Eco at Boundary: Blog items
Date: 10th Jul 2023 @ 10:22pm
This week on a rather rainy day, Reception harvested the peas they had grown in their outdoor area. They enjoyed eating them, counting the peas and calculating how many were left in the pod.
"The peas needed water to grow and the sun too" Lana- Rose.
"They taste yummy!" Halleigh.
"Peas are healthy for you- they are a vegetable".Harper.
"I had five peas. i ate one and had four left" Amelia.
Date: 6th Jul 2023 @ 12:21pm
We found a very sleepy bumble bee in our nursery garden this week. To help him get some energy back we gave him some sugar water and he was soon off flying again. The children showed a real interest in the bugs so we went on a big bug hunt around the nursery garden. We found grasshoppers, more bees and a little grass beetle. The children were so excited we're going to carry on exploring for bugs next week.
Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 10:29am
Our Reading into Writing journey this half term has been persuasive letters. We have explored the genre and read many examples in order to gather useful words and phrases. As a year group, we decided we would write a letter to Rishi Sunak to highlight the issues the world is facing with plastic pollution. We made sure that our writing was formal and we experimented with ambitious vocabulary. When we are finished, we are going to post our letters to Downing Street!
Reception- Recycled Water for our Plants
Date: 19th Jun 2023 @ 9:04pm
Since we returned from our break, Reception have been busy making the most of our new water butt and using recycled water to water the plants.
Water is essential not only for us as humans but for the flowers, plants and vegetables too. However, it still costs the school a lot of money and in some parts of the country there is a water shortage. Therefore, in order to value and preserve our most natural resource we have installed two water butts in school. Reception's vegetable plot has been watered using our recycled water and has been very much welcomed by the children, especially on such an extremely hot week.
Year 3- Stop the Block Mad Science!
Date: 15th Jun 2023 @ 2:39pm
We had a special visit from a mad scientist, Inquisitive Indie, who came to speak to us about what we put down the toilet! We found out that by putting things we shouldn't down the toilet that we are clogging up the drains. Inquisitive Indie showed us how this happens through some exciting Science experiments, we even got to use dry ice! We found out that we should only flush the 3 P's (ask us what they are!) and we all got our own toilet roll to take home.
Year 4 - Mad Science United Utilities assembly
Date: 13th Jun 2023 @ 8:01pm
This morning, we had 'Mad Science' in funded by United Utilities to talk to us about our drains. We learned about what is (toilet roll sheets and sugar) and what isn't (wet wipes, oil, fat) appropriate to flush down the toilet and down the sink.
Too add a bit more fun - we even got to feel some dry ice whilst we waited to the oil to freeze at -72 degrees.
Date: 22nd May 2023 @ 3:38pm
Today we went to Blackpool Football Club's stadium - Bloomfield Road - for the Fit2Go festival. We took part in several activities including dodgeball, dance, netball and circuit training. At the end we got the opportunity to go and have a look at the dressing room where the Blackpool players go before and after games.
Date: 18th May 2023 @ 12:07pm
Our outdoor classroom provides lots of wonderful opportunities for our children to develop their own ideas and learning. This week they have been exploring the water area and making picnics and delicious cups of tea. They loved looking for strawberries on our strawberry plants and built an ice cream shop using bricks. These ideas all came from the children as they used the avalible resources in their own way.
Year 3- Forest School Fun Part 2
Date: 18th May 2023 @ 11:48am
Week 2 of Froest School was a blast! We started by looking at the ponds and we noticed that they were drying up and that our tadpoles were in need of rescuing. Some of us dedicated our time to filling the pond back up and we loved to see the tadpoles swimming again. We also used tools to shave twigs and then used natural resources to dye them. Finally, we used shovels to get ready to plant our own courgettes.
Year 3- Forest School fun returns!
Date: 18th May 2023 @ 10:51am
This week the children of Year 3 went back to our forest school. The children enjoyed the opportunity to get back to nature and observe how the area had changed through the session. We really loved looking at the tadpoles and even spotted a few frogs!
Date: 15th May 2023 @ 4:53pm
What an amazing day at Blackpool Zoo! The pupils all had a fantastic time, their behaviour was a credit to the school and their families, and they walked there and back again without a moan. We saw many of the wonderful animals, including: ring-tailed lemurs, monkeys, giraffes and a close-up with the red panda, and we also had talks from the zoo's education team about sea lions, elephants and penguins. Khari the lion has been returned to Blackpool zoo into his new enclosure, and has been out exploring for the first time this week. It was great to see him back again!
Year 4 Deforestation on Newsround
Date: 10th May 2023 @ 10:35am
Our Geography unit this half term is about the Amazon Rainforest and River. Today, during milk and snack, when we watched Newsround they reported on deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest and how it is now within the UK supply chain. It was great for the children to see something they are currrently learning on the news and it promoted some brilliant discussions.
Reception receive a letter from the Giant!
Date: 24th Apr 2023 @ 5:07pm
This afternoon, Reception received a very exciting letter from the Giant in the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Also enclosed, were a bag of beans to plant. The letter was asking the children if they would plant some beans to grow a beanstalk.
Of course, the children were delighted to do this and couldn't wait to get planting outside with Mrs McAllister.
"I'm going to grow mine so I can climb up it!" Kian.
"First we need soil in a pot" Dolly- Anne.
"We need to make a hole with our finger and put the bean in it then cover it over with the soil so the birds don't take it!" Dillan.
"Don't forget to water it and put it in the sun to grow" Albie.
Date: 4th Apr 2023 @ 12:07pm
Once again, Gardening Club has begun and children have been busy planting lots of seeds.
Spring has arrived and the school grounds are starting to come alive with the Spring flowers Gardening Club planted in Autumn, (daffodils, crocus and hyacynth) and the leaves and blossom are now growing on the trees.
As it is the growing season, Gardening Club have begun to grow brocolli, tomatoes, spinach and various herbs. Hopefully, as the seeds germinate, we should have a bumper crop to enjoy in a few months time- watch this space!
"The seeds need lots of water to help them grow" Connor.
"Hopefully, it should be sunny which will make the tomatoes grow big" Sharleigh.
Date: 28th Mar 2023 @ 12:16pm
Although it is now the Spring season, we must not forget to still feed the birds for a little while longer.
The weather can still be quite cool and there is not quite enough natural food for the birds at the moment , such as caterpillars, berries and flies. It s also nesting season so the birds need to be well fed to produce eggs!
Reception have, therefore, been busy making their own bird feeders for the outdoor areas.
"We used lard and bird seeds and nuts" Esmee.
"Mix it all together!" Clio.
"Put it in the cup and hang it in the trees" Neveah.
"The birds can eat them now they're in the trees" Devon.
Reception Willow Class Forest School
Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 8:21pm
This week Willow Class have been busy outside enjoying Forest School!
Although the weather was rainy and it was extremely muddy, the children had a fabulous time. The children spent some of the session talking about spring and spotting some of the sign of spring outside. These included finding new plants growinf like daffodils, finds blossom on the tress and finding some birds nests in the trees. The children were even lucky enough to find some frog spawn in the ponds. We talked about how the frog spawn would change into tadpoles in the coming weeks.
"In spring blossom grows on trees" Lana-Rose
"Baby lambs are born in spring" Logan
"The days get longer and warmer" Alfie
"Leaf buds grown on trees" Noor-Fatima
"Daffodils grow outside" Albie
Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 4:44pm
Nursery enjoyed taking part in the whole school Art Day. Our first task was to make the backgrounds for the display that is going to be created from all the art work. The children used sponges, rolllers, tights filled with rice and washing up brushes to create some grass, sky and a road. The rest of the school were using collage to create their art work so we joined in with this by making some collage bugs.
Date: 12th Mar 2023 @ 9:03pm
This week Reception have been very busy taking part in Waste Week!
They have been remembering to place all waste paper in the brown recycling bag and only use one paper towel to dry their hands. This is so all waste paper can be recycled to make new paper and reduce the cost of paper towels in school.
"We have to use only one paper towel when we dry our hands" Logan.
"Put the paper you have cut up and don't need anymore in the brown recycling bag" Harper.
Date: 12th Mar 2023 @ 8:52pm
It's Waste Week at Boundary and our aim is to reduce the use of paper and paper towels in school.
All paper MUST be placed in the brown paper recycling bag and not the general waste bins. This will ensure ithe majority of paper is recycycled and made into paper again. The Eco Warriors will be checking all the recycling bags and general waste bins to ensure the correct items are placed in them.
We have also stopped using paper towels in the KS1&2 toilets. Hand dryers will be used which are much more cost and energy efficient than paper towels. EYFS will still use paper towels but are being extremely careful to use only one at a time to dry their hands. Although these are made from recycled paper, they are not able to be recycled so it is very important that we are not wasteful.
Year 5 - Creepy Crawlies Welcome
Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 8:42am
Pupils in Year 5 have completed their 'frame structure' projects. After evaluating current products, pupils designed and created their own 'bug hotel'. A frame structure was created before pupils added sides and tubes for insects to live in. The children then decorated their products and evaluated them.
Year 5 - Making our Designs Come to Life
Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 8:36am
This week, pupils in year 5 began to construct their Bee Boxes. The children used various wood-working tools, including G-clamps and hacksaws, to measure, cut and build a cube frame for their structure. After cutting the wood, triangles of cardboard were used to strengthen the structure. Soon pupils will turn this frame into a 'Bee Box' or 'Bug Hotel' to place around the school grounds.
Eco at Boundary-Walk to School!
Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 5:46pm
'Walk to School' campaign started again in September 2022. It promotes the benefits of walking to school- keeping healthy and reducing air pollution. The class winners so far are:
1st- Rowan
2nd- Hawthorn
3rd- Maple
Well done to all the children who continue to walk to school every day!
Date: 9th Jan 2023 @ 3:56pm
Today, we began our Design Technology food journey by fruit tasting so we are aware of the fruits we like and dislike before designing and making our own healthy fruit snack. We tried lots of different fruits including: blackberries, strawberries, mango, pineapple, pears, bananas, kiwi and apples. We realised we all enjoyed different fruits for different reasons and used adjectives to describe each fruits texture and taste.
Date: 6th Jan 2023 @ 2:46pm
This half term we will be completing our Fit2Go programmes with Blackpool Football Club Community Trust. The programme consists of a practical lesson and a theory lesson. Each week there is a different theme to the week.
Week one: Healthy lifestyles
Week two: The Eat Well Guide
Week three: Physical activity
Week four: It's all about balance
Week five: Snacks and label reading
Week six: Teeth and hydration
For our theory about healthy lifestyles this week, we looked at what we need to stay healthy. For example, 9-11 hours sleep, drink water and a balance of foods from different food groups. Then for our practical we did some warm ups and then played dodgeball.
Date: 29th Nov 2022 @ 3:54pm
Reception Eco Warriors, Lennox and Kit, have been very busy ensuring we don't waste electricity in Holly and Willow classes. They check lights are switched off at lunchtime and that teachers switch plugs off (not on standby) around their screens.
If we all do a little bit - it makes a big difference !