British Values: Blog items

Year 4 - Planning for LGBTQ+ news report

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 8:33pm

As a class, we did a carousel to make a group plan for a news report about Blackpool Pride.

Reception- Super Hero City!

Date: 29th Jan 2024 @ 7:46am

This week Reception have had lots of fun in PE pretending to be super heroes!

They practiced their running, jumping and hopping skills and then went on to throwing and catching. They had to listen, take turns and try not to crash into each other.

Take a look at our photos.

Year 5 - Protest Pop

Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 11:35am

In this music journey, pupils are learning about South African protests songs. These are usually a fussion of different musical genres; especially jazz, gospel and pop music. Pupils learned the words of a song called, 'Freedom is Coming' and sang, whilst other children improvised a melody using pitched percussion instruments.

Acorns Bucket: Attention Autism

Date: 23rd Jan 2024 @ 4:49pm

Introducing Bucket - Attention Autism

Acorns have been enjoying 'Bucket'. Developing focus and attention skills, turn taking and aticipation through fun activities. 

Acorns have enjoyed experiening a variety of fun action objects and winter realated activities like snow, snowman splatt and snow fountains. 

Year 4 - LGBTQ+ research

Date: 22nd Jan 2024 @ 9:05pm

We started our LGBTQ+ research today. In Reading into Writing, our genre is News Reports. We used our digital literacy skills to research Blackpool Pride. We will use this information to write News Reports about Pride in Blackpool.

Reception- Road Safety Week

Date: 22nd Jan 2024 @ 7:36am

This week Reception have been learning how to keep safe and be responsible when crossing the road.

They had a special visitor from Zoe our crossing patrol warden or, as we like to say, our lollypop lady! 

We all learnt that we have to :

1- Find a safe place to cross.

2- Stay on the curb.

3- Look both ways.

4- Listen for the traffic.

5-Then walk sensibly across the road.


"I have to hold my mummy's hand when I cross the road" Lucy.

"Zoe helps me cross the road safely when I come to school" 

Reception- Christmas Party!

Date: 22nd Dec 2023 @ 10:11am

This week Reception had their Christmas Party. 

They had fun dancing, playing musical statues, musical bumps and pass the parcel. Everyone took turns and clapped the winners. 

After the games we had some party food and then we were visited by a very special guest- Father Christmas! He had brought presents for everyone because they had all been good this year.

Merry Christmas to you all!

School Council- Fund Raising For Elmer

Date: 22nd Dec 2023 @ 10:02am

We have been busy raising money for Elmer by wearing our Christmas jumpers. it was so successful that one of the Brian House collection boxes is already full!

Watch this space for more exciting fund raising events!

School Council- Business Enterprise

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 12:02pm

At the School Council Meeting, Miss Moyes was our guest. She was here to talk about her recent enterprise visit to Highfurlong with some of the Key Stage 2 children. They explained how they had visited their shop and looked at the different items they have made to sell. Dayle explained that they had to calculate how much each item would cost to make and how much it would have to be sold at the Summer Fair in order to make a profit.  The School Council were very excited and were keen to make cards, keyrings and sell mugs. We will be holding a further meeting to discuss our next steps.  


Elmer Excitement!

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 11:51am

There has been a lot of excitement in school this week, as as we took delivery of our Elmer sculpture.

The school council excitedly unwrapped it and it was taken to a safe place in school until it is ready to be decorated by the children.

Road Safety poster winner!

Date: 18th Dec 2023 @ 8:05am

Well done to Thearush who won the Boundary Primary 'Road Safety Awareness' poster competition. His prize? An afternoon with the PCSOs on Traffic Duty!

Year 1 Trip to St Marks

Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 1:42pm

This week we were lucky enough to visit St Mark’s Church in Layton. We met Reverend Matthew and told him everything that we have learnt about Christianity so far. Reverend Matthew then read the nativity story to us and we all joined in with different parts. He taught us about the key messages in the story and the roles of different characters. We then learnt about the advent wreath and the symbolism of the different candles. Finally we looked around the church and asked and answered lots of questions about features of the church.

Walking Nativity

Date: 12th Dec 2023 @ 6:57pm

What a lovely community event we attended this evening - the Walking Nativity. The choir performed two songs and played a part in acting out the Christmas story with our friends from Christ the King 🎶

Year 5 - Christmas Dinner

Date: 12th Dec 2023 @ 9:45am

Today, we had our fantastic Christmas dinner and wore our Christmas jumpers. Everyone was very full after enjoying their dinner!

Year 5 - Text Feature Detectives

Date: 12th Dec 2023 @ 9:37am

As our Reading into Writing journey into stories from other cultures continues, pupils were challenged to find structure and language features from a variety of different text. We have been learning about the Australian Aborigional Dreamtime stories, a group of creation stories from their culture. Pupils identified the features before working collaboratively to find them in different stories.

Reception- Christmas Is On It's Way!

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 7:49pm

The decorations are up, the tree is dressed and presents are wrapped! it's all happening in Reception this week.

Children have been working together, sharing ideas and using their critical thinking skills to get into the spiirit of Christmas. They have been using their fine motor skills to place baubles, tinsel and beads on the Christmas tree in the home corner and they have been measuring and cutting wrapping paper to wrap Christmas presents for each other.  

Key Stage 2 Choir Perform at Abingdon Street Market

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 10:37am

This evening our choir performed at Abingdon Street Market 🎄🎶☃️
Thank you all for coming ⭐

Acorns - Remembrance Day

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 1:39pm

On Thursday 9th November and Friday 10th November, the children in Acorns have been looking at poppies and exploring the pictures and key words associated with Remembrance Day. 

The children were very busy painting poppies and making poppy cookies. They also explored the different materials that were used, with adult supervision and support, to make a poppy ready to plant in our Remembrance Garden. 

Finally, on Friday, the children went and planted the poppies in our Poppy Garden. 

Acorns - Bonfire Night

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 1:21pm

This week the children in Acorns have been exploring the celebration of Bonfire Night. We listened to the song of Guy Fawkes and looked at bonfires and fireworks. We created a 'bonfire' style tuff tray where the children pretended to toast marshmallows on the bonfire. The children enjoyed getting creative making their own bonfire night pictures and fireworks. We also looked at firework numbers and some of the children could order the numbers 1-10, which is a huge achievement for our children. We encouraged communcation through repeating the numbers aloud and pointing to them at the same time. 

Enterprise Visit to Highfurlong

Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 2:26pm

The KS2 School Council children visited Highfurlong School to see their enterprise shop and workshop. The children have lots of ideas for things to make for our summer fair.
Thank you for having us!

Reception- Celebrate Divali

Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 12:08pm

Reception have been talking about the Hindu and Sikh celebration of Divali 'The Festival of Light".  We talked about why the celbration was iimportant to them and how they prepared to it and celebrated with their families.  We looked at some tradition Skih clothing, maki diva lamps and painted rangoli patterns.

"They decroate their homes for Divali" Sahiti

"Diva lamps go in the windows" Sid

"The make rangoli patterns rto welconme people to their house" Esmai

"They have a special dinner with thei family"  Elisha

"They watch fireworks at night" Kisha

Year 5 - Amazing Artefacts

Date: 22nd Nov 2023 @ 8:11pm

Today, pupils in year 5 were given the opportunity to examine a number of Anglo-Saxon artefacts from the museum. We looked closely at the artefacts and tried to work out what they were made of and what they were for. Pupils also got the chance to try on a chain-mail vest and a reproduction of the helmet found in the 'empty grave' at Sutton Hoo.

Year 6 - Visit with PCSO Debbie

Date: 22nd Nov 2023 @ 3:03pm

This afternoon we welcomed PCSO Debbie Savage to Year 6 to give our children a safety talk around drugs,smoking, vaping as well as knife crime and peer pressure. We discussed different drugs, such as nicotine, alcohol and a range of others that Debbie told us more about. Debbie showed us a range of replica drugs and the side effects of these drugs. We learned valuable lessons this afternoon that we hope will stay with us as we transition to high school.



Reception- Children in Need

Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 4:39pm

Friday 17th November was Children In Need. 

Children could join in and raise money for the charity by paying £1 to wear an item that was spotty.

In the afternoon the whole school came together for a special assembly to learn about how the money raised was spent and ended with everyone dancing to the popular song 'YMCA' .

Year 3- Children in Need

Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 12:04pm

Today we wore our spits and stripes in order to raise money for Children in Need. We  had great fun in assemble dancing to the YMCA!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust