Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC): Blog items

Reception- Internet Safety

Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 12:18pm

Today we have been learning about how to keep ourselves safe online.

It started with a whole school assembly and then we read a story in class too. After we had discussed who our trusted adult was, we then drew pictures and wrote labels and sentences about who our trusted adults were.

"I would tell my Mum and Dad" Dina.

"Never speak to anyone you don't know if you're playing a game on your mum's phone" Harry. 

"They are still strangers even if you are playing a game on the internet" Hazel.

Acorns - Bikeability

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 2:39pm

Acorns have had a fantastic time exploring the art of riding balance bikes.  We listened to an adult talk about wearing a helmet and all tried one on before heading outside. We all had a try holding a balance bike and as our confidence developed, tried riding one. Some of us found it a little challenging but loved exploring the large outdoor space, running and balancing on stepping stones. We all explored essential skills like balance, coordination and confidence while having lots of fun. 

Reception Bikeability

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 10:51am

The children in Reception have had a fantastic time mastering the art of riding balance bikes.  They have  learnt the importance of wearing a helmet to keep safe, listening to instructions aswell as devloping essential skills like balance, co-ordination and confidence.

Year 1 and Year 2 Colouring Club

Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 3:39pm

This half term, some children from Year 1 and Year 2 have enjoyed coming to colouring club. We have completed lots of different colouring tasks, including mindfulness colouring and colouring to music. 

Acorns - Chinese New Year

Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 12:15pm

This week Acorns have been exploring the celebration of Chinese/Luna New Year. We have had lots of fun exploring a variety of multi-sensory activities to develop our awareness and understanding.

Incorporating the theme through maths, mark making Chinese symbols, making lanterns in art and learning about the Great Race in our sensory story. We had fun racing the animals to see who would win. 

We loved watching dragon splat during 'Bucket' time, developing our focus and attention skills. We also had a dancing dragon moving to the drums. We recreated this during PE becoming the dancing drag in and making our own beats to move too. 


School Council- OPAL Primary Play ideas.

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 2:28pm

The School Council had an important meeting with Mrs Webster regarding new sustainable play ideas for KS1 and KS2 to improve the quality of play at playtime.

They looked at lots of ideas for messy play, physical play, construction play, ball play etc and gave their ideas of what the children would like to use  on the playground during playtimes. 

This will help support and develop children's physical,social and emotional wellbeing as well as their mental health. They were all very excited about the prospect of a range of new and recycled equipment to use during their playtime.


"I'd love to role play, dress up and dance- it would be fun!" Izzy.

"I'd like to build with Lego" Elliott.

"Maybe we could have bikes some days or scooters..." Lewis.

"I like playing with small world figures" Jack.

Reception- Chinese New Year

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 1:33pm

Reception has been celebrating the Chinese New Year. We read the book The Chinese New Year Race and learned how every animal earned their place in the Chinese zodiac, made Chinese dragons, Chinese lanterns and took part in our very own Chinese dragon dance.

"The rat won the race- he climbed on the ox's back" Kayden.

"This year it is the year of the snake" Kevin.

"I like rice and sweet and sour sauce... that's Chinese food" Matilda

Year 6 - Learn to Earn

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 12:26pm

As part of Boundary's work on careers, Year 6 enjoyed a morning working with Young Enterprise on their 'Learn to Earn' scheme. The children calculated the cost of their dream lifestyle and how much you would need to earn to live that lifestyle. We learned about the cost of living and the average starting salaries of different jobs in Lancashire. Then we discussed the importance of qualifications and the personal qualities and skills needed to do various jobs, which linked nicely with our Skills for Life.

Year 5 - Masterful Music

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 10:41am

In Music our focus question is ‘How Does Music Improve Our World?’. In our third lesson we sung the Freedom is Coming song again, changing the key and the dynamics. We then used Chromebooks to composed using YUMU through charanga, composing using our own ABA structure using the notes provided recap Ternary form.

Reception Making Dragons

Date: 28th Jan 2025 @ 12:03pm

As part of our learning around 'Chinese New Year' the children have been making their own dragon puppets.  They have been using lots of different skills that they have learnt since September to help them fix, join and assemble their puppet.  The children worked independently and produced some fantastic work.  

Year 1 The Girl With Two Dads

Date: 28th Jan 2025 @ 11:12am

This week, Year 1 have been reading the story 'The Girl With Two Dads.' We have been talking about the main characters in the story, their families and how they are different. We have talked to each other about our own families and completed different activites in our classrooms to celebrate our similarities and differences. 

Year 5 - PSHE - Managing Impulsivity

Date: 27th Jan 2025 @ 11:46am

In this lesson we talked about IMPULSIVITY. Impulsivity means acting quickly without thinking about the consequences. It can make us say or do things we later regret. Understanding impulsivity helps us make smarter choices and respond to situations more thoughtfully

As a Year Group, we discussed how to manage our impulses and make better decisions in our lives. We thought about how to manage impulsivity, we first need to recognise impulsive behaviours in ourselves. This can include interrupting others, making snap decisions, or acting before thinking in. By understanding our own habits, we can start to control our reactions and think before we act, leading to better outcomes.

Finally, we looked at some strategies for managing our impulses, starting by simply acknowledge and them. There are several techniques that can help manage impulsivity. One useful method is to pause and take a deep breath before responding. Another is to count to ten. These strategies give us a moment to think, allowing us to make more thoughtful decisions rather than reacting impulsively. You can see that we practiced these and put them to the test. Scan the QR code for some role plays too!

Reception- Travelling by Tuba

Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 12:07pm

Reception had a great time this week when Travelling by Tuba visited our school.

They listened to the different sounds instruments make, some made a high pitch sound and others a low pitch sound. They clapped their hands and knees to the beat, looked at historical instruments and other instruments from around the world. 


Year 1 Travelling By Tuba

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 5:44pm

Today we were lucky enough to work with Travelling by Tuba. In our whole school assembly, we were taken on a trip around the world, where we listened to different pieces of music played on lots of different instruments. In the afternoon, we were then lucky enough to take part in a workshop where we all learnt to play an instrument. We learnt the rhythm and how to play each instrument, before coming together to perform our final piece!

Year 5 - Charanga YUMU - Composing

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 10:09am

This week we recapped Musical Vocabulary and the names and values of notes on the stave and time signature. We sung the Freedom is Coming song again, changing the key and the dynamics.Using Chromebooks we composed using  YUMU through charanga, composing using our own ABA structure using the notes provided recap Ternary form.

Year 6 - Learning about Pride

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 9:25am

This week in Reading into Writing we have been learning about the History of Pride and the Stonewall Riots. Using what we learned, we created non-chronological reports. Here are some examples of our work to look through.

Dan Worsley's Storytelling Assembly

Date: 21st Jan 2025 @ 8:03pm

Today the children in EYFS and Key Stage one participated in a special storytelling assembly led by one of our school's favourite author's Dan Worsley.  During the assembly, Dan put on the superpowered storytelling waistcoat and used a variety of props to perform one of his weird and wacky ‘Impossible Tales’.  The children were engrossed while Dan took them on an adventure meeting the 'Boss Pirate' and enjoyed thoroughly enjoyed participating at different of the story .  All the children listened carefully and were an absolute credit to Boundary.

Year 3- Discussing stereotypes!

Date: 21st Jan 2025 @ 1:45pm

In this lesson we looked at the book ‘Julian is a Mermaid’. In this book it looks at a young boy who wants to become a mermaid. The children discussed people’s stereotypes and used our Oracy skills to discuss and share ideas on different topics. We discussed how people may think ballet it only for boys and football is only for girls, but how this is not true and we must challenge these stereotypes. From this book we will create a play script.

Reception- PE with Blackpool Football Club

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 10:57am

This half term, the children in Reception have been enjoying a PE session with Gaz from Blackpool Football Club.

Each week they learn a different fundamental skill linked to their physical and communication and language development.

They have to listen to and follow the instructions given, take turns, negotiate space and obststacles within that space and then coordinate their bodies so they can move in different ways and throw, catch and dribble a ball. 

Year 5 - P.E - Yoga

Date: 15th Jan 2025 @ 4:19pm

This half-term we are developing our resilience through Yoga to support and healthy lifestyle. Today, we worked through 3 poses; Eagle Pose, Dancer Pose and Warrior Pose. We talked about how to do these poses even if we struggled to balance and how to flow between them. As always, each session finishes with our gratitudes, showing out thanks for ourselves, our friends and for the world around us.

Reception- Road Safety

Date: 14th Jan 2025 @ 7:12pm

This week in school, it has been road safety week and Reception have been learning how to keep safe and be responsible when crossing the road.

They had a special visitor from Zoe our crossing patrol warden or, as we like to say, our lollypop lady! 

We all learnt that we have to :

1- Find a safe place to cross.

2- Stay on the curb.

3- Look both ways.

4- Listen for the traffic.

5-Then walk sensibly across the road.


"Look both ways when you cross the road" Dennis

"Be sensible when crossing the road- walk don't run" RJ

"Always hold hands with an adult" Riley- Ella

Reception Meet Bailey the dog

Date: 13th Jan 2025 @ 4:53pm

This week some of the children have been lucky enough to meet 'Bailey' our school therapy dog.  The children have enjoyed interacting with Bailey, playing games with her and even getting her to do some tricks.  We look forward to spend more time with Bailey over the next few weeks.

"She sits when I give her a treat" Harry

"I gave Bailey a high five" Oakley

"She had to wait for her treat when we counted to ten" Kayden

Reception Winter is here

Date: 13th Jan 2025 @ 4:49pm

Over the next few week the children are going to be learning about the season of Winter.  We will be looking for for signs of winter in our outside area and making observations about what how the weather and temperature has changed.  This week the children were lucky enough to enjoy the snow and take part in lots of wintery games outside including sledging down our hell and making snowmen.

"I|t might snow in Winter" Dennis

"The trees are bare and have no leaves" Lily-Mae

"It is every cold so you wear a hat and scarf" Aurora

School Council-Books and Charities

Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 5:32pm

The school council met today to discuss what type of books they would like Miss Moyes to order and what charities we will support as a school.

We then went on to discuss linking up with the Eco Warriors to do a fund raiser for the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) charity.

Year 5 - R.E - Hinduism

Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 9:40am

In this lesson we were introduced to the main beliefs of Hinduism and, as ever, we used our 5 finger recall facts!

We heard from  Vandana, a 22 year-old Hindu who explained about how she works, lives and plays all while following Dharma – the duty or moral responsibility in Hinduism. We discussed how an equivalent to Dharma for us would be The Always Way and following the Boundary Always Promises.

Finally, we discussed Brahman, the formless and eternal entity in Hinduism and how this can be depicted in animal or human form. Finally, we designed our own deity to depict Brahman and how they/it might influence the world around us.

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust