PSHE & RSE: Blog items
Date: 27th Mar 2025 @ 2:57pm
This week Mrs Welch was treated to a delicious Shepherd's Pie made in the mud kitchen. One child led the play and started off cutting the carrots to go in the pie. He then added mud and sand and another child said "I will go and get you some water". They came back with a jug of water which they added to the pie. This was then mixed together. The children showed the pie to Mrs Welch but she was firmly told "Don't eat it yet! It's hot!". When it had cooled down, the pie was given to Mrs Welch to enjoy. She ate every last bit and said it was the best Shepherd's Pie she had ever tasted.
Year 3 – Primary Futures – Sky Explorers Exciting Jobs in Aviation!
Date: 26th Mar 2025 @ 10:12am
What an exciting day we had at school! We learnt all about amazing jobs in aviation. First, we met an aeronautical engineer who shared fascinating details about how planes are built. I never knew that they had to think about aerodynamics! Then, we met a police aircraft pilot who wowed us with pictures of the views from the aircraft (most impressingly, Buckingham Palace) and how each day is extremely different. He even mentioned that he'll be watching The Grand National next week as he'll be in an aircraft above. Everyone was on the edge of their seats! Finally, we listened to a lovely woman who is a research fellow. She told us how she investigates new technology to make flying safer. What a brilliant morning it was, and it made us think about what we want to be when we grow up!
Reception Learn about becoming a vet
Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 9:33pm
This half term the children in Reception have been learning about a range of different animals. As part of our learning we have been finding out the role of a vet; what their job entails, why their job important and where they might work. We have watched somw short clips of vets in practice and found out their work will all different animals including pets, farm animals and even zoo animals.We have been using a classroom role play area to use our imagination create our own scernios that a vet may face at work. We learnt lots of new words and used them whilst role playing.
"I think this dog needs an x-ray. I think he leg is broken" Kevin
"I'm putting a bandage on the cat" Dina
"He has a sore ear, I'mchecking it" Myla-Gray.
"What time is your appointment" Malaki
Date: 18th Mar 2025 @ 8:02am
This week at Boundary, parents and carers were invited in to class to join the pupils in their lessons. In year 5 we used our multiplication knowledge to complete a tarsia. A Tarsia puzzle is a type of jigsaw puzzle where each piece has a question or answer on its edge, and the goal is to match the correct answers to the questions by arranging the pieces to form a larger shape. After completing the puzzle, pupils made their own tarsia for their friends to complete.
Date: 12th Mar 2025 @ 8:35am
In PSHE, we looked at how each one of us are different. We then looked at how we need to value and respect the differences between us all. We looked at some topic cards and had a class discussion about how we would act in different situations and how people would be feeling. We used our oracy skills to agree, build and challenge. The children looked at instigating the conversation and taking ownership of them moving the conversation on between themselves.
Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 2:32pm
We went on a Pilgrimage! Today we discussed journeys and why some religions, especially Christianity, consider the act of pilgrimage as a key part of learning more about their faith.
We began by looking at journey’s we have been on and how we prepare for them and we packed a suitcase in preparation! Next, some of us undertook a real pilgrimage to learn more about holy sites in the Christian religion while others looked closely at why these sites are important.
Finally, some groups used Choose It to consolidate their new learning, identifying the correct sites of pilgrimage while others shared what we had learnt in a class collaborative discussion.
Date: 3rd Mar 2025 @ 3:13pm
This week, we had a visit from Lydia who owns and teaches at Euphoria Dance and Therapy. It was great having Lydia in telling us all about how she became not only a dance teacher but now owns and runs her own dance business. The children listened intently and asked some great questions. Each half term now we are going to have visitors as we explore lots of different careers.
Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 6:07pm
After our assembly about Mental Health Week, we learnt more about this years theme 'know yourself, grow yourself' through our PSHE lesson. We recapped on what mental health is, the importance of our own mental health and what we can do to look after ourselves. We also took part in lots of discussion to talk about our differences, things we are interested in, talents we have and our dreams for the future.
Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 9:16am
Year 6 talked about our whole school focus - Mental Health Week - and discussed the theme 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'. We discussed that if we can understand ourselves and what triggers our emotions, we can better manage these. We completed some activities based around the characters in the film 'Inside Out'.
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 4:43pm
Today, Year Two celebrated safer internet day. After an assembly, where we learnt about what a scam is we put our knowledge to the test in class. We discussed the ways we use the internet and who is actually in charge of putting things on the internet. When we realised anyone can put anything on the internet we found it a lot less trustworthy. We focused on what information we should never share online and what to do if something make us feel uncomfortable online. Lastly, we thought about who our trusted adults are and the signs to look out for.
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 2:59pm
Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.
Today, Tuesday 11th of February is ‘Safer Internet Day’. Safer Internet Day is an annual event which is organised by the UK Safer Internet Centre and is celebrated in approximately 170 countries worldwide! The aim of the day is to raise awareness of Internet safety, promoting positive and responsible usage.
During an amazing whole-school assembly, led by Mr. Taylor, pupils discussed the importance of Safer Internet Day. Pupils also suggested different ways we can use the internet and different devices they use to access the internet at home and in school. This year’s topic is “Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online”. This I important as over one million people in the UK were tricked by online scams last year. As a school, we discussed what this means and found the meaning of key vocabulary: online, deception and scam.
Following the assembly, pupils in EYFS read Buddy the Dog’s Internet Safety Story and completed follow up activities to support their learning. Key Stage 1 pupils were challenged to complete “The Great Online Safety Quest” as a class and complete independent activities to solve puzzles and spot online scams.
Pupils in Key Stage 2 all took part in a live interactive lesson from the BBC called ‘Scam Smashers’. This helped pupils to spot scams online by looking for the following: Sounds too good to be true, Content you did not expect, Asks for personal information, Money or trade request. They then completed a range of activities to reinforce the learning, vocabulary and key points. We also learned about ‘phising scams’ and the importance of having a strong password.
A strong password should have:
- Random words
- One number
- One special symbol: E.g. ! @ %
- A mixture of capital and lowercase letters
Safer Internet Day is a great day to remind us all of the dangers on being online. Please be aware of possible scams, and stop and think, “Is this too good to be true?”
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 12:21pm
Today is Internet Safety Day and we have been learning all about online scams. We began the day with a whole school assembly, where we learned about the different way people can be scammed online, including phishing, trying to get people's personal information or trying to get money out of people. We then took part in a whole class live lesson where we were given tips and advice to identify if we are being scammed online.
Year 4 - Safer Internet Day 2025
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 11:48am
This year's theme: Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.
We started the day with an assembly, then back in class we watched a live lesson which had lots of tips about how to remain safe online and not be drawn in by scammers and phishers. We learned how to spot scams and how to make sure our passwords online were strong.
Reception Caring Friendship and our Families
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 11:44am
During RSE week the chuldren in Reception have been talking about and learning about different families. We discussed how families can be similiar and how they can be different. We also explored what a 'caring friendship' is and what it means to be a good friend. We talked about the importance of sharing, turn taking, listening and using kind words and behaviours. We read a story about Heckle and Ezra which explored the importance of sharing, saying sorry if we do somthing wrong and forgiving people. the children made crowns which they shared with their friends just like Heckle and Ezra. We also explored different emotions and how we can successfully manage these emotions at home and at school.
"A good friend shares their toys and doesn't snatch them" Kevin
"I'm sharing my crown with Jayden" Oscar
"I can do my breathing to help me calm down" Kayden
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 4:28pm
This week is RSE week. Our theme for RSE in Year 2 is differences. We started the journey by looking looking at differences between us and the people around us. We then looked at stereotypes and thought about whether gender really matters when it comes down to our likes and dislikes. We then moved on to looking at differences when it comes to male and female body parts. We learnt the scientific names for body parts and dicussed why it is important to know these. Finally, we look at the differences between male and female animals and how baby animals are fed.
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 12:06pm
This week Acorns have been reading Lost and Found. We have enjoyed listening to the story and watching the puppets. Some of us have used the puppets to explore retelling the story.
We explored friendships from the story and linked this to RSE week. We have had lots of opportunities this week to explore friendships and kindness, developing our social skills to play with and alongside our peers, share and take turns with resources and practice waiting.
We have continued to explore artic animals with a focus on penguins. We enjoyed making a penguin using shapes in art and learnt about ovals. We developed our pencil control skills, mark making number and letters on the interactive white board and exploring oral blending during phonics.
Another busy week in Acorns.
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 9:34am
This week year 5 pupils took part in Relationship and Sex Education lessons. In these lessons we learned about the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty and how this may affect our relationships. Pupils followed our class discussion guidlines to ensure they were being respectful of other children's ideas and giving everyone a chance to participate. All of the children were very sensible during these discussions.
Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 7:02pm
This week we have taken part in our RSE lessons. Today we read a story that helped us understand how children grow and change. We took it in turns to use Tilly our talking teddy to answer key questions about the story and help us understand that babies need care and support, whilst older children can do more by themselves. We also looked at lifecycle picture cards and worked together to order the pictures from youngest to oldest. Finally, we talked about things we can do now that we couldn't when we were babies.
Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 2:59pm
The children cooked up a real treat in the mud kithen this week! If apples, carrots, flowers and a dash of mud are your cup of tea then head over to the Nursery Mud Kitchen! The children worked hard chopping and mixing. It was wonderful to see them working together and sharing cutlery. There was a great discussion about the inside of an apple as they discovered a star shape where the pips had been and how we can grow apple trees from the pips.
Year 6 - Communication in relationships
Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 8:00am
Year 6 began their RSE week with sessions based around communication in relationships. This included looking at what makes a healthy and unhealthy relationships and what characteristics we want in people that we have relationships with. We also looked at different ways of communicating with others online and how we can keep ourselves safe.
Date: 4th Feb 2025 @ 3:59pm
This week is RSE week. Our theme for RSE in Year 4 is puberty. We split into a class of girls and a class of boys so that everyone felt comfortable talking about their own puberty journey. Both classes learnt about both male and female puberty. We started the lesson by looking at the lifecycle and deciding where in the lifecycle we think puberty happens. Then we looked at how female and male bodies change on the outside as well as on the inside.
Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 12:15pm
This week Acorns have been exploring the celebration of Chinese/Luna New Year. We have had lots of fun exploring a variety of multi-sensory activities to develop our awareness and understanding.
Incorporating the theme through maths, mark making Chinese symbols, making lanterns in art and learning about the Great Race in our sensory story. We had fun racing the animals to see who would win.
We loved watching dragon splat during 'Bucket' time, developing our focus and attention skills. We also had a dancing dragon moving to the drums. We recreated this during PE becoming the dancing drag in and making our own beats to move too.
Year 1 Similarities and Differences
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 12:45pm
This week Year 1 have learnt about similiarities and differences between ourselves and others. We have done lots of work to help us understand that we are all different but can still be friends with people who are different to us. We used Tilly our talking teddy to help us to work together and take turns. We also listened to the story 'It's ok to be different' by Todd Parr and drew a friend with characteristics that are different to our own.
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 12:26pm
As part of Boundary's work on careers, Year 6 enjoyed a morning working with Young Enterprise on their 'Learn to Earn' scheme. The children calculated the cost of their dream lifestyle and how much you would need to earn to live that lifestyle. We learned about the cost of living and the average starting salaries of different jobs in Lancashire. Then we discussed the importance of qualifications and the personal qualities and skills needed to do various jobs, which linked nicely with our Skills for Life.
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 10:41am
In Music our focus question is ‘How Does Music Improve Our World?’. In our third lesson we sung the Freedom is Coming song again, changing the key and the dynamics. We then used Chromebooks to composed using YUMU through charanga, composing using our own ABA structure using the notes provided recap Ternary form.