Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC): Blog items

Acorns - A visit from the Naughty Bus

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 2:27pm

Acorns have been celebrating Geography day with a visit from the Naughty Bus.

We enjoyed reading the story about the naughty bus and its journey.

Acorns then went on their own journey to explore our school community. Soon the naughty bus was popping up everywhere!! We found he had been to reception class, he had visited Mrs Bunday's office, Year 1, Elmer, the reading tree and Miss Moyes office. We had great fun exploring the school and finally found the bus un the sensory room where we enjoyed spending some time.

We can't wait for the naughty bus to come and visit again to see what our next journey could be!!!

Year 1 Together Time

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 11:37am

Together Time

Today we enjoyed exploring materials and tools to connect them together in a playful way. We began by recapping on different ways we can manipulate and change the shape of paper, before becoming explorers and inventors to create a range of sculptures using prompt cards. Our prompt cards asked us to make ‘something which has a seed and grows a root and a shoot,’ ‘a family of something’ and ‘something small enough to fit in your palm.’ We enjoyed sharing our learning with our adults, being creative, using our imagination and creating something unique and individual to us!

Year 1 Heritage Day

Date: 1st Jul 2024 @ 5:19pm

Today we explored the key question, ‘how has the Blackpool Tower Circus changed?' We began by learning about the circus in the past, the year it opened, what acts performed there and how it looked. We looked at both photo evidence and posters, discussing what clues we could see that gave us information about the past. We learnt about how the circus has changed over time and sorted a range of pictures into past and present. We then created a timeline of the promotional posters used. Finally we created our own posters for the present circus!

Year 2- Heritage Day

Date: 1st Jul 2024 @ 4:09pm

Today, Year Two had a heritage day where we explored a location in our town. We studied Blackpool Pleasure Beach, starting by looking at where it is and looking at some of the different things that are there before we put them in chronological order thinking about which parts are the oldest and which are from the present day. We put these in order on a timeline. Then, we compared photos of the Pleasure Beach from the past and present, including the flying machine which has been there from the opening day in 1894. Finally, we looked at the managing director Amanda Thompson and the influence she has had over the Pleasure Beach in recent years since she took the role in 2004. We have loved looking and learning about the Pleasure Beach in more detail. 

Acorns - Supertato and Health week

Date: 30th Jun 2024 @ 5:40pm

Acorns have been celebrating Health & Well-Being week this week through a variety of activities. Firstly, our very successful interactive sports session which we all loved. Our sensory story was Supertato. We loved listening to the story and exploring the Superveggies!! We had a selection of vegetables to touch, smell and taste before matching them to the correct cards. We also made fruit kebabs and loved tasting a variety of fruit and strengthening our fine motor skills, threading the fruit onto skewers. We counted potatoes and vegetables during maths and even made our own Supertato art work. We finished the week off wearing bright and sporty outfits and developing some turn taking skills during our activities. 

Year 1 Elmer Day

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 8:05pm

Today we all enjoyed dressing in bright and sporty clothes to celebrate 'Elmer Day' and raise money for charity!

Year 4 - Welcoming Elmer home!

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 8:54am

Welcome back to Boundary Elmer!

Year 1 Rugby Workshop

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 7:14pm

Today we enjoyed a rugby workshop with Josh from Wigan Warriors! Through a range of different activities, we learnt to hold the ball, pass it correctly, run with it and how to score a try! We all had a great afternoon and loved learning new skills! 

Reception- Sports Day

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 4:15pm

This week Reception held their Sports Day. It was a lovely , warm , sunny morning and everyone was in high spirits! The children were cheering each other on, taking turns, playing fairly, showing respect and following the rules- true sportsmanship! They also tried their very best and showed resilience too.

They took part in running races, welly throwing, beanbag races, speed jumps and cup stacking. 

"I threw my welly really far" Luca.

"The speed bumps were really tricky- jumping really fast" Elektra.

"I tried my very best at running- I nearly won!" Niko.

Year 2- Music and Art Day

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 3:39pm

Last week, we celebrated Music and Art day all about celebrating our identity. In Art, we explored portraits and representing ourselves in portrait form. We practiced different mark making techniques that would help us when drawing before identifying shapes on our faces. Then we used all our knowledge to draw and colour a portrait. In music, we created a lemotif in small groups that represents us. 

Year 2- Wigan Warriors Workshop

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 2:54pm

Today, we had a visit from Josh from Wigan Warriors Rugby Club. He did a workshop with us teaching us how to hold the ball and we played various games that involved us travelling with the ball safely in two hands and begun to practice our catching skills, throwing it a short distance to a partner. We ended the session by learning how to score a try in Rugby and practiced by trying to collect as many cones as we could in a relay race, tapping the ball on the cone to collect it and score the points. The children loved learning some basic rugby skills and enjoyed the session. 

Year 2 Sports Day

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 2:40pm

Yesterday, Year Two participated in our annual Sports Day. Children took part in a variety of activities from throwing practice to running races and games like dishes and domes. The children had a fantastic afternoon and were great sports people, supporting each other no matter what team they were in. Well done everyone! 

Acorns - Interactive Sports Session

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 2:07pm

Acorns had a fantastic interactive sports session.

We enjoyed welcoming our parents into our interactive session in the hall and had so much fun climbing, jumping, throwing and running.

Thank you to all the parents supporting us and we can't wait to do it again. 

Acorns - Oh Dear

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 1:55pm

Acorns have enjoyed meeting the ducklings and learning about their growth and life cycle.

We have incorporated lots of eggciting activities into our learning this week.

We loved our sensory duck themed tuff trays, maths activities and writing activities.

We have been reading Oh Dear and looking for the eggs and enjoyed matching the animals during our sensory story and using the correct noises of the animals.

Acorns have also been busy making ducks during art.

Our highlight was watching the ducks take a paddle in the reception play area before we said good bye. 

Acorns - The Perfect Ribbit

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 1:47pm

Acorns have been exploring the frog life cycle.

To support our learning, we have been reading The Perfect Ribbit and signing the frog life cycle song.

We have enjoyed listening to the story, practicing frogs sounds, singing and using the sensory animals to support our understanding.

We even had a visit from the tadpoles in our pond.

We looked at how they have changed from the last time we saw them and noticed they had grown some back legs.

We are looking forward to their next visit when they become froglets and then frogs. 

Year 1 Sports Day

Date: 24th Jun 2024 @ 7:44pm

Today we enjoyed Sports Day! It was a very warm day but we all showed lots of determination, resilience and team work on each station. We took part in races, archery, speed bounce, bean bag throwing and cup stacking! We all thoroughly enjoyed sharing the afternoon with our grown ups and showing them our sports skills!

Reception Ducklings

Date: 23rd Jun 2024 @ 8:58pm

Over the past two weeks the children have enjoyed looking after our five classroon ducklings; Sunny, Cher, Ozzy, Freddie and Bertie.  The children have been finding out the importance of  ensuring they have enough food and water, warmth and a clean cage.  the children have taken responsibility for cleaning out their cage, topping up their ood and water and making sure then can enjoy swimming in the water trays out side,  The children have produced some lovely writing about the ducks and have enjoyed taking part in lots of duckling themed activities including; making a duck the creative table, labelling the lifecycle, painting a duck and building a duckling nest.  aLl the children had the opportunity to handle the duckling (some children even overcame their fear).  What a fabulous few weeks!

Year 4- Music Day

Date: 23rd Jun 2024 @ 5:27pm

This year's theme for Music Day was connection! We had a fantastic day learning about syncopated rhythms. We clapped our own rhythms to a nursery rhyme and then created syncopated rhythms with body percussion and a range of different instruments. 

Reception- Music Day

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 4:02pm

This week Reception celebrated Music Day.

They sang songs independently, learnt how to sing using call and response and also sang at a higher pitch. They then danced in time to the music using their bodies to move rhythmically.

Take a look at our photos! 

Year 1 Takeover Day

Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 6:03pm

Today, we all enjoyed takeover day with our Year 5 teachers! We were very excited to meet our new teachers and TAs and all tried our very best with everything they asked us to do.

After assembly, we began the morning by reading the story 'More or less' to recap our understanding of how to find one more and one less than a given number. We then used our knowledge to find one more and one less for given numbers within 100, showing our Year 5 teachers how we record our learning independently on Seesaw.

We then learnt how to draw a portrait of ourselves. Mr Ridley showed us a great example of his own portrait and gave us step by step instructions to follow.

We all had a super morning! 

Year 2 - Takeover Morning

Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 1:53pm

Today was our annual Year 5 Takeover Morning and Year 2 were lucky to spend the morning being taught by Mr Fleming, Mr Bell, Mr Hudson, Mr Zaleski and Mr Rhodes.  We started off with Maths where we recapped our 2x, 5x and 10x multiplication facts.  We played Hit The Button and then we completed independent tasks where we had to apply our 2x, 5x and 10x table knowledge.

After break we looked at word classes in Reading into Writing.  We revisited nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.  We identified them in sentences and discussed what their uses were.  We then worked in groups to complete a sorting game.

We thoroughly enjoyed our morning with our Takeover teachers, we all worked hard and tried our very best for them and we hope that we have given them an idea of what it is like to work in a school.

Reception- Takeover Day

Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 12:05pm

Today the children in Year 5 took over the school, taking on the roles of all the staff!

Mrs Clarke and Mrs Farley were replaced by Mr Conlon and Miss McKenzie and the teaching assistants were replaced by Mr Clarke, Miss Pownall, Miss Homer and Mr Collier.

Holly Class and Willow Class enjoyed listening to the story  Supertato followed by exciting activites, such as painting, writing and role playing. 

Miss Mckenzie "I enjoyed today, especially reading with the children in the Book Nook and Reading Den." 

Mr Clarke " It was a really good morning. I enjoyed helping the children with their learning." 

Miss Pownall " I loved helping the children outside."

Mr Collier " I liked teaching them the duck life cycle."

Miss Homer " I liked helping them to paint a rainbow."

Mr Conlon " I read lots of stories to them, that was my favoutrite part of the morning."


Year 5 Takeover Day 2024

Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 11:14am

Today In Boundary Primary School Year 5 had Takeover Day when they takeover the teachers, teaching assistant, site staff, administration staff and social media roles!
About a week before Takeover Day, each child from both classes got to choose one job to work for the day - they then had to apply and interview for their chosen role.

Throughout the day Year 5 have been doing a wonderful job learning what it takes to have a real job. The reporters have been interviewing pupils and mini teaching staff; Mrs. Farley says that she wouldn't change anything about this Take Over Day.
Children told us that they have had a great time, the Deputy Head Teacher's were invloved with lesson observations, the Admin Team were taking phonecalls and ensuring classes had the correct letters to take home (and that the lunches for next week were ordered!). Mr. Humble our Sports Coach enjoyed having his Year 5 helpers, telling us "the Year 5 mini teachers were very organised and I would let them do it more often".

Overall the day has been a great success - with feedback from the adults who have the real jobs saying that this has probably been the best Take Over Day yet!

*Written by Thoma, Lacey, Jophina and Casey - Year 5 Social Media Team (for the day!)

Year 2- Martin Mere Trip

Date: 19th Jun 2024 @ 5:01pm

Today we visited Martin Mere Wetland Centre as part of our Science consolidation. We got to explore the wetlands and see the different animals that habit there and looked at some of their features. We also completed some activities to help us connect with nature and become friends with it and value the things we have in natural environments. 

Year 1 Ducklings

Date: 17th Jun 2024 @ 5:09pm

Reception very kindly let Year 1 borrow their ducklings for an afternoon this week. We were all very excited to see the new ducklings and learn a bit more about them! We were all very gentle with the animals and enjoyed them visiting our classroom. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust