Year 4: Blog items
Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 2:42pm
What a fantastic Health Week in Year 4! Such a busy week. On Tuesday, we took part in a Dance workshop. On Wednesday, we welcomed parents and carers in for 'Together Time' and we showed what we have learned this year about healthy eating. Later on Wednesday, we realyl relaxed and took part in a Yoga session. It was so nice to be calm and chilled. Our Health Week was then topped off by a fantastic Sports Day at Aspire. The children tried so hard and participated brilliantly.
Year 4 - States of matter consolidation
Date: 26th Jun 2023 @ 4:05pm
Today we did some 'States of Matter' consolidation. We remember lots from our unit earlier in the year! We started the lesson looking at a chocolate bar which Miss Crystal had mistakenly left on the window ledge in the sun. It had melted into a liquid. We put it in the fridge to see if we could change it back to a solid and checked on it at the end of the lesson. It had changed back to a solid but the shape wasn't like the chocolate bar was at the beginning. So we learned that the melting process can be reversed, but it may look different to the original solid. Then we were all given an ice cube and observed what happened to it. We recalled that applying heat to a solid such as an ice cube causes melting to happen. The solid turns to a liquid (water). Next we got a little bit messy. It's been a warm day, so we were all given a piece of chocolate and we had to see what would happen it we just kept it in our hands!
Year 4 - Multiplication Check results
Date: 26th Jun 2023 @ 11:14am
Year 4 have averaged 22 out of 25 for the second year running in the Government Multiplication Check. Last year, the national average was 19 out of 25, so once again Boundary children are flying above the national average. Well done Year 4 we are all really proud of you!
Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 11:57am
What a great morning! Today was Year 5's Takeover Day. In Year 4, our teachers, Miss Shepherd, Miss Lewis and Miss Morrison, taught us lines of symmetry in Maths, how to back up our answers with evidence using the text in Guided Reading and figurative language in Reading into Writing. The teachers were helped out throughout the morning by Miss Roberts and Mr Butterfield. Well done Year 5! You did a great job and showed so many characteristics such as confidence and enthusiasm.
Year 4 - World Music Day 2023!
Date: 21st Jun 2023 @ 11:47am
Today, we celebrated World Music Day. To start the day we had an assembly to look at the history of the day where Mrs Pope told us that World Music Day originated in France and is now celebrated in over 120 countries on this day every year. Then, we were told our theme. South American/ Latin American music! We studied South American in Geography recently, so we were excited about learning about their genres of music. We start the morning listening to different genres of Latin music such as Samba, Salsa and Rumba. Then we listened to music by Ricky Martin and Shakira. The children used their oracy skills and musical vocabulary to describe the music. We discovered that a lot of Latin music has a fast tempo (allegro), the lyrics are Spanish and the tonality of the music is major. To show everything we learned about Latin America we made collages!
Date: 20th Jun 2023 @ 2:40pm
We have had lots of fun writing letters and small words this week. We learned two new codes (PU and PD), then meant that we could have the pen up and pen down, so that we could separate the letters.
Date: 20th Jun 2023 @ 8:59am
This week, we have been learning about angles. We have been learning how to identify right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles.
Date: 13th Jun 2023 @ 8:08pm
We used a website called to begin our programming journey. First, we learned what different codes mean. For example, FD 100 means move forward 100 steps and RT 90 means rotate 90 degrees to the right. Everyone had a really good go at playing around with it to start. Then we had a go at getting the turtle to move to make numbers. As a challenge, some of us had a go at getting to turtle to write out our initials.
Date: 13th Jun 2023 @ 8:04pm
Today we started our Dilemma story journey. At the start of our Reading into Writing journeys we immerse ourselves in the genre and pick out features to create a features list. The children we brilliant at remembering lots of different GPS we have learned over the year.
Year 4 - Mad Science United Utilities assembly
Date: 13th Jun 2023 @ 8:01pm
This morning, we had 'Mad Science' in funded by United Utilities to talk to us about our drains. We learned about what is (toilet roll sheets and sugar) and what isn't (wet wipes, oil, fat) appropriate to flush down the toilet and down the sink.
Too add a bit more fun - we even got to feel some dry ice whilst we waited to the oil to freeze at -72 degrees.
Date: 22nd May 2023 @ 3:38pm
Today we went to Blackpool Football Club's stadium - Bloomfield Road - for the Fit2Go festival. We took part in several activities including dodgeball, dance, netball and circuit training. At the end we got the opportunity to go and have a look at the dressing room where the Blackpool players go before and after games.
Date: 22nd May 2023 @ 3:35pm
We created our final pieces today. We used all the skills we have learned this half term so far including cropping, rotating, cloning and combining. Our brief was to create a book cover for a story about a magical word.
Date: 16th May 2023 @ 3:43pm
In assembly on Monday, we spoke about Mental Health Week and the focus being anxiety. We discuss things that might be going through our minds and what we could do to help ourselves.
Date: 16th May 2023 @ 3:37pm
This week, we continued our studies of South America, The Amazon and The Amazon Rainforest. We looked at lots of pictures and compared the two cities. We then annotated our flip chart papers using Human and Physical Geography vocabulary such as river, rainforest, city, capital city, rural and urban.
Year 4 - Cloning and combining
Date: 11th May 2023 @ 2:18pm
The children really impressed us this week with their image editing skills. We used a website called to clone (copy and paste) parts of images to change their composition - whether that be add or remove something in the image. Then they had a go at combining images where they used part of another image to copy across to their original.
Year 4 Deforestation on Newsround
Date: 10th May 2023 @ 10:35am
Our Geography unit this half term is about the Amazon Rainforest and River. Today, during milk and snack, when we watched Newsround they reported on deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest and how it is now within the UK supply chain. It was great for the children to see something they are currrently learning on the news and it promoted some brilliant discussions.
Date: 5th May 2023 @ 2:04pm
We are a part of history this weekend! Today we celebrated King Charles III's Coronation. We have learned about the history of coronations and what happens during the ceremonies, as well as singing the National Anthem and the Coronation Song. We played some 'Regal Games' including croquette, the king's four corners and the royla court tin can alley. We had a wonderful roya lunch together with sandwiches and cakes - and we wore our crowns which we made yesterday! Then we did some royal quizzes and made a collage of all things royal using King Charles III's silhouette.
Date: 4th May 2023 @ 9:10am
Our unit this half term is all about photo editing. This week, we had to use our rotating and cropping skills from last week, then newly learned colour changing skills to change photos to a given mood.
Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 2:52pm
Today, we learned how sound is made. We started the lesson by closing our eyes and listening for a sound to be made. We then pointed in the direction of the sound. Next, we discussed that we hear sound through our ears. So how does it get there? Using a tuning fork, we hit it against the table and dipped it in some water. Straight away we could feel tuning fork vibrating in our hands and see the tuning fork vibrating in the water. Using the scientific vocabulary on the board we discussed what was going on. Then we made string telephones. We predicted that we would be able to hear our partner because the vibrations would travel as sound waves down the string. We then used rice on a drum and beat the drum to further see and show vibrations from a sound source (this time the beater).
Year 4 - Getting ready to race
Date: 26th Apr 2023 @ 1:31pm
Last week, we learned how to position our bodies for a race start ('ready' and 'set'). This week, we used those skills in relay races. We also learned how to pass the baton to our teammates from the front and from behind.
Date: 26th Apr 2023 @ 1:28pm
This week, we discussed what a community is. We discovered that a community can be a small group and a large group or area. Then, we made our perfect community and had to reason why we included what we did.
Year 4 - King Charles III's Coronation Song
Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 3:43pm
Today we started to learn the song for King Charles III's Coronation Day in May. We listened and appraised it using our brilliant musical vocabulary and then we started to have a go at singing it.
Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 3:40pm
We have started this half term by reading lots of examples of folktales. We found the features of a folktale, which we made a list of and then today we reread the folktales we read yesterday and highlighted them. We can't wait to get our creative juices flowing when we write our own.
Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 3:37pm
Today we started our unit about The Amazon River. We started by doing a flashback to define some river features and then we got the atlas' out to find South America. We located 10 of the South American countries and then looked at where The Amazon rainforest and rivers are.