

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 2:39pm

Acorns have had a fantastic time exploring the art of riding balance bikes.  We listened to an adult talk about wearing a helmet and all tried one on before heading outside. We all had a try holding a balance bike and as our confidence developed, tried riding one. Some of us found it a little challenging but loved exploring the large outdoor space, running and balancing on stepping stones. We all explored essential skills like balance, coordination and confidence while having lots of fun. 

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust