Forest School: Blog items

Year 5 Safe Skills in Forest School

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 4:04pm

Today was about gaining some skills in being safe around equipment, in particular, knives, axes and mallets. We cut some sticks down, used the knives and peelers to whittle them to a flat surface and decorated them as tree markers. We also made a small safe fire and cooked the harvest of pears, which were delicious. We also built dens, created our own games, found another frog and worked well as a team on our knots!

Nursery Take Care of the Outdoors

Date: 13th Sep 2022 @ 8:35pm

We are lucky to have a wonderful outdoor area in nursery and everyone takes pride in keeping the area neat and tidy. The children love caring for  the plants and creatures that are living in the garden and work together to keep it looking fabulous. This week the children have been busy picking up the litter that gets blown in. Using the litter pickers is a great way of developing fine motor skills! They have also been sharing the hose pipe and watering cans to keep the plants healthy and building realtionships with each other at the same time. Speaking of relationships, we found a new friend in our garden - a giant slug! We were all fasinated by the little fella and wanted to make sure he didn't go hungry. What else would you feed a slug but the carrots growing in the garden! 

Year 5 A Fresh look at Forest School

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 12:31pm

What a great time of Year to be outdoors! We managed to avoid the showers and had a lovely morning exploring the Forest School environment. We went on a mini beast hunt with the magnifying glasses and observed the habitats. We found lots of insects, arachnids and bugs lurking under the rocks and logs. A Frog leapt in! We all looked at it's camoflage, while learning the differences between frogs and toads. There was lots of seasonal fruit including mini apples, pears and plums, but they weren't yet ripe enough to pick. We also explored and enjoyed spending time with our friends outdoors and catching up casually after the holidays. 

Karson planted some trees using the fallen fruit's seed.

Harley enjoyed working with his team to build dens and shelters. 

Molliemae worked with her friends to make a chill out zone in their den, with books and colouring. 

Darin made a cake masterpiece recipe including flowers, mud and fruits. He used his imagination to create a bakery business too!


Year 2's Final Forest School Fun

Date: 22nd Jul 2022 @ 3:37pm

Yesterday saw our final forest school session of Year 2 before we begin completing our passport in Year 3. This week, we thought about our senses and took a moment to lie on the floor and think about the things we could see, hear, taste, smell and feel- some of us were lucky enough to be joined by a miniature spider. We then looked at different cloud formations and tried to see if we could see any different ones in the sky as well as playing a game of forest school bingo. To end the session, we toasted crumpets on the fire. 

Nursery have green fingers!

Date: 18th Jul 2022 @ 12:21pm

Nursery are taking good care of our beautiful new garden. We have loved watching all the sunflowers grow taller and taller and have made sure that we water our new flowers and plants so the can stay strong and healthy. We have also been exploring our new sensory path and have loved listening to the different sounds the stones make and talking about the differernt textures. 

Year 2's Forest School Fun Part 2

Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 4:40pm

Another Thursday of forest school fun! Today our focus was finding mini beasts in the area and identifying them using a classification sheet. Once we had found lots of mini beasts we made them using modelling clay and drew pictures of them using felt tips. Whilst some classified bugs other children had plenty of fun in the mud whilst trying to bring worms to the surface. They made mud angels and were enjoying getting dirty jumping in and out of the mud pit. Finally, others had a nice time climbing trees under the supervision of forest school leader Claire. 

Whole School Pupil Pipeline for Water Aid!

Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 10:30am

The children at Boundary have been raising money for Water Aid by taking part in the Pupil Pipeline Challenge. This was a joint venture with the School Council and Eco Warriors.
Water Aid was a charity chosen by the School Council and its goal is to make sure everyone, everywhere has clean water. It is also a great opportunity to be mindful of not wasting water and remembering the healthy benefits of drinking it too.
All the children made a huge pipeline around the school and passed around a bucket full of water- trying not to spill it! 
This helped us to try and understand the difficulties children face in some parts of the world when fetching water for their families. It can often be dirty, disease ridden and situated some distance away from their village.   
 Our School Council and Eco Warriors also asked everyone to bring in any spare coins to try and fill a bucket! We raised £112.84- brilliant! 

Year 6 - Water Aid

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 4:01pm

On Friday we gave money to our chosen charity 'Water Aid'. In an assembly the school council talked about the charity and how money raised can change the lives of those who don't have clean water to drink. We passed a bucket of water all the way round the school, from Nursery to Year 6. This was to make us think of the long journeys some people make to get their water, which can often be dirty and full of disease. As a school, we raised £112.84 - we hope the money will help those less fortunate than us.

Year 2's Forest School Fun

Date: 7th Jul 2022 @ 3:53pm

Today, it was our first Forest School session with Jenna and Claire. We began the session by listening to our environment to see if we could see or hear any birds around us. We saw lots and a few different species too which we loved because in our last sessions we built bird boxes to attract them into our nature area. Then, we discussed what materials birds used to make their nests and attempted to make our own bird nests using the resources we could find including sticks, twigs, leaves, mud and grass. Finally, some of us made our own birds to take home. We are looking forward to our second session next week. 

Nursery Have a Clean Up

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 5:29pm

The chilren have been working really hard to keep our outside area clean and tidy. They went on a litter picking mission, collected a lot of rubbish and made the garden look beautiful! Using the litter pickers was a great for their fine motor skills too as they have to squeeze it hard to pinch the litter - a great work out for tiny fingers!

Year 6 Forest School Fun in the Sun

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 7:52am

Year 6 enjoyed their first session of Forest School this week and were blessed with lovely weather. The children learned how to identify trees from their leaves and how to estimate the age of the trees in Boundary's Forest School area. They went on to complete a variety of tasks including fire lighting and making jewellery from sticks. At the end of the session they enjoyed toasting marshmallows on the fire they had built themselves. A great day outside!

Nursery Fly Alway Butterflies

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 1:06pm

We were very lucky to have some caterpillars in nursery to support our learning of growth and change. The children loved watching them grow from tiny caterpillars to big fat carterpillars! It was amazing to then see them make a cocoon and emerge as beautful butterflies! We then released them in to our garden - we had they are happy! 

Year 6 - Letters of persuasion

Date: 24th May 2022 @ 10:20am

Over the past few weeks, Year 6 have been exploring and writing letters of persuasion. We looked at information about the current effects of plastic pollution and used these facts to write a letter to Boris Johnson. The letter aims to persuade the prime minister to take action with other world leaders in an attempt to slow down, and eventually stop, plastic pollution. We will be sending several of these letters to Downing Street. Let's see if we get a response!!

Year 4 Fit to Go visit Bloomfield Road

Date: 20th May 2022 @ 7:50am

On Wednesday , Year 4 took part in the Fit 2 Go Festival. They spent the morning completing a variety of team based games. The children got the chance to complete  a fitness circuit at the side of the pitch at Bloomfield Road. Year 4 were also very lucky as they got the chance to got behind the scene at Blackpool Football Club and sit in the home teams dressing room.

Year 5 - Summer with Forest School

Date: 20th May 2022 @ 7:26am

Forest school is back and this time its sunny! This week the pupils continued working towards their level 2 awards, completing several different tasks. After a warm-up activity of 'Hide and Seek meets Among Us', pupils were whittling wood to make a small butter knife, hand knitting scarves with brightly coloured wool, and using mushrooms to light the campfire (without cotton wool). Once we had got the camp fire going, we toasted marshmallows to eat as we discussed what we had learned.  

Year 5 - Blackpool Zoo Visit

Date: 18th May 2022 @ 1:05pm

Year 5 visit Blackpool Zoo! To further their learning, Year 5 went on an adventure to learn more about the animals and natural habitats of the Zoo. From hearing about the Orangutans (and meeting Cherie who was named after Tony Blair's wife!) to watching feeding time with the elephants, we were all treated to a variety of interesting talks where we were able to learn more about how a range of animals have adapted over time to survive in their environments. It was really exciting to see the Bactrian camels being fed - they don't share with each other very well! Just before lunch we were treated to a sea lion demonstration where their natural ability to balance, swim, jump and dive were all on show - Gloria even demonstrated the importance of recycling our plastic and not throwing it on the floor or in the oceans!

Year 5 Forest School - Summer 1

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 11:28am

Year 5 have had their first out of three sessions of Forest School for this half-term. 

Luckily, we had dry weather and were able to explore the forest area without getting super muddy! 

The children made dens and wooden pencils, as well as exploring the pond. 

We absolutely love being out in the fresh air! 

Reception Down by the pond...

Date: 12th May 2022 @ 12:09pm

This week, Reception decided to visit the pond again to observe how much the tadpoles had grown since we vsited last.

We were delighted to see that there were still some tadpoles sleeping on the stones or swimming through the water. There were no froglets or frogs to be seen - they must have been hiding or sleeping in the reeds.

Unfortunately, Reception were horrified to find loads of litter blowing around the pond and forest school area! They very quickly decided to collect it all up and put it in the bin- where it belongs! Our school grounds looks so much cleaner now.

"You shouldn't throw rubbish on the floor - it's dirty!"  Olivia

"Our school looks dirty with all this rubbish " Charlie

"Put rubbish in the bin or recycle it!" Isaac


Nursery Planting Sunflower Seeds

Date: 5th May 2022 @ 5:49pm

Today Nursery planted sunflower seeds. We recycled our used milk cartons and filled them with soil. Then we carefully pushed a sunflower seed in to the soil and gave it a little drink of water - not too much though! We didn't want to drown it! Then the children wrote their names on a lolly pop stick so they knew which sunflower was theirs. We talked about how we need to care for our seeds and make sure they have enough water and light to help them grow. 

Year Three's final forest school fun!

Date: 5th May 2022 @ 4:19pm

Today was our final forest school session of year three! We enjoyed building dens, building a fire, filling the ponds, using tools and tasting dandelion fritters. Mrs Fielding's class enjoyed a pizza party for her birthday after making and building a fire. 

Reception A letter from the giant in the sky...

Date: 5th May 2022 @ 9:21am

This week Reception had a very special letter delivered to our classroom.  It was a letter for the giant in the sky who asked us to plant our very own magic beans outside in the garden.  Together we discussed what we needed to do and thing we would need.

"We need a plant pot to put it in" Isaac

"You have to water it every day so that it grows bigger and bigger" Isobelle

"Make sure it is somewhere sunny" Jessica

"I'm going to climb up my beanstalk and go and see the giant" Charlie

Whose we had planted our beans the children wrote some fantastic instructions back in the classroom.


Year 3 Forest school fun strikes again !

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 4:29pm

Year Three enjoyed returning to Forest School on Thursday and were particulally excited to practice the skills they had learnt last week. We made a fire to boil water and enjoyed the dandelion tea that we made. 

Year 4 Science Day

Date: 25th Apr 2022 @ 5:14pm

It was Science Day last Thursday at Boundary and what a day we had! We focussed on the importance of looking after and reusing our clothes. We carried out an experiment to see which washing detergent would best clean a stained piece of fabric. We stained a t-shirt with black coffee and then tried and tested three different detergents to see which would be the most effective. We discussed how much carbon dioxide is produced throughout the fashion industry and what happens to the clothes and the microplastics they contain when they are thrown away and sent to landfill.

Reception Bee Bomb Bonanza

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 4:37pm

Reception have been helping bringing the bees back into our outdoor area. We used compost, clay powder, wild flower seed to make our very on bee bombs.  The children enjoyed mixing them altogether and rolling them into seed balls.  Once the sall had dried out in sunn the children threw them into our very own bee bomb meadow to create a wild flower habitat for our bees.

Year 3 Forest school fun is back!

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 3:55pm

Year Three returned to Forest School today where we measured our shadows, investigated tadpoles and drew with charcole from the firepit. We enjoyed coming back to exploring and working with others and can't wait for the next two sessions!

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust