School Council: Blog items

The School Council Elections 2022

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 10:01pm

Following a whole school assembly, the School Council Elections 2022 officially began. Any child who wanted to run for School Councillor had the opportunity to write their manifesto, explain why they would make a good school councillor and then present it to their class.


After this process, which took determination, perseverance and a lot of bravery to stand up in front of their class, the school took to the polls. The votes were counted and verified and the results announced during a results assembly.


We are very proud of all our children who worked hard to write their manifesto, to listen patiently to their peers as they presented their ideas and then take part in a democratic and fair election process.


Congratulations to our new School Councillors!




Year 1 School Council Elections

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 7:29pm

This week in Year 1 we have taken part in our whole school councillor elections. We spent time thinking about what would make a good school councillor and the school characteristics a good councillor would show. Lots of children then delivered a manifesto in front of their peers and did a brilliant job! Throughout the week, we discussed the importance of Democracy and that we vote to ensure a fair result.

Year 1 are proud to announce their School Councillors for 2022/23 are:

Beech - Charlie

Hazel - Isaac

Well done everyone!

Year 4 School Council Elections

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:46pm

Today we voted for our school council representatives. We voted for one representative in Maple and one from Laurel. The children listened well to the candidates manifestos yesterday and were respectful when voting in the school hall today. Well done to the winners!

Year 2 School Council Elections

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:34pm

This week was Democracy week at Boundary and in Year Two lots of children stood infront of their peers and delivered a manifesto about why they would be a good school councillor thinking about our Always promises and charactertistics. The children all showed great respect, pride and bravery to deliver their manifesto and Miss Hooson and Miss Duckworth are incredibly proud of them all. Throughout the week, we discussed the importance of Democracy and appreciate that we vote to ensure a fair result.

Year Two are proud to announce their School Councillors for 2022/23 are:

Birch- Reggie

Elm- Emily

Well done everyone!

Year 5 Student Council Voting

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:02pm

This has been a great week for Democracy at Boundary! We have voted in the hall after reading out our Manifestos in class. Our new Student Councillors are Harris for Hawthorn and Jethro for Rowan. 


Whole School Pupil Pipeline for Water Aid!

Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 10:30am

The children at Boundary have been raising money for Water Aid by taking part in the Pupil Pipeline Challenge. This was a joint venture with the School Council and Eco Warriors.
Water Aid was a charity chosen by the School Council and its goal is to make sure everyone, everywhere has clean water. It is also a great opportunity to be mindful of not wasting water and remembering the healthy benefits of drinking it too.
All the children made a huge pipeline around the school and passed around a bucket full of water- trying not to spill it! 
This helped us to try and understand the difficulties children face in some parts of the world when fetching water for their families. It can often be dirty, disease ridden and situated some distance away from their village.   
 Our School Council and Eco Warriors also asked everyone to bring in any spare coins to try and fill a bucket! We raised £112.84- brilliant! 

School Council Meeting 25th April

Date: 25th Apr 2022 @ 9:15pm

Today, the school councillors met to discuss a charity fundraiser for the children of Ukraine.

They considered various ideas, such as collecting loose coins, a school disco and a bring and buy sale, amongst others.

The school councillors will go back to their classes for more ideas which will be discussed at the next meeting on Tuesday 3rd May at 1.30pm.



Getting Active!

Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 10:20pm

In December, Mrs Webster asked the School Council if they had any ideas as to how they could help get children more active at playtimes by improving their KS1 playground. 

Each school councillor went back to their class for ideas, these were then given to Mrs Webster, and the result was- well take a look for yourselves! 

"I love playing snakes and ladders!" 

"You take turns throwing the ball to each other- it keeps you fit!" 

"Hopping and jumping and running can keep you healthy"

School Council Meeting 3rd February

Date: 22nd Feb 2022 @ 4:06pm

This term we had a meeting to discuss how to create the School Council display board.

After looking at the display board, we discussed ideas of having speech bubbles for each school councillor saying how they will help their class. Melissa, Maisie, Emily and Tilley decided to make posters to show how they can help be the pupil’s voice. Each school councilor wrote a speech bubble and posters were created too.

School Council Meeting 1st December

Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 10:48am

This week the school councillors met virtually with a very special guest- Mrs Webster, PE subject leader . She wanted them to discuss how the sports premium can be spent by  improving our playground to get children active at playtimes. There were lots of ideas from a racing track to snakes and ladders to skipping ropes in KS2 playground. All the councillors will feed this information back to their classes and we will meet again shortly to discuss the outcomes and inform Mrs Webster.


Children in Need

Date: 22nd Nov 2021 @ 10:38am

Today we enjoyed Children in Need. Dressed in either spots or stripes, we all joined in with the Joe Wicks live Children in Need workout this morning. However, this was a workout with a twist! We took part in 20 minutes of exercise which was also combined with answering some quite tricky general knowledge questions. We all enjoyed the challenge! We then spent Always time making some Pudsey themed crafts and practising the hand jive before our special end of the day assembly. We had lots of fun alongside discussing why we raise money for Children in Need.

Working out for Children in Need

Date: 21st Nov 2021 @ 6:46pm

Today we celebrated Children in Need by dressing up in spots and stripes. To wake us up for the day and give us energy, we took part in a Joe Wicks workout where we had to answer questions. Each question had 2 options and each option had an exercise movement!! It was a fun way to start the day.


Children In Need

Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 3:59pm

Today, alongside the rest of school, Year 2 celebrated Children in Need. This morning, we all dressed in spots or stripes and we joined in with the Joe Wicks live Children in Need workout combining 20 minutes of exercising with answering different general knowledge questions. This afternoon, we joined the rest of school in assembly to learn about the importance of Children in Need, who it supports in our local community and why we fundraise for the cause. To end the day on some fun, in the true Children in Need style, we performed the Hand Jive. We had lots of fun dancing but also remembered why we raise money. 

One Kind Word

Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 3:43pm

This week was Anti-Bullying Week. On Monday, we began the week with an assembly to introduce our focus 'One Kind Word' and we all wore a colourful accessory. We also wrote notes to someone who has helped us to say thank you. When we had all finished, we went to the Kindness Post Box and posted them to be delivered to their recipients. Later in the week, we used the Now Press Play equipment to act out a story about kindness. All the children knew when Safia (one of the main characters) wasn't displaying kindness and we all chose the kind thing to do. 

School Council Meeting 19th October

Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 7:11pm

This week we all met to discuss the results of which charities we are going to support. The councillors had met with their class and had taken notes of what was their most popular charity- some even had to exercise a democratic vote to achieve a fair result.

After exchanging their ideas, the school council reached a decision.

Local Charity- Donna's dream House

National Charity- The British Heart Foundation

International Charity- Water Aid.

First School Council Meeting 12th October

Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 8:33pm

The school councillors met on Tuesday for the very first time since being elected. After introducing themselves, they began to eagerly discuss ideas they had about their first task. Each councillor had the task of determining what charities the school would support over the next year. A meeting to discuss these results will be held next week.  

Election Day

Date: 4th Oct 2021 @ 2:33pm

On Thursday 30th September, it was our school council election day. Candidates from Year 6 presented their maifestos to the rest of the class, outlining the characteristics that made them a suitable candidate and how they would help to improve the school. We discussed democracy and how it is one of the British values, before voting in a secret ballot in the hall. Congractulations to Tilly and Emily, who were been elected as school councillors for Elder and Oak classes. 

School Council Elections

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 4:44pm

On Thursday, alongside the rest of School, Year 2 participated in Election Day. Throughout the week, children from both classes presented a manifesto to their peers before an anonymous vote was made in the hall. We also had a special Election Day dinner and discussed democracy and it's importance.

Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were proud of all the children for participating and congratulating their winners who are:

Elm - Miya

Birch - Elsie 

Well done girls!

School Council Elections

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 4:25pm

This week we have been electing our school councillors! We have had a great week in Year 4 prepping our manifestos and perfecting our speeches. We learned all about democracy and what makes up a good manifesto. Lots of our little politicians across Year 4 entered the running for school councillor, wrote fantastic manifesto's and presented them in front of the class! We then got our ballot papers, and took them into the hall where our very own voting station had been set up! Well done to Layla and Lucas on your new appointments!

School Council Election Day!

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 10:24am

School Council Elections!

Yesterday was a very exciting day- it was Election Day for the School Councillors! 

Candidates started the day by presenting their manifesto to their class and then every child completed a ballot paper to vote for their chosen representative. The voting booths had been set up in the hall and children placed their ballot paper in the ballot box. After the votes had been counted, an assembly was held to reveal the results.

The children learnt about the key British Value, democracy, what it means and if it is a good thing.

"I know Democracy is when people get to vote for the Prime Minister but some people don't vote. It's a celebration to choose who is in charge.
"It means people choose who they want in charge." 
"Democracy is a good thing because if one person just chose the leader then it's not fair because other people might want someone else and not agree."
Albie Year 2

Who gets your vote?

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 10:21am

Today the whole school have been voting for who they want as their school councillor to represent their class. In Cedar, we had three pupils who put themselves forward so these three pupils pitched to the class on why we should vote for them to represent us. We then went to the school hall to cast our votes before having a special school lunch to celebrate the day. We found out who had been voted in for each year group in a virtual whole school assembly this afternoon.

A big congratulations to our Cedar School Councillor.

School Council Elections 2021

Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 3:02pm

This week has been the launch of the School Council Elections!

On Monday Mrs Farley held an assembly about The School Council and the practice of democracy, a key British Value, at Boundary Primary School. The children learnt about why we vote and what democracy means before discussing which characteristics they would need to demonstrate in order to become a School Councillor.
Voting commences on Thursday 30th September followed by a Great British Lunch with the Results Assembly in the afternoon. 
Here is a reminder of what you need to do if you wish to become a School Councillor. 
Do not forget- your school needs you!

School Council Meetings

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 5:23pm

This year our school council meetings have been quite different to previous years due to Covid 19. We now meet virtually using 'Googlemeet' and this appears to be  working really well.

The School Council have decided on which charities they want to support and have been busy coming up with ideas as to how to raise money.


Local Charities- Brian House and Donna's dream House.

National Charities- Children in Need and Comic Relief.

International Charity- Water Aid.


Money has already been raised for Children in Need and Comic Relief and, as you can see from the photos on the blog, everyone had fun participating in these events!

The School councillors have now been given the task to generate ideas of how we can continue to support our local charities, Brian House and Donna's Dream House in the final half term of the year. Watch this space!





School Council Elections 2020

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 7:28pm

This week we have held our annual school council elections. On Thursday, those who wanted to be considered for the role had to present their manifesto to the class - some children read speeches whilst others used slides on the the computer. On Friday, all children were given the opportunity to take part in a democratic vote. The results will be shared on Monday afternoon in assembly.

We are very proud of all those children who put theirselves forward and for showing dedication, courage and leadership.

School Council Elections

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 1:43pm

This week has been important for British Values at Boundary because we have taken part in the School Council Elections. We presented our manifestos if we wanted to be considered as a candidate and we thought about what a good Student Council Representative needed to be like. We had a secret vote and posted our ballot papers. On Monday we will find out which candidate has been selected to represent each class.

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust