Year 4: Blog items
Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 3:57pm
In our RE lesson this week our Year 4's have been learning all about the story of Rama and Sita. We are focussing on 'Good vs Evil' and we all retold the story in our RE book using pictures and our writing. All of the children did a great job and loved listening to the story of Rama and Sita and the evil Ravana.
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 4:00pm
In Year 4 we have been focussing our art journey on the works of Howard Brodie and E.H Shephard. We have been looking at their most well known pieces of work and discussing the techniques they have used and how we interpret their art. We have tested a wide variety of sketching pencils to experiment with tone and shade.
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 3:47pm
This week was a week for us to pay our respects and remember those who bravely gave their lives for our country. Here are our year 4 children making their commemorative poppies that we then planted in our 'Remembrance Garden' outside the front of the school. This was then followed up by a fantastic service led by Miss Ashton and the Year 6 prefects.
Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 6:32pm
Hold the phone...! That's exactly what our Year 4's were doing in this weeks Science WOW lesson. We are focussing on sound this half term and we thought that this would be a great way to kick off our topic. We made phones with paper cups and string, looking at how the sound of our voices travelled through the string and to the other cup! We noticed that to hear our partner properly, the string had to be nice and tight and we had a great time along the way!
Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 3:10pm
This week we have been planning and writing our first drafts for our very own non-chronological report! We've really been working on our writing skills and for this particular piece of work how we are going to lay it out. As always, a great effort from the Year 4's and some fantastic reports in the making.
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 4:07pm
In our latest Reading into Writing journey we are focussing on non-chronological reports. We have been identifying the features of a 'non-chron' and having a little practice ourselves! This week we are researching and beginning to write our very own non-chronological report on famous footballer and all-round good egg Marcus Rashford. In Year 4 we decided that we needed a little bit more space than we had on our whiteboards so writing on the tables it is! Don't worry.... it rubs off.... we hope!
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 4:25pm
That's right! Today at Boundary was no pen day, and what a day we've had in Year 4. Lots of great discussion and debates going on in Reading into Writing about the differences between facts and opinions. In maths we were learning about adding 1, 10, 100 and 1000 to a 4-digit number with a fantastic activity to finish off the lesson! The this afternoon is Science we learned all about conductors and insulators of electricity and a good sessions trying and testing those using the circuits. Finally, to finish off the day we showed off our super search engine skills to find out information about a famous person! Unfortunately... Mr McCormack completely forgot at one point today and picked up his pen! He was subsequently told off my the childfren in Maple Class and even by Mr Bamber.
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 4:25pm
This week we have been electing our school councillors! We have had a great week in Year 4 prepping our manifestos and perfecting our speeches. We learned all about democracy and what makes up a good manifesto. Lots of our little politicians across Year 4 entered the running for school councillor, wrote fantastic manifesto's and presented them in front of the class! We then got our ballot papers, and took them into the hall where our very own voting station had been set up! Well done to Layla and Lucas on your new appointments!
Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 6:30pm
This afternoon in Year 4 we swapped our French lesson as yesterday was the European Day of Languages! To celebrate we changed our French lesson and learned all about the different langauges in Europe, which there are 24 of! In Year 4 the langauge that we focussed on was Portugese. We learned about where Portugal is, we learned a bit about Portugese culture and a few words along the way. Here are some of our Year 4's doing an absolutely excellent job at our English to Portugese phrases/numbers match up activity. Tenha um bom dia!
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 4:26pm
This half term our music theme is Mamma Mia! Today we listened to the song a couple of times (and maybe had a little dance) to introduce ourselves to our topic. We then broke off into our groups and had a discussion about the music. How did it make us feel? What did we think of the song? What instruments could we hear? What musical vocabulary could we think of to help describe the song? Some great discussion and teamwork from Year 4, not to mention the dancing!
Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 4:52pm
Here are some of our Year 4's bustin' some moves in our dance lessons. What a great way to exercise and keep fit whilst having some fun along the way! Our Year 4's are loving our dance classes this half term and experiencing new movement sequences whilst getting a great core workout at the same time!
Religious Education - Love thy neighbour
Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 12:06pm
We have recently started our RE journey in Year 4. We have been looking at the way Christians live their lives. We discussed what the term moral means. We found out that our Boundary characteristics and promises are closely related to making the right choices. We looked at a variety of scenarios and we discussed what would be the right choice to make.
Date: 14th Sep 2021 @ 4:13pm
Having spent much of the past year learning remotely and spending much more time online becuase of lockdowns and isolations, this week in our computing lesson we have been learning about Online Safety. We have been discussing how we can all stay safe online and how we can teach others to stay safe online. We worked in groups to create a big sider diagrams outlining the dangers of not staying safe online and how we should behave when accessing the internet. We have all also logged on to our new Google Classroom and completed our independent task through there so we now know how to use it and to log in!
Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 3:31pm
This week in Year 4 we haven't wasted any time at all in getting back into our reading! We try our hardest to read at least once throughout the day to make sure we are expanding our learning and vocabulary. We have a HUGE range of books in our class libraries and have been taking full advantage of them since we have been back at school. This is especially handy as we are learning about fantasy settings in our Reading into Writing lessons! Remember... as Dr. Seuss says 'The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go.'
Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 4:36pm
In Year 4, We started our science journey in electricity. We worked in small groups to try and make a light bulb light up. We were given 2 wires, a bulb and a battery. We had to think carefully about where we joined our wires to make sure the circuit was complete. Some of us did this successfully without any help!
Creating coastal erosion clay figures
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 9:09am
Yesterday in Art, year 4 created the stages of coastal erosion using clay. The children used the skills they have learnt over the past few weeks to create different texture in their clay using their hands and cocktail sticks.
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 8:59am
This week in year 4 the children have explored the genre of poetry by reading various classic poems and highlighting the features of them.
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 5:01pm
This week the children have took part in various sports day activities to earn points for their house teams. A favourite of theirs was completing the speed bounce and balloon races in their teams.
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 4:56pm
This week the children learnt about how animals are separated into different groups based on their characteristics. The children then had a go at classifying liquorice alsorts into different groups based on what they look like using data branching.
Creating texture with play dough!
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 5:07pm
Today in Art, year four explored two of the seven elements of art which were texture and form. They used the play dough to make different forms and create various textures. We also linked this to geography by creating headlands and bays using the play dough which are created through erosion.
Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 3:59pm
This week the children have learn about healthy relationships. The children look at various pictures that displayed unhealthy and healthy relationships and what makes them that way. The children have made brilliant points and engaged in lots of discussions around this topic.
Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 3:16pm
In Year 4 we have just been looking at the success criteria of an adventure character description to help us create a character. We worked in small groups to think of all the different features.
Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 3:45pm
Today in reading into writing, year 4 have been reading different adventure themed character descriptions. The children read through the different character descriptions and found the features of each one so they could compare them.
Date: 8th Jun 2021 @ 3:43pm
Today in RE the children learned about the temptation and sacrifice. Within the session the children were given various scenarios to discuss in their table groups in which a sacrifice may be needed to resolve an issue. The children came up with great ideas.