Eco at Boundary: Blog items

Acorns - Sam plants a sunflower

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 4:42pm

This week Acorns have been reading Sam plants a Sunflower, as our class story.

We have enjoyed learning about how plants grow and what they need, including soil, water and sunlight.

We have been developing our focus and attention, taking part in small adult led group activities based around our story.

Acorns have enjoyed the immersive sensory story, especially being sprayed with the water spray when Sam plants his seeds and waters them.

Acorns have experienced planting their very own sunflowers and can't wait to see them grow. 

Year 3- Forest School!

Date: 13th May 2024 @ 4:15pm

The children in Year 3 have enjoyed going to Forest School in the sunshine! The children loved building dens using their rope skills. They also worked on practical skills such as using choppers and peelers to make flags. Some children enjoyed filling the ponds for the tadpoles.

Year 1 and Year 2 Move for Mental Health

Date: 7th May 2024 @ 8:03am

This week as part of Mental Health Awareness week Year 1 and Year 2 have been exploring how exercise keeps us healthy both physically and mentally. We have continued to complete our daily four laps of the playground and found lots of different ways to keep moving for our whole break time! During Always Time this week, we also danced outside to music and created chalk art. 

Eco at Boundary- Black Path Collaboration Litter Picking.

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 11:06am

This week the Eco Warriors and a group of parent helpers, took part in the Black Path Collaboration Day, a community based group who have agreed to look after and maintain the pathways around the new housing development on Grange Park.

Altough it was a very wet start to our day, the Eco Warriors managed to pick up lots of rubbish along the paths. We started at @The Grange and then worked our way up to the green areas near the new park. 

"Why don't people just put the plastic bottles in the recycling bin?" Lyra- Rose

"Litter on the street is dirty and has germs." Jessica.

"I saw a shampoo bottle- why would you throw this on the path? Recycle it!" Lacey.


Year 5 - Fun in forest school (Part 2)

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 4:17pm

Here are more pictures from our fun in Forest School yesterday. The children had fun finding tadpoles, looking for frogs and also making their own hotels. 

Nursery Help the Butterflies

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 10:14pm

Nursery continue to learn about growth and change and this week we have been reading the story "Ben Plants a Butterfly Garden". In the story, Ben plants some wild flower seeds in his garden to encourage butterflies to come and visit - he even finds some caterpillars! We planted our own wild flower seeds and are looking forward to watching them grow. The children have also spent time exploring flowers and looking at their individual parts, sequenced how to grow and seed and created some collage flowers and some transient art flowers. 

Reception- Looking for signs of Spring.

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 4:37pm

This week we have been looking for signs of Spring in our school grounds.

It was a little bit chilly but we wrapped up warmly and ventured out into the sunshine.

Around school, we found tulips growing, buds beginning to sprout on branches, pink and white blossom blowing in the wind, a birds nest and even some tadpoles swimming in our school pond. 

As we discovered something new, we ticked it off our list until everything had been found- we were very lucky indeed!

Take a look at what Spring looks like at Boundary Primary School.


"Blossom grows on trees in is pink and white" Esme.

"I can see tulips and they are red" Melani.

"We have a birds nest and baby birds in it in our outdoor area" Niko.

"Buds grow on trees in Spring" Elie- May.

"The tadpoles in the pond will grow up to be frogs" Mathew.


Reception Healthy Lifestyles

Date: 15th Apr 2024 @ 9:20pm

This week the children in Reception have been learning about how to keep ourselves healthy.  We talked about having a healthy diet, identifying specific foods that are healthy and others that we should just have as a treat.  We talked about the imporantce of getting plently of sleeps and keeping active through exercise.  We discussed how many times we should brush our teeth each day and why this is important.  Throughout the week we completed lots of different tasks including; making a healthy fruit kebab snack, sorting different foods into healthy choices and occassional treats, practised washing out hands properly, practising brushing our false teeth and exercising in out outdoor area.

"You need to get lotsof sleep because that's when you grow" Oliver

"Brush your teeth in the moring and at hight" Sahiti

"Sugar makes your teeth rot away and makes them sore " Elisha

"You need to go to the dentist so they can check them" Esmai

"Chocolate is a treat" Thomas

"You should have 5 fruit and vegetable a day" Isla

"Exercise make you strong" Levi

Have a look at some of our learning.

Year 5 - Flower Power

Date: 12th Apr 2024 @ 12:50pm

This half-term our science unit is about 'All living things and their Habitats'. Our journey started with exploring the lifecycle and reproductive process of flowering plants. In this lesson, pupils dissected a daffodil to find the different parts of the flower, such as the sepal, style and anther. 

Nursery Get a Little Bit Muddy!

Date: 11th Apr 2024 @ 11:30am

Nursery had a very muddy forest school experience! It was a very rainy day but that didn't stop us having lots of fun! We hunted for food for the Very Hungry Caterpillar, made a home home for a caterpillar and splashed and squelched in the muddy puddles! 

Eco- Reception welcomes a new arrival

Date: 8th Apr 2024 @ 10:22pm

Before the Easter holidays, the children discovered a birds nest in our bushes in the outside area. They decided that  they needed to be very quiet and not play near it so the eggs could hatch and the bird felt safe. 

Today, we went to check if anything had happened and we could not believe that there were two baby birds huddled together in the nest. Once again, we need to stay away and keep quiet until the babies have flown the nest.

"Baby birds hatch out of eggs" Mathew.

"Birds live in a nest and keep their eggs in a nest" Lucy.

"Birds are scared of humans ...we must be quiet and not scare them" Esme.

Year 4 - WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 7:30pm

WOW! What a great day at WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre. The weather was kind to us and held off for most of the day. We explored the Wetland Centre and saw lots of different animals and found out about their habitats and how their bodies are adapted to their environment. WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre are trying to tackle climate change, protect wildlife and tackle flooding. It was great to see everything they are doing to help our environment and the wildlife around us.

Year 2- Final Forest School Session

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 3:55pm

Today, Year Two, despite the soggy weather, enjoyed their final forest school session of the year. We went and explored the pond area thinking about which animals would be enjoying the wet, muddy weather and went to see if we could find any- some of us even spotted some frogspawn in the pond. Then we thought about the lifecycle of a frog and played a game of rock, paper, scissors to grow throughout the lifecycle of a frog from frogspawn to an adult frog- every time we won a game of rock, paper, scissors we could progress a step in the lifecycle. Finally, after some of us practiced creating sparks using a fire lighter, we toasted fruit bread on the fire and enjoyed eating it around the fire as a warm treat to end the session. 

Eco- World Book Day Book Swap

Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 11:10am

We took part in Eco Schools World Book Day Book Swap. We encouraged our families to donate books which they no longer use. To eliminate waste and save them going to landfill, we collected the books and organised a book swap day! All of the children were then able to choose a free book to take and keep.  Everyone was delighted with their ‘new’ books.

Year 3- World Book Day!

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 12:56pm

Take a look at our amazong World Book Day costumes! We all dressed as our favourite characters today and shred our reasons for picking our characters. We joined a football quiz, joined in a great book Kahoot, read our reading books and finally we created our own story boards.

We were also lucky enough to have our very own book swap! We brought in a book that we had read and swapped it for one we were yet to explore! 

What a brilliant day of books!

Year 5 - Bikeability Training

Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 3:45pm

Today, 10 pupils in year 5 completed their level 1 and 2 Bikeability training. This meant learning how to look after their bike and how to cycle safely on the road. A huge 'thank you' to Active Blackpool and Mrs McIntyre for all of their effort over the past two days.

Eco- Sustainable Palm Oil Champion of Blackpool

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 7:12pm

We at Boundary Primary School, are committed to participation in the Sustainable Palm Oil Communities Project in Blackpool. During January 2024 we completed an audit regarding the sourcing of our Palm Oil. This audit confirmed that our suppliers only use products with sustainable palm oil. By doing so we know that we are helping to protect wildlife around the world from the impact of unsustainable agricultural practices (linked to Blackpool Zoo).

Eco- Environmental Review

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 7:05pm

The Eco Warriors met to discuss the environmental review.

We looked at the ten topics and took note of our findings and ideas- all the positives (which there were many) and the negatives (the few we will be working on this year on our action plan).

This will then be uploaded for our Eco Schools Green Flag apllication form.



Year 1 Natural World

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 2:55pm

Today we began to discuss our key question in RE, ‘How might beliefs about creation affect the way people treat the world?’ We began by learning the name of the religion we will be learning about and that Muslims believe there is only one God – Allah. Todays lesson involved learning about how we should treat the environment, why it is important and whose responsibility it is. We did this through looking at images and real life nature examples. We went on a nature walk to collect lots of natural resources and we then used these natural resources to create transient nature pictures. After this, we looked at a number of images and decided which are examples of looking after the environment and which are not. We sorted them together, verbally discussing and justifying each example. 

Reception- Switch Off Fortnight

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 5:59pm

This week Reception have taken part in Switch off Fortnight to try and save electricity, money and the planet from climate change.

Switching off lights when we are not in the room, turning off interactive screens when not in use and ensuring fewer electrical items are turned off at the plug socket, and not just on standby, are the main issues we are tackling in Reception now and for the rest of the year. 

"I switch the lights off to save electricty" Lucy.

"Turn things off...turn off your laptop" George.

"I switch lights off at home" Esmai.

Reception- Forest School

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 5:44pm

On Thursday, Reception took part in Forest School. It was a windy day but that didn't stop us wrapping up warm and venturing outside to search for animal footprints, insects and spinkle seeds to feed the birds.

We collected sticks to make a huge nest which we decided would be perfect for a big bird , such as an eagle and listened to a story and played some games too.

Year 2 - Forest School

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 3:07pm

Today was our final forest school session of 2023.  We started by sharing one of our favourite books by Julia Donaldson, Superworm.  We then searched the area to see if we could find any worms.  We looked under logs and dug in the mud.  We even pretended to be rain and made a pitter patter sound with our feet to try and trick the worms to the surface.  We then made worm habitats using soil, leaves and bark.  We are all looking forward to our next sessions in the new year.

Year 2- Forest School Fun

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 3:35pm

Today, despite the weather, we enjoyed our second forest school session. Michelle read us a book called 'cool by the pool' and we pretended to be the animals in the book before we split into two groups; one group went pond dipping to look for bugs, plants and animals that we might find in a pond habitat and others explored the forest school garden opting to play in the mud puddle, mud kitchen, creating art or playing 'what time is it Mr Owl?' before we swapped over. Just before we came inside, we warmed up by having a cup of warm vimto.  

Year 2 - Forest School

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 3:46pm

We began our Forest School sessions today. To start we reminded ourselves of the Forest School rules that are in place to keep us all safe.  We then went on a scavenger hunt to find a range of items that we then used to create a piece of art.   Some of us chose to play in the mud kitchen and some of us worked together to build a shelter. Then it was onto the pond habitat to search for frogs.  We were very excited to see a few hopping about as they were tiny tadpoles last time we visited in Spring.

Year 5 - Forest School

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 3:01pm

This week, the children in year 5 have had the first of their three summer Forest School lessons. After exploring the wild area and picking all of the fruit from the trees, pupils worked together to build dens, clear the pond area and find small animals that have moved in over the summer. Pupils had a great time and can't wait until next week!

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust