Digital Literacy: Blog items

Year 5 - Geography

Date: 11th Dec 2024 @ 3:00pm

In our Geography unit, we have been creating a non-chronological report. The children put together their non-chronological reports using Google Docs, meaning they needed to use their Digital Literacy skills to insert images, diagrams and the appropriate captions to enchance our written work.

Year 2- Investigating the trenches from WWI

Date: 20th Nov 2024 @ 4:46pm

Today, we used the Chromebooks to improve our digital literacy skills to label what life was like in the trenches. We used our previous knowledge and new learning to think about items in a trench, how soldiers spent their time and what the conditions were like.

Year 3 - Data handling

Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 4:11pm

We used the data we gathered from our Science experiment to create digital bar graphs using an online data program.  We labelled the axis, gave the data a title and input the results carefully.  Once the bar graph was complete we then analysed the data.

We found that the car moved much further down the ramp of smooth wood and it travelled the least down the ramp covered in bubblewrap.  This is because there was less friction between the car wheels and the smooth surface and more friction between the wheels and the uneven surface of the bubblewrap.

Year 3 - DT - Investigating existing products and Market Research

Date: 9th Sep 2024 @ 9:05pm

To begin our DT journey, we looked at a range of existing pencil cases.  We thought about what material they had been made from, how they had been joined, who the user was and how they opened and closed.  We  found most of the pencil cases were made from fabric and stitched together.  Some pencil cases were made from wood or leather but these were less common.  We also conducted some market research.  We created a google form to gather data on what users would want from a pencil case.  We thought about what we would need to put in a pencil case, the shape, the design, the material and how the case would close.

We then analysed the data to see what it told us.   Our results showed that a character design is most popular. Those surveyed also wanted a soft pencil case that they could carry in their bags. We also found out that most children wanted lots of different things in their pencil case, so when we design our cases we need to make sure we have enough room and potentially a pocket for organising. 

Year 4- Together Time (Laurel)

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 5:42pm

In Laurel, we started our History Day in Together Time. Our key question was 'Who are Blackpool FC?' We started the morning by reasearching what the different elements of the Blackpool FC badge represent. Then, we began to research information about them such as their history, the name of their stadium, some famous players and their current manager. 

Year 2- Geography Day

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 3:47pm

Today, we participated in Geography Day thinking about the key question 'How has our local area changed?' We began by looking at our School on Google Earth and looking at what we could see on the aerial view picture, in small groups we labelled key things around our area. Then, we looked at the surrounding areas of school on Google Earth from 2022, focusing on Boundary Place and thought about what it looked like before going outside to see what we could find. We recorded findings through digital photographs and drawings. Our observations showed that the area has changed a lot and there are now lots of new houses and roads surrounding Boundary. We compared 2022 Boundary Place and current Boundary Place and thought about how this has affected the local area. We have enjoyed focusing on our local area the last couple of days and thinking about how changes can affect us. 

Year 4- Data Logging

Date: 21st May 2024 @ 4:05pm

This half term in computing, Year 4 have veen learning about what data is and why it is important to log it. This week, we looked at two graphs which measured temperature and light. We discussed what questions we could ask about this data and what each graph is telling us. Then, we interpreted these graphs and inputted the data that they showed on Chromebooks. 

Year 5 - Super Cinquains

Date: 16th May 2024 @ 12:24pm

We have completed our poetry journey, where we have been learning about cinquain poems. After, planning, drafting, editing and writing, pupils published their poem using google docs. We have been using our digital literacy skills in other areas of the curriculum - not just in Computing lessons.

Year 5 - 3-D Shapes

Date: 1st May 2024 @ 9:49am

As part of our journey into 'properties of shapes', children in year 5 have been exploring 2-D and 3-D shapes. We used practical objects to support learners finding the number of faces, edges and vertices, and used an online tool to make a variety of 2-D shapes on a virtual pinboard.

Year 4- No Pen Morning

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 1:56pm

Year 4 have had a great time during no pen morning. In Reading into Writing, we started our next journey which to write a poem based on rivers. We looked at a range of different poems and discussed common features such as alliteration, personification and rhyming. 

In Maths, we learnt how to represent hundredths as fractions. Firstly, we use base ten blocks to understand how to represent hundredths as fractions. Then, we used our digital literacy skills to use rekenrek on our chromebooks. We discussed how many beads were on each side of the rekenrek and talked about how to represent each of the sides as a fraction. 

Year 2- No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Apr 2024 @ 7:24am

Yesterday, Year Two completed no pen morning alongside the rest of the School. In Reading into Writing, we developed our digital literacy skills using the Chromebooks to read a teacher model and find all the different features on SeeSaw. In Maths, we completed a cutting and sticking activity to help us with recognising equal or unequal parts in a range of pictorial representations to begin our new fractions unit. 

Year 6 - Science Day

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 3:29pm

Year 6 have had a great day today! We met Jam the T-Rex, learned about Mary Anning and what fossils can tell us about evolution and ended the day with a workshop where we learned how to create a green screen movie.

Year 4 - Classifying vertebrates

Date: 26th Feb 2024 @ 7:03pm

Today we focused on how to classify vertebrate using branching. We recapped the characteristics of the five vertebrates then used various resources to make our own.

Year 4- Internet Safety Day

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 2:58pm

For Internet Safety Day, Year 4 discussed the positive and negative influences on the internet. As a class, we debated whether certain influences impacted our behaviour and views positively, negatively or both. We also talked about different uses for the internet and the differences it can make to our lives.  

Year 2 - We're Electric!

Date: 23rd Jan 2024 @ 4:48pm

Today in Science we were investigating how to make a bulb light.  We started off by trying to light up Energy Sticks.  We worked together and found out that in order to light, the sticks needed to be part of a circuit.  We learned that energy travels around a circuit and if there is a break in the circuit, the energy can no longer travel all the way around.  We then applied what we had learned to build a circuit that would make a bulb light.  We also used an interactive program to build a circuit that would make a bulb light.  We experimented with using more than one bulb in a circuit and using more than one power source.

Year 4 - LGBTQ+ research

Date: 22nd Jan 2024 @ 9:05pm

We started our LGBTQ+ research today. In Reading into Writing, our genre is News Reports. We used our digital literacy skills to research Blackpool Pride. We will use this information to write News Reports about Pride in Blackpool.

Year 5 - Digital Literacy No Pen Morning

Date: 16th Jan 2024 @ 8:24pm

To develop our digital literacy skills, pupils at Boundary spent the morning completing maths and writing lessons using only digital devices. For reading into writing, pupils used their chromebooks to publish their creation stories from Aboriginal culture. For maths, pupils used the BBC Micro:bits to create a rock, paper, scissors game. This was the first time pupils have used these tiny computers, and they even improved the code to reset after each turn, display a welcome message when the device was turned on, and make sound effects! 

Year 4 - No Pen morning

Date: 16th Jan 2024 @ 1:28pm

In Year 4, we were introduced to a multiplication competition on a website called Emile first thing this morning and we did lots of times tables to gain points for our school. Then we went on a typing skills website ( where we put on headphones and practised some typing skills. After we learnt typing skills, we learned how to use some of the skills on Google Docs (e.g bold, italic). We then used these skills to highlight some of the features of a Newspaper report like we have been doing in Reading into Writing. In Maths, some children matched 3D and 2D shapes into the correct columns on a worksheet. Everyone else continued their work on multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers.

Year 6 - Digital Literacy No Pen Morning

Date: 16th Jan 2024 @ 1:26pm

Our No Pen Morning focused on digital literacy. We began by completing a skills session. We recapped on how to change the font, size of font, colour and background before learning how to add pictures and change the transition of slides. We then moved on to typing skills. We talked about why it is important to be able to type accurately and quickly. The children enjoyed our typing completion. We finished by completing a PSHE lesson about images we see on line and how it may affect how we feel about ourselves. 

Year 4- Finding Features of News Articles

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 1:06pm

In Reading into Writing, Year 4 have been identifying structural and language features of newspaper reports and online news articles. Firstly, we looked at some examples of newspaper articles and highlighted the features that we noticed. After this, we used our digital literacy skills to look at some news articles online and were given post it notes to label the features that we found. We will continue to read and annotate a range of news articles and will plan and write our own news article in the next couple of weeks.

Year 2 - Which ship can hold the most weight?

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 7:27am

Last week, we conducted an experiment as part of our Everyday Materials unit to test which ship can hold the most weight? We made different sized boats using tin foil and placed counters on the top, counting how many counters it took until the ship sunk. This week, we used our results to use an online program to record our data in a block chart. We thought about the axis and giving the chart a title as well as inputting our own data before we interpreted our results using the chart. We found that the biggest ship could hold the most weight whilst the smallest ship held the least. This is because we can spread the weight.

Year 4 - Eid Al-Fitr research

Date: 20th Nov 2023 @ 1:44pm

In RE we are learning about Islam. Today, we researched more about Eid Al-Fitr. We found out lots of information about Eid from around the classroom and then we used all the information we gathered as a table to make a Google Slide. This gave us chance to practise our digital literacy skills too.

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Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust