British Values: Blog items

Year 4- Black History Month

Date: 16th Oct 2023 @ 9:35pm

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 4 have been celebrating Black History Month in our PSHE and Reading into Writing lessons. This year, the main theme of Black History Month is 'Celebrating our Sisters.' Furthermore, our year group focus was sporting achievements. Therefore, in PSHE, we researched a range of Black British Women athletes who have made a significant impact on the sporting industry. We then used this to create our own artwork. This allowed us to discuss key words, such as diversity and culture, and emphasise the importance of appreciating similarities and differences between everyone. 

In Reading into Writing, we have been working towards writing a non-chronological report about Lauren James. Firstly, we looked at some existing non-chonological reports about Lauren James before researching interesting facts about her early life and football career, including her biggest achievements. After this, we collated these facts into our own non-chronological reports. 

We have found it very interesting to learn about all of the incredible Black British athletes and their amazing achivements and impact they have had on our history.

Year 4 RE- What does love your neighbour really mean?

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 8:01pm

This half-term, we have been investigating the key question 'What does love your neighbour really mean?' 

We have been discussing how important messages and guidance are passed on through stories and parables. We have also looked at the morals of these parables and how these teachings help to guide Christians in their daily lives.

In one of our lessons, we discussed how Christian charities show a selfless love of others and have researched the work that they do to help people in need.

We have also talked about how Christians show a love for their neighbour and how this message can pass onto future generations through messages and quotes from the Bible. 

Year 5 R.E - Why Is It Sometimes Difficult To Do The Right Thing?

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 12:47pm

This half-term we have been investigating the key question Why Is It Sometimes Difficult To Do The Right Thing?

We have been discussing sources of guidance, beginning with the definition of the word guidance

First in a group, then as a class, we discussed the sources of guidance we have in our lives. We split them up into categories including; at home, at school and at a club.

In one lesson we looked at a source of guidance for Christians: The 10 Commandments

We talked about their meaning and how they were given to Moses from God. Our task, as a group, was to put them into what we thought was the order of importance…but there were only 9 squares! Each group then had to justify why they had left one out.

Year 5 - African Drumming

Date: 10th Oct 2023 @ 5:38pm

Today, all of the children in year 5 were given an amazing opportunity to take part in an African drumming workshop. Pupils learned about the different percussion instruments from west Africa and had a go at playing a djembe - an African drum. We learned different dances and rhythms and performed what we had learned in a whole school assembly at the end of the day. What an amazing experience!

Reception- Holly Class Bake Bread

Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 10:16pm

After reading the story, Little Red Hen, Reception decided to bake bread. They all worked together, helping each other to weigh the ingredients, mix the ingredients and knead the dough before placing it in a bowl to allow it to rise. Then it was baked in the oven and eaten. 

Unlike the story, where Little Red Hen had to do everything herself, all the children worked togther showing kidness and respect.

"It feels sticky" Loui- Tony

"We all helped to make the bread" Lucy.

"Mmm it tastes delicious!" Meriya.

"Little Red Hen's friends didn't help her" Kierah. 

Year 5 - Biographies for Black History Month

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 4:27pm

This week the pupils in year 5 have been using what they have learned to write a biography about a famous black musician. They reseached the musician's family background and their music career, before planning, drafting and editing their writing. Today, pupils wrote their finished biography!

Nusery's Fun Fridays

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 12:18pm

Every Friday is Fun Friday in Nursery! We try to do an exciting activity each week to celebrate another super week in school. The activities often invlove working as a team and sharing a taking turns which is great for developing the children's social and emotional skills. This week is was baking! We made some delicious star biscuits. 

YEAR 5 - UK Mountains

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 9:15am

This week, pupils used their map reading skills to find the highest peaks in the UK. First, we discussed what the UK is and what is meant by 'Great Britain and Ireland'. Pupils then identified the highest mountain in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and marked them on a map of the UK. Some pupils went further, and found out facts about the mountains, such as their height in metres.  

Year 3- BHM

Date: 3rd Oct 2023 @ 3:42pm

This week we started our work on Black History Month. We focused on Ruby Bridges and the struggles she faced in life. We spent the afternoon creating work based on her. Keep a look out for the diary entries we will be writing based on the experiences of Ruby Bridges.

School Council Elections 2023

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 3:12pm

On Thursday it was the School Council Election Day. 
 Children who wanted to be considered wrote a manifesto and presented it to their class. Some children wrote a speech, whilst others delivered a powerpoint presentation.
They were then given the opportunity to take part in a democratic vote and the results were announced in assembly onThursday afternoon.
Well done to everyone who took part and displayed characteristics of leadership, courage and dedication.

Year 1 School Council Elections

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 5:43pm

Today Year 1 voted for our class school councillors! This week we have been learning about democracy and what it means. We learnt that in Year 1 we get to make important decisions, such as who we want to be our class representatives for the school council. Children who wanted to be considered delivered their manifestos and explained why they would be a good school councillor and what they would do to make Boundary a better place. Well done to everyone who participated and to our new Year 1 school council representatives!

Year 2 - School Council Elections

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 3:45pm

This week, alongside the whole school we have been celebrating democracy and exploring what that means. With the start of a new school year means making new decisions about who we want to be our classes representative and member of the school council. The children were incredibly brave and delivered their manifesto's explaining why they would be a good school councillor and what they would do to make Boundary a better place before we all went and placed a confidential vote today. Well done to our new representatives:

Elm- Sab

Birch- Marleigh

Year 5 - A Day of Democratic Decisions

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 2:54pm

Today was the election day for our school council members. Four Hawthorn pupils put themselves forward to be chosen and presented their manifesto to the class. This morning, all of the pupils voted in secret to select our representative. Good luck, everyone.

Year 4 - Voting!

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 10:16am

Today was our School Council Election Day! Well done to those who took part in presentating their manifestos this week. Best of luck to you all!

Reception stay for lunch

Date: 11th Sep 2023 @ 6:16pm

Today all the children in Reception enjoyed picking their lunches and staying at school for dinner,  THey have been learning the importance of waiting in line, asking the dinner staff clearly what they would like, how to use the salad bar and how to sit nicely at the table and use their knives and forks. The children were also trying hard to remember to say please and and thank you.  Have a look at some of the pictures of the children enjoying lunch with their new friends.

"The pasta is yummy" Isla

"I've eaten all my dinner" Oliver J

""Can I have my biscuit please?" Elisha


Reception Learning Rules and Routines

Date: 10th Sep 2023 @ 1:47pm

This week the children have been busy learning their new classroom rules and routines.  The have been learning to stop put their hands up then an adult shakes the tamborine, tidy away the resources they have been using, getting changed into their water proofs, lining up on the grid to listen to instructions and sharing with thier friends.  They have a made a super start!

Year 5 - Forest School

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 3:01pm

This week, the children in year 5 have had the first of their three summer Forest School lessons. After exploring the wild area and picking all of the fruit from the trees, pupils worked together to build dens, clear the pond area and find small animals that have moved in over the summer. Pupils had a great time and can't wait until next week!

James Harris visits Boundary

Date: 10th Jul 2023 @ 1:36pm

We were so thrilled to be visited by author, James Harris on Friday 7th July. He conducted a whole school assembly where he talked about writing books and how he got into it. James grew up in  seaside town, near Middlesbrough (just like Blackpool). James definitely inspired some of our aspiring young writers to follow in his footsteps and begin writing their own books. 

Throughout the day, Year 5 and 6 took part in workshops, where James talked about creating stories from things he was most interested in. James got the children to draw a random shape on a piece of paper and told them to swap them and then he told them to create the shape into a monster. The children could shout out a number between 1-40 and James would give them different ideas to help create a monster. This showed the children that they could let their imagination run wild and create something from 'nothing'! 

Year 5 - Heritage Day

Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 10:40am

For Boundary’s Heritage Day 2023, we were asked to answer the question, 'Why did Boundary become a popular tourist resort?' We discovered lots of interesting facts about our town's history, including that in the 1930s the town had over 10 million visitors per year! We presented our finding on a google slideshow and shared these with the rest of the school in an assembly. 

Wheelchair Rugby 2023

Date: 3rd Jul 2023 @ 4:42pm

Health Week

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed spending time with coaches from Wigan Warriors who showed our pupils how to play wheelchair rugby. Pupils learnt how to control the wheelchairs and took part in a number of activities and drills before playing small sided games. Pupils also got the opportunity to ask coaches questions about the sport and how the sport came about.

Year 5 - Wheelchair Rugby

Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 4:58pm

Year 5 have had an exciting end to Health Week. This afternoon, pupils were given the opportunity to experience wheelchair rugby. Coaches from Wigan Warriors came to explain the rules and give us some tips. Moving the wheelchairs was hard at first but week soon got the hang of it. The sport is very fast, frantic and most of all fun!

Year 5 Takeover Day Success!

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 11:48am

Year 5 Takeover Day Success!
Throughout the day Year 5 have been doing a wonderful job learning what it takes to have a real job. The reporters have been interviewing pupils and mini teaching staff; Mrs. Rose says that she wouldn't change anything about this Take Over Day. Children told us that they have had a great time, the Deputy Head Teacher's were invloved with lesson observations, the Admin Team were taking phonecalls and ensuring classes had the correct letters to take home (and that the lunches for next week were ordered!). Mr. Perkins our Sports Coach enjoyed having his Year 5 helpers, telling us "the Year 5 mini teachers were very organised and I would let them do it more often". Mrs. Farley, who had John from Year 5 as her mini teacher, has even given him a regular job that he will now perform on a daily basis, helping to set up the outdoor area in Reception!
Overall the day has been a great success - with feedback from the adults who have the real jobs saying that this has probably been the best Take Over Day yet!

Year 5 - Careers Fair

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 10:50am

The children in Year 5 had the opportunity to talk about a variety of careers such as Tysons, Eric Wright, different roles throughout the NHS at Blackpool Teaching Hospital, a captain of a ship, Blackpool Business Project Manager and discussing sustainability with Inspired. Kirsty and Ida, from Inspired, kindly donated 100 flower bombs for Boundary to plant too. The children thoroughly enjoyed their morning learning about these different occupations and it has given them an insight into a future that they would like to have for themselves. Another huge thank you to everyone who was involved!

Reception Sports Day!

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 1:38pm

This week Reception have been enjoying Sports Day.

They took part in teams, working together, following the rules and always trying their best.

Take a look at the photos of us cup stacking, speed bouncing, throwing bean bags into hoops, running in the egg and spoon race, competing in an obstacle course and we mustn't forget-  welly throwing! 



Year 6 - Le Week-end

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 11:23am

Year 6 have done some brilliant work in their French lessons this half term. Our unit was called ' Le Week-end' and focused on activities that the children might do at the weekend. We learned the correct vocabulary for each activity, language to give opinions and how to tell the time to the nearest five minutes. As always, our lessons covered listening, speaking, reading and writing activities and the children produced great work in each. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust