Year 5: Blog items
Date: 28th Mar 2025 @ 12:03pm
This week children in year 5 have returned to the forest area. As they work towards their Forest School certificate, pupils used char-cloth to make a fire and made staues from clay. Pupils also helped to re-develop the pond area and found some tadpoles swimming around.
Date: 28th Mar 2025 @ 10:30am
Today we held our second Spelling Bee of the school year. 4 children were chosen from each group to represent their house and were given 3 spellings each. They have been learning these words over the last few weeks and we could all tell. The children did brilliantly and did themselves (and their house) proud. We are already looking forward to the final Spelling Bee in the Summer term.
Date: 18th Mar 2025 @ 11:10am
In this History lesson, the pupils in year 5 were in-role as ancient Athenians debating whether Athens should use their wealth to build the Parthenon. Half of the class were supporters of Pericles, who wanted to create a great monument, whereas the rest of the class thought the money could be put to better use: i.e. defending Greece against Persia. Pupils used their oracy skills to instigate a conversation; to agree, build or challenge others opinions; or ask for clarification if they are not clear on what was said. Pupils also learned about ostracism and how Ancient Athenians voted.
Date: 18th Mar 2025 @ 8:02am
This week at Boundary, parents and carers were invited in to class to join the pupils in their lessons. In year 5 we used our multiplication knowledge to complete a tarsia. A Tarsia puzzle is a type of jigsaw puzzle where each piece has a question or answer on its edge, and the goal is to match the correct answers to the questions by arranging the pieces to form a larger shape. After completing the puzzle, pupils made their own tarsia for their friends to complete.
Date: 12th Mar 2025 @ 8:35am
Having completed construction of their bug hotels, pupils in year 5 have place them around the school grounds to provide shelter for insects and other wildlife. They have been made from eco-friendly materials that will decompose naturally over time.
Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 2:32pm
We went on a Pilgrimage! Today we discussed journeys and why some religions, especially Christianity, consider the act of pilgrimage as a key part of learning more about their faith.
We began by looking at journey’s we have been on and how we prepare for them and we packed a suitcase in preparation! Next, some of us undertook a real pilgrimage to learn more about holy sites in the Christian religion while others looked closely at why these sites are important.
Finally, some groups used Choose It to consolidate their new learning, identifying the correct sites of pilgrimage while others shared what we had learnt in a class collaborative discussion.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 4:48pm
This week pupils in year 5 were investigating the force of friction. Using force metres, pupils measured the force rquired to move a 500g load up an inclined ramp made from different materials. We discussed how to make it a fair test by keeping certain variables the same: E.g. the people conducting the test, the weight of the load, the incline of the ramp and even the force of gravity! Pupils then discussed their findings and made conclusions about the smoothness of a material and the amount of friction that it creates.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 4:32pm
We had an exciting and interesting World Book Day - we were visited by Princesses, witches and wizards, authors and many, many more. We talked about our favourite books, authors and books that had been made into films. We then took part in a fun quiz about our last class novel 'Kensuke's Kingdom' and then a special World Book Day quiz.
Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 9:12am
In DT we have been looking at frame structures and as a class we have designed, built and evaluated bug habitats and bird feeders. Addison took this idea and made her own bird feeder at home and has donated it to Year 5 so that we can keep an eye out for any winged visitors! Well Done and Thank You Addison!
Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 9:04am
As we continue to develop the oracy skills of the pupils at Boundary, pupils were given discussion prompts and asked to 'instigate', 'probe' and 'challenge' during their discussions and also ask for clarification if they were unsure of what someone was saying. Pupils followed our 'discussion guidlines' and showed 'active listening' during the debates.
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 3:03pm
Pupils in year 5 all took part in a live interactive lesson from the BBC called ‘Scam Smashers’. This helped pupils to spot scams online by looking for the following: Sounds too good to be true, Content you did not expect, Asks for personal information, Money or trade request. They then completed a range of activities to reinforce the learning, vocabulary and key points. We also learned about ‘phising scams’ and the importance of having a strong password.
Year 5 - Mastering Practical DT Skills
Date: 10th Feb 2025 @ 5:13pm
Today, pupils in year 5 have begun construction of their DT products. They are making eco-friendly 'bug hotels' which are constructed from a frame structure. In this lesson, pupils practised the skills of measuring, sawing and sanding to make the pieces of their frame structures from wood. Next we will start to contruct the frame, before adding sides and some shelter for the insects. Come back for more updates over the next week.
Year 5 - PGL information for parents
Date: 10th Feb 2025 @ 4:13pm
Please find attached a video of the presentation that was delivered today about the upcoming PGL trip in July. Also attached is the PGL kit list.
Date: 10th Feb 2025 @ 12:34pm
To celebrate 100 days of the school year, pupils in year 5 completed a problem solving task. In pairs, pupils had to use fraction clues to work out how many jelly beans were in a jar, and also how many of each colour there were in the jar. We also had a discussion problem where pupils had to complete subtraction calculations to decide how they could get the most jelly beans!
Date: 10th Feb 2025 @ 9:19am
Last Monday some of our KS2 children wowed audiences in The Winter Gardens for Schools Alive. The children have worked incredibly hard since September to create a piece called ‘We are all in this together!’. They should be very proud of all they achieved, well done!
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 9:34am
This week year 5 pupils took part in Relationship and Sex Education lessons. In these lessons we learned about the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty and how this may affect our relationships. Pupils followed our class discussion guidlines to ensure they were being respectful of other children's ideas and giving everyone a chance to participate. All of the children were very sensible during these discussions.
Date: 3rd Feb 2025 @ 7:42pm
This week pupils in year 5 visited The Attic to select a reading book from the school's library. After finding a book and discussing it with friends, pupils spent time reading in the relaxing, comfortable space.
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 10:41am
In Music our focus question is ‘How Does Music Improve Our World?’. In our third lesson we sung the Freedom is Coming song again, changing the key and the dynamics. We then used Chromebooks to composed using YUMU through charanga, composing using our own ABA structure using the notes provided recap Ternary form.
Year 5 - PSHE - Managing Impulsivity
Date: 27th Jan 2025 @ 11:46am
In this lesson we talked about IMPULSIVITY. Impulsivity means acting quickly without thinking about the consequences. It can make us say or do things we later regret. Understanding impulsivity helps us make smarter choices and respond to situations more thoughtfully
As a Year Group, we discussed how to manage our impulses and make better decisions in our lives. We thought about how to manage impulsivity, we first need to recognise impulsive behaviours in ourselves. This can include interrupting others, making snap decisions, or acting before thinking in. By understanding our own habits, we can start to control our reactions and think before we act, leading to better outcomes.
Finally, we looked at some strategies for managing our impulses, starting by simply acknowledge and them. There are several techniques that can help manage impulsivity. One useful method is to pause and take a deep breath before responding. Another is to count to ten. These strategies give us a moment to think, allowing us to make more thoughtful decisions rather than reacting impulsively. You can see that we practiced these and put them to the test. Scan the QR code for some role plays too!
Year 5 - Charanga YUMU - Composing
Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 10:09am
This week we recapped Musical Vocabulary and the names and values of notes on the stave and time signature. We sung the Freedom is Coming song again, changing the key and the dynamics.Using Chromebooks we composed using YUMU through charanga, composing using our own ABA structure using the notes provided recap Ternary form.
Year 5 - Aujourd'hui , c'est quel jour?
Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 10:06am
This half term, Year 5 are focusing on how to say the date in French. They have been learning how to say the days of the week, the months of the year and numbers up to 31. They have also been learning how to ask and respond in French to questions about the days of the week.
Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 9:34am
On Wednesday the children in Schools Alive got the opportunity to professionally record the sound for their upcoming performance. The children loved singing into the microphones and worked hard to sing in unison. Some children even had solos and all did a fantastic job!
Date: 14th Jan 2025 @ 9:15am
This week the pupils in year 5 began their science journey all about animals. In this lesson we talked about the human stages of life and pupils learned the meaning of gestation and life span. Pupils then drew a scatter graph plotting the gestation period against life span for certain animals. We discovered that larger animals had a longer life span and a longer gestation period compared to small animals.
Date: 12th Jan 2025 @ 10:19am
This week we have been looking at RESPONSIBILITY and how we can be responsible for ourselves and our actions and for other things including pets, younger siblings and PLANTS!
We signed a responsibility promise to take care of our plants and our first task was to fill our plant pots with the right soil. We then carefully planted our seed in the pot. Year 5 discussed that our responsibility would last much longer than just today, we would have to water and feed our seed as it grows, ensuring it gets the right amount of sunlight too. Eventually, we will have to repot our plant into the ground when it grows bigger!
Finally, we talked about how our responsibilities and our actions we undertook to care for our plant have consequences; being responsible means our plant will grow, not taking our responsibilities seriously will mean our plant will not survive!
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 9:40am
In this lesson we were introduced to the main beliefs of Hinduism and, as ever, we used our 5 finger recall facts!
We heard from Vandana, a 22 year-old Hindu who explained about how she works, lives and plays all while following Dharma – the duty or moral responsibility in Hinduism. We discussed how an equivalent to Dharma for us would be The Always Way and following the Boundary Always Promises.
Finally, we discussed Brahman, the formless and eternal entity in Hinduism and how this can be depicted in animal or human form. Finally, we designed our own deity to depict Brahman and how they/it might influence the world around us.