Year 4: Blog items

Year 4 - Nationals success!!

Date: 16th Dec 2022 @ 9:55am

Amazing news!! Congratulations to all the children in Year 4 for coming 7th place in the Times Table World Cup competition! We are so proud of you!

Year 4 - Enterprise success!

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 11:01am

What a successful end to our Enterprise this half term! 

Year 4 - Linkage and Levers

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 11:51am

Today we made our linkage and lever system Christmas cards. We used loose pivots to connect the components together, then we attached the components to the card itself using a fixed pivot. The children designed their cards themselves, with a design brief of Christmas! Take a look at the QR code to see the cards in actions.

Year 4 - Primary Futures

Date: 12th Dec 2022 @ 4:01pm

During this Primary Futures video, we looked at different festive careers. The Children met Katie the brand manager of a wrapping paper company, Jason the craftsman at Buckingham Palace, Andrew and Jane the Christmas tree grower and decoration shop owner and Oliver the warehouse manager for Crisis Christmas centres supporting vulnerable people experiencing homelessness.

Reading into Writing so far this half-term...

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 12:14pm

Reading into Writing so far this half-term...
In Year 1 we read the story 'The Jolly Christmas Postman.' We began by sequencing the key events, discussing the characters and the meaning of key words. We then moved onto reading letters from different characters, matching the correct letter to the correct address and piecing together a mixed up letter. On 1st December our class elves arrived and brought a letter with them for us to read, but some bits were missing! We then used what we had learnt about letters to fill in the missing features. We will be writing our own letters this week.
In Year 2, we are in the process of writing our own Christmas story inspired by the 2019 John Lewis advert featuring Edgar the dragon. Throughout the journey, we have read a range of Christmas stories and watched a selection of different Christmas adverts to explore how they tell a story through videos. We have now planned out our story and are looking forward to writing them up.
In Year Three we have been exploring shape poems surrounding the theme of Christmas. We have focused on using alliteration, similes and metaphors to create an imaginative description.
In Year 4, we have been working on our play script journey. To begin with, we read a variety of play scripts to identify their features. We then went on to do some drama and act out some of the scenes that we read. We are going to be basing our final pieces on the Boudicca Revolt which is what we learnt about last half term.
In Year 5 we have been learning about stories from other cultures. We read and analysed stories from the Aboriginal Dreamtime, and then created a list of features particular to that type of story. 'The Dreamtime' is the Aboriginal people's creation stories, they usually explain how the world came to be, and how animals were created. We planned, drafted and edited our own Dreamtime story, before publishing our final piece of writing. After writing our final version, we peer-assessed our texts by discussing what we had written with a partner.
In Year 6 we have spent time exploring, planning and writing crime stories. We looked at several full stories at the start of the journey and began pulling out features of crime stories. Then we worked together to generate as much vocabulary as possible relating to the genre so that we would have a bank of high quality words to choose from when we wrote our own stories. We had fun writing our stories and typing them up at the end as a finished piece.

Year 4 Online Safety

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 11:53am

We looked at the following 'I can...' statements:

I can explain the difference between a ‘belief’, an ‘opinion’ and a ‘fact and can give examples of how and where they might be shared online, 

I can explain that not all opinions shared may be accepted as true or fair by others

I can describe and demonstrate how we can get help from a trusted adult if we see content that makes us feel sad, uncomfortable, worried or frightened.


We even practised using our oracy skills using our ABC statements!

Year 4 Enterprise

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 11:17am

This year for our enterprise task we have been making and preparing 'Reindeer Food' for Christmas Eve and Sweet Bags for the Christmas festivities. We spoke about what enterprise means and understood that we were making things to be sold. The 'Reindeer Food' and Sweet Bags will be sold at the school Christmas Fair next Wednesday!

Year 4 - Food Chains

Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 9:05pm

To finish our Animals including Humans Science unit this half term we looked at food chains. We mainly focused on looking at producers, prey and predators. We knew that predators were at the top of the chain, but we soon discovered that some predators are really at THE top and are no other animal's prey. These are called apex predators.

Year 4 Timestables Success!

Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 3:37pm

Amazing news coming out of Year 4 - we have won our Fylde Coast and Lancashire League for the mile Timestable World Cup and we are now through to the National finals!
The Nationals will commence over the coming days, so please support your Year 4 child in practising as much as they can to get Boundary to the top once again!

Year 4 - Forest School

Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 3:37pm

This week in Forest School we made gingerbread men on the fire, worked safely using sharp tools to make different objects, learned to tie different knots and built a fire. As a year group, we continued to dig out the pond so that it will be ready for Spring next year!

Year 4 - Digestive System Model

Date: 29th Nov 2022 @ 10:58am

This week we used our knowledge of the digestive system to create a model. First, we looked at the start of the digestive system (the mouth). We broke up crackers with our hands then chewed one for a minute. The chewed crackers was broken down much more and had less starch in because of an enzyme called amylase in our saliva. This aids digestion. Then we use tights to model our intestine, a food bag to model our stomach, a cup to model our rectum and a hole in the cup to model the anus. We mixed up food and drink in the 'stomach' and churned it with our hands. Then we pushed the food through the 'intestine'. We could see all the liquid seeping out of the tights (this is the nutrients and water being absorbed into the body). After the food had passed through the intestines, it was stored in the 'rectum' before leaving the 'body' through the 'anus'.

Year 4 Forest School

Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 4:06pm

We started our first of three Forest School sessions today. As the cold has drawn in, more and more grass and mose has got in and around the pond area. The children did an amazing job clearing it out. They also made crowns and head gear with bendy branches, leaves and wool. It was very muddy today and the children simply enjoying some messy play too!

Year 4 Playscripts

Date: 22nd Nov 2022 @ 12:03pm

This week we have started a new Reading into Writing journey. For this journey we are learning about playscripts. We have started our journey by reading some good examples. The first example we read was a playscript about Boudicca. We found the features of a playscript then had a go at acting the scene out.

Key Stage 2 Boys Football

Date: 21st Nov 2022 @ 3:39pm

This morning our KS2 boys football team travelled to Stanley Park to take part in the Utilita Cup, organised by Blackpool FC Community Trust. The tournament saw our boys placed into a group facing various schools from across the Fylde Coast.

The team battled well, representing Boundary well and putting their all into their performances. Falling short in the group stages meant we missed out on the semi-finals but the boys showed real determination, some fantastic skills and positive play against tough opponents.

Year 4 - Charcoal Art

Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 2:57pm

Today we explored using charcoal. First, we had a explored making different textures of marks and using our hands too. Then we set up some scenes and had a go at drawing them. We added words to our art to start to 'tell a story'. The children did a great job!

Year 4 - Gender Stereotypes

Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 2:51pm

Today we watched a video about gender stereptypes from Primary Futures. We were introduced to four people (two men and two women). All four people described their job to us and we had to guess what we thought they did. Their jobs were:

  • Tree surgeon (female)
  • Engineer (female)
  • Forest school leader (male)
  • Nurse (male)

We didn't guess all their jobs currently, but we had a discussion about jobs not being stereotyped to one gender and the children had some great discussions.

Year 4 - Anti Bullying and Oracy

Date: 14th Nov 2022 @ 7:04pm

This morning we had an assembly with Mrs Clark and the ABAs (Anti Bullying Ambassadors) about Anti Bullying week. The theme this year is all about reaching out. As a year group our focus was on the roles that different people play in bullying and we very much focused on not being a bystanding but being an upstander! This year in school we are really promoting talk and oracy. We have provided the children with lots of sentence stems and sentence starters to help with their oracy skills. During today's work about Anti Bullying it was great to see some of the children using their oracy skills so fluently.

Year 4 Remembrance Garden

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 10:15am

This morning we have been and planted our poppies in our Remembrance Garden at the front of school. The children were really respectful and thought about those who fought and continue to fight for our country.

Year 4 - PSHE

Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 2:59pm

Today in PSHE, Year 4 looked at what qualities it takes for people to be a good friend. We had a discussion around what characteristics we look for in people and how these help them to be a good friend to somebody. We then picked the most important six qualities that we thought would make the 'ultimate' friend. Lots of great discussion again in Year 4.

Year 4 Teeth Observation RESULTS!

Date: 7th Nov 2022 @ 2:36pm

The results are in!!  

The coke and orange juice caused the worst staining. If this was our teeth they would have gone through our enamel and caused decay. Even though, diet coke is low sugar it still caused a stain. This could be because of the dark colour it is. Today, we also spoke about the importance of brushing our teeth twice a day. We know what eating a balanced diet means, but it is important to brush away the foods and drinks we eat at the end of the day and before the day starts. We need to clean bacteria etc away so it doesn't stain our teeth or cause cavities or decaying. When we have finished brushing our teeth, we shouldn't rinse with water because the toothpaste won't then stay on our teeth to continue protecting them.

Year 4 Science Observation Set Up

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 11:48am

Today we set up a Science observation ready for our lesson on Monday. We used eggs to act like our teeth (the shell acting like the enamel of our teeth). We poured milk, orange juice, coffee, diet coke, water and full fat coke into cups with the eggs instead. We are going to leave them over the weekend and see what changes there are on Monday in our Science lesson. Check back on Monday for the results!

Year 4 Art for Remembrance

Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 1:54pm

Today we have studied poppies and use our observational drawing skills to draw poppies, shading them with pencil crayons carefully. The aim is that we make a repeating pattern that can be used as part of our Remembrance display Soldier. We have taken great care and concentrated, whilst listening to music that would typically be played and performed at the cenotaph, including Abide with me and Elgar's Nimrod played by the orchestra. This allowed us to reflect on the soldiers who have fought or died for our country. 

Year 4 Handwriting

Date: 1st Nov 2022 @ 1:57pm

This year we are really focusing on our handwriting. This afternoon we did some activities to help support our handwriting practise. Please encourage your children to practise at home too. After we went over some tricky letter formations, we wrote a poem for Remembrance Day for our Year 4 display.

Year 4 - Hot writes!

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 12:53pm

Today, we completed our fantasy setting descriptions. Here are some examples of the children's fantastic writing! This is the setting they were describing:

Year 4 Music

Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 2:56pm

This week we listen to and appraised Martin Luther King. The children participated well and listened carefully. Then we got the glockenspiels out and tried play and perform.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust