Year 1: Blog items

Spelling Bee March 2025

Date: 28th Mar 2025 @ 10:30am

Today we held our second Spelling Bee of the school year. 4 children were chosen from each group to represent their house and were given 3 spellings each. They have been learning these words over the last few weeks and we could all tell. The children did brilliantly and did themselves (and their house) proud. We are already looking forward to the final Spelling Bee in the Summer term.

Year 1 Judaism - Visit

Date: 24th Mar 2025 @ 5:27pm

Today we enjoyed meeting a member of the Jewish faith who came in to our school to support our current learning about Judaism. We shared everything we have learnt so far with our visitor and enjoyed learning about the festival of Sukkot and how this is celebrated by Jewish families today. 

Year 1 Supertato

Date: 24th Mar 2025 @ 5:17pm

This week we have started to read the story 'Supertato.' In todays lesson we created our own story maps and completed mini me tasks relating to our new story. Over the coming days, we will be labellling the characters in the story, creating speech bubbles for what characters might say and writing sentences to retell key events in the story.

Year 1 Red Nose Day

Date: 21st Mar 2025 @ 11:22am

Today we came to school dressed in something red to celebrate Red Nose Day! We enjoyed raising money to help others and completing Red Nose Day activities in Always Time.

Year 1 Science and Geography Day

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 10:16am

Today we were very excited to meet Thomas the gorilla! We thoroughly enjoyed our assembly where we listened carefully to Thomas' story and played some games to interact with him. In the afternoon, we then had a visit from the baby animals! We learnt lots of new information and completed some gorilla tasks around our visits to further develop our understanding of their features, habitats and location.

Year 1 Together Time

Date: 17th Mar 2025 @ 10:11am

Today some of our grown-ups joined us for together time, where we continued to explore the key question ‘what is the best habitat for an animal?’ We recapped on the key habitats we have learnt about this half term and the four things each habitat provides for an animal; food, water, shelter and space. We looked at a number of different habitats and discussed which animals belonged there and which animals had been placed in the wrong habitat and why. We then worked independently to create our own habitat diorama for a chosen animal, orally explaining why our animal lives in this habitat and what it provides for them.

We also showed our adults how we complete our mini mes and spent some time in our outdoor area!

Year 1 Trim Trail

Date: 13th Mar 2025 @ 7:39am

We were all very excited for our new trim trail to open! This week we have been practising how to use each section of the trim trail, ensuring we keep ourselves and others safe. We showed lots of determination to try and get as far round the sections as we could!

Year 1 Amy Johnson

Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 4:38pm

This half term we have been learning about Amy Johnson in History. We began by learning about who Amy Johnson was and how she ended up flying solo to Australia! We retold the story of Amy's life and picked out lots of qualities that Amy showed throughout her life. We also went on to look at why flying to Australia was so difficult for Amy and the hazards that she faced! Finally, we turned into detectives to solve the mystery of what happened to Amy. We looked at different sources of information, before using this information to make our own decision to solve the mystery!

Year 1 The Disgusting Sandwich!

Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 4:23pm

This week we have started to read the story 'The Disgusting Sandwich.' In today's lesson we learnt how to follow instructions to achieve an outcome - making our own disgusting sandwiches! Firstly, we gave instructions to Miss Kay, telling her how to make a disgusting sandwich using different ingredients. We learnt that we need to be clear and specific when giving instructions to enable a final goal to be reached successfully. We then worked with a partner, developing our verbal instructions further, to give them a set of instructions to make a sandwich. We worked hard to give clear and precise instructions!

Hazel Class WorldBook Day

Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 12:34pm

We are having a very excited World Book Day! We have been making boomarks, creating self portraits of ourselves and sharing our favourite stories.

We all look fabulous.

World Book Day - Beech Class

Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 11:01am

We were very excited to come to school today dressed as our favourite book characters. We started the day by taking part in our whole school assembly, before coming back to class to complete lots of World Book Day related activities! We drew pictures of us in our costumes, wrote sentences to explain who we were, read different stories and made World Book Day bookmarks. 

Year 1 Counting above 20

Date: 5th Mar 2025 @ 10:56am

This half term we have been learning how to count objects more efficiently by grouping into tens and ones. Today we practised counting groups of tens using tens frames to support our understanding. 

Year 1 Polar and Desert Habitats

Date: 3rd Mar 2025 @ 7:52pm

 Today we learnt about two habitats – a polar habitat and a desert habitat. We began by identifying the features of a polar habitat, watching a short video and looking at photos. We looked at the climate in a polar habitat, animals that live there and how they are suitable to their habitat. We then began to look at a desert habitat, again identifying the features by watching a short video and looking at photos. We then looked at a number of animals that live in the desert and learnt about how they are suited to that habitat. We then completed a desert and polar habitat sort with a partner, verbally discussing the reasons and explaining how we know which animals live where.

Year 1 Mental Health Week

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 6:07pm

After our assembly about Mental Health Week, we learnt more about this years theme 'know yourself, grow yourself' through our PSHE lesson. We recapped on what mental health is, the importance of our own mental health and what we can do to look after ourselves. We also took part in lots of discussion to talk about our differences, things we are interested in, talents we have and our dreams for the future. 

Year 1 Monkey Puzzle

Date: 24th Feb 2025 @ 7:25pm

Today we began our new half term with a new story 'Monkey Puzzle!' We read the story together, talked about the characters, the setting and the key events before ordering the stories ourselves. We also completed lots of different mini me challenges in our provision, including counting jungle animals, retelling the story at our story telling table and writing sentences about the jungle setting.

Year 1 How We Treat The Natural World

Date: 12th Feb 2025 @ 7:02pm

Today we brought all our learning for this half term together to reflect on how we each treat the natural world. We recapped on the key vocabulary associated with Islam and used it accurately to contribute to our whole class learning today. Throughout today lesson we thought about rules that we could implement in our local area to make the environment better in our community. We also painted a picture to show our own beliefs and values about how the natural world should be.

Year 1 Safer Internet Day

Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 8:18pm

Today we took part in our whole school Safer Internet Day. We began the day by listening to Mr Taylors assembly all about how to be safe and protect ourselves and others online. Back in class, we read the story 'Buddy the Dogs Internet Safety Story.' We talked through the story together, answering questions to help the character Ben make safe choices whilst using his tablet. We created some internet safety rules, including not talking to strangers online, asking a grown up if you see anything strange and don't download anything without asking an adult. We then revisted our trusted adults and shared these through drawing and writing. 

Year 1 100th Day At School

Date: 10th Feb 2025 @ 11:26am

Today we enjoyed celebrating our 100th day at school! We began our day with learning about our theme for the day, before completing lots of different 100 related activities. We practised subtracting with jelly beans, did 100 warm up activities in PE, created 100 monsters and counted different objects up to 100!

Year 1 RSE

Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 7:02pm

This week we have taken part in our RSE lessons. Today we read a story that helped us understand how children grow and change. We took it in turns to use Tilly our talking teddy to answer key questions about the story and help us understand that babies need care and support, whilst older children can do more by themselves. We also looked at lifecycle picture cards and worked together to order the pictures from youngest to oldest. Finally, we talked about things we can do now that we couldn't when we were babies.

Year 1 and Year 2 Colouring Club

Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 3:39pm

This half term, some children from Year 1 and Year 2 have enjoyed coming to colouring club. We have completed lots of different colouring tasks, including mindfulness colouring and colouring to music. 

Year 1 The Attic

Date: 5th Feb 2025 @ 2:06pm

Today some of us enjoyed a visit to The Attic! We listened to a story together before having a chance to look at some books on our own. We are looking forward to coming back and spending some more time enjoying all the different books in the library!

Year 1 Caring For Our Natural World

Date: 4th Feb 2025 @ 5:57pm

Today we looked at images of environmental issues and discussed together why a Muslim might be concerned about these issues and what they might want to do as a result of their concern.

Year 1 Addition on a Number Line

Date: 3rd Feb 2025 @ 5:19pm

Today we revisited addition on a number line whilst working with numbers within 20. We recapped how to read addition number sentences, which number we need to start counting from on our number line and how many jumps we need to do to find our answer. 

Year 1 Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 5:42pm

After recapping on the animals groups we have learnt about this half term, we discussed our question for today’s lesson. We talked about what we already know about what animals eat and learnt three new key words to describe animal diets. We tried very hard to use our new vocabulary when sorting animals according to their diets.

Year 1 Similarities and Differences

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 12:45pm

This week Year 1 have learnt about similiarities and differences between ourselves and others. We have done lots of work to help us understand that we are all different but can still be friends with people who are different to us. We used Tilly our talking teddy to help us to work together and take turns. We also listened to the story 'It's ok to be different' by Todd Parr and drew a friend with characteristics that are different to our own.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust