British Values: Blog items

Reception- Pancake Day!

Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 10:43am


This week the children in Reception have been making pancakes.  We talked about the tradition of pancake day how some people decide to give something up, during the Christain period of Lent.  The children then enjoyed following a recipe to make and then eat their own pancakes.  When we returned to the classroom we sequenced the pictures correctly and wrote our own insgtructions.

"You have to mix the eggs, milk and flour with a whisk" Harley

"Cook it in a frying pan" Dina

"The pancakes were yummy.  I liked the chocolate the best" Kevin.

Year 5 - World Book Day

Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 4:32pm

We had an exciting and interesting World Book Day - we were visited by Princesses, witches and wizards, authors and many, many more. We talked about our favourite books, authors and books that had been made into films. We then took part in a fun quiz about our last class novel 'Kensuke's Kingdom' and then a special World Book Day quiz.

Acorns - World book day

Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 2:13pm

Acorns loved engaging in world book day activities. We looked fantastic in our outfits.

We enjoyed lots of mark making with crayons until they quit and we had to use different mediums including paint and chalk instead.

We all engaged in listening to the story for a short burst and loved listening to each other’s stories that we came dressed up in.

Nursery Make Pancakes

Date: 4th Mar 2025 @ 5:18pm

Nursery celebrated Pancake day with a stack of delicious pancakes! We read the story "Mr Wolf's Pancakes" and talked about the ingredients you need to make the pancake batter. We talked a little bit about why we celebrate Shrove Tuesday before the children helped to mix the pancake batter. They children watched patiently as Mrs Welch cooked the pancakes and even managed to successfully toss a few! It was all worth the wait as the chidlren thought the pancakes were delicious!

Year 1 Mental Health Week

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 6:07pm

After our assembly about Mental Health Week, we learnt more about this years theme 'know yourself, grow yourself' through our PSHE lesson. We recapped on what mental health is, the importance of our own mental health and what we can do to look after ourselves. We also took part in lots of discussion to talk about our differences, things we are interested in, talents we have and our dreams for the future. 

Nursery Visit the Library

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 2:33pm

Nursery had a visit from Zoe who works for the library service. We were very excitied to show her our school Library and Zoe was equally excited to see it! While she was here, Zoe read us a Supertato story and then we were given a Bookstart pack to take home with some lovely stories to share at home. 

Year 6 - Mental Health Week

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 9:16am

Year 6 talked about our whole school focus - Mental Health Week - and discussed the theme 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'. We discussed that if we can understand ourselves and what triggers our emotions, we can better manage these. We completed some activities based around the characters in the film 'Inside Out'. 

Year 5 - Frame Structures BLT

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 9:12am

In DT we have been looking at frame structures and as a class we have designed, built and evaluated bug habitats and bird feeders. Addison took this idea and made her own bird feeder at home and has donated it to Year 5 so that we can keep an eye out for any winged visitors! Well Done and Thank You Addison!

Year 1 Safer Internet Day

Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 8:18pm

Today we took part in our whole school Safer Internet Day. We began the day by listening to Mr Taylors assembly all about how to be safe and protect ourselves and others online. Back in class, we read the story 'Buddy the Dogs Internet Safety Story.' We talked through the story together, answering questions to help the character Ben make safe choices whilst using his tablet. We created some internet safety rules, including not talking to strangers online, asking a grown up if you see anything strange and don't download anything without asking an adult. We then revisted our trusted adults and shared these through drawing and writing. 

Year 2- Safer Internet Day

Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 4:43pm

Today, Year Two celebrated safer internet day. After an assembly, where we learnt about what a scam is we put our knowledge to the test in class. We discussed the ways we use the internet and who is actually in charge of putting things on the internet. When we realised anyone can put anything on the internet we found it a lot less trustworthy. We focused on what information we should never share online and what to do if something make us feel uncomfortable online. Lastly, we thought about who our trusted adults are and the signs to look out for. 

Safer Internet Day 2025

Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 2:59pm


Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.


Today, Tuesday 11th of February is ‘Safer Internet Day’. Safer Internet Day is an annual event which is organised by the UK Safer Internet Centre and is celebrated in approximately 170 countries worldwide! The aim of the day is to raise awareness of Internet safety, promoting positive and responsible usage.

During an amazing whole-school assembly, led by Mr. Taylor, pupils discussed the importance of Safer Internet Day. Pupils also suggested different ways we can use the internet and different devices they use to access the internet at home and in school. This year’s topic is “Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online”. This I important as over one million people in the UK were tricked by online scams last year. As a school, we discussed what this means and found the meaning of key vocabulary: online, deception and scam.

Following the assembly, pupils in EYFS read Buddy the Dog’s Internet Safety Story and completed follow up activities to support their learning. Key Stage 1 pupils were challenged to complete “The Great Online Safety Quest” as a class and complete independent activities to solve puzzles and spot online scams.

Pupils in Key Stage 2 all took part in a live interactive lesson from the BBC called ‘Scam Smashers’. This helped pupils to spot scams online by looking for the following: Sounds too good to be true, Content you did not expect, Asks for personal information, Money or trade request. They then completed a range of activities to reinforce the learning, vocabulary and key points. We also learned about ‘phising scams’ and the importance of having a strong password.

A strong password should have:

  • Random words
  • One number
  • One special symbol: E.g. ! @ %
  • A mixture of capital and lowercase letters

Safer Internet Day is a great day to remind us all of the dangers on being online. Please be aware of possible scams, and stop and think, “Is this too good to be true?”

Reception- Internet Safety

Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 12:18pm

Today we have been learning about how to keep ourselves safe online.

It started with a whole school assembly and then we read a story in class too. After we had discussed who our trusted adult was, we then drew pictures and wrote labels and sentences about who our trusted adults were.

"I would tell my Mum and Dad" Dina.

"Never speak to anyone you don't know if you're playing a game on your mum's phone" Harry. 

"They are still strangers even if you are playing a game on the internet" Hazel.

Year 4 - Safer Internet Day 2025

Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 11:48am

This year's theme: Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.

We started the day with an assembly, then back in class we watched a live lesson which had lots of tips about how to remain safe online and not be drawn in by scammers and phishers. We learned how to spot scams and how to make sure our passwords online were strong.

Reception Caring Friendship and our Families

Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 11:44am

During RSE week the chuldren in Reception have been talking about and learning about different families.  We discussed how families can be similiar and how they can be different.  We also explored what a 'caring friendship' is and what it means to be a good friend.  We talked about the importance of sharing, turn taking, listening and using kind words and behaviours.  We read a story about Heckle and Ezra which explored the importance of sharing, saying sorry if we do somthing wrong and forgiving people.  the children made crowns which they shared with their friends just like Heckle and Ezra.  We also explored different emotions and how we can successfully manage these emotions at home and at school.


"A good friend shares their toys and doesn't snatch them" Kevin

"I'm sharing my crown with Jayden" Oscar

"I can do my breathing to help me calm down" Kayden

Year 5 - Mastering Practical DT Skills

Date: 10th Feb 2025 @ 5:13pm

Today, pupils in year 5 have begun construction of their DT products. They are making eco-friendly 'bug hotels' which are constructed from a frame structure. In this lesson, pupils practised the skills of measuring, sawing and sanding to make the pieces of their frame structures from wood. Next we will start to contruct the frame, before adding sides and some shelter for the insects. Come back for more updates over the next week.

School Council- OPAL Primary Play ideas.

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 2:28pm

The School Council had an important meeting with Mrs Webster regarding new sustainable play ideas for KS1 and KS2 to improve the quality of play at playtime.

They looked at lots of ideas for messy play, physical play, construction play, ball play etc and gave their ideas of what the children would like to use  on the playground during playtimes. 

This will help support and develop children's physical,social and emotional wellbeing as well as their mental health. They were all very excited about the prospect of a range of new and recycled equipment to use during their playtime.


"I'd love to role play, dress up and dance- it would be fun!" Izzy.

"I'd like to build with Lego" Elliott.

"Maybe we could have bikes some days or scooters..." Lewis.

"I like playing with small world figures" Jack.

Reception- Chinese New Year

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 1:33pm

Reception has been celebrating the Chinese New Year. We read the book The Chinese New Year Race and learned how every animal earned their place in the Chinese zodiac, made Chinese dragons, Chinese lanterns and took part in our very own Chinese dragon dance.

"The rat won the race- he climbed on the ox's back" Kayden.

"This year it is the year of the snake" Kevin.

"I like rice and sweet and sour sauce... that's Chinese food" Matilda

Year 5 - Charanga YUMU - Composing

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 10:09am

This week we recapped Musical Vocabulary and the names and values of notes on the stave and time signature. We sung the Freedom is Coming song again, changing the key and the dynamics.Using Chromebooks we composed using  YUMU through charanga, composing using our own ABA structure using the notes provided recap Ternary form.

Reception- PE with Blackpool Football Club

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 10:57am

This half term, the children in Reception have been enjoying a PE session with Gaz from Blackpool Football Club.

Each week they learn a different fundamental skill linked to their physical and communication and language development.

They have to listen to and follow the instructions given, take turns, negotiate space and obststacles within that space and then coordinate their bodies so they can move in different ways and throw, catch and dribble a ball. 

Year 3- What is a leader?

Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 9:26am

In R.E, Year Three have been looking at leadership. We looked at what the word charisma meant and what qualities a leader would have. We also discussed what leader we had and knew in and out of school. We then used a diamond nine to rate which characteristics we thought were the least or most important.

Year 5 - P.E - Yoga

Date: 15th Jan 2025 @ 4:19pm

This half-term we are developing our resilience through Yoga to support and healthy lifestyle. Today, we worked through 3 poses; Eagle Pose, Dancer Pose and Warrior Pose. We talked about how to do these poses even if we struggled to balance and how to flow between them. As always, each session finishes with our gratitudes, showing out thanks for ourselves, our friends and for the world around us.

Reception- Road Safety

Date: 14th Jan 2025 @ 7:12pm

This week in school, it has been road safety week and Reception have been learning how to keep safe and be responsible when crossing the road.

They had a special visitor from Zoe our crossing patrol warden or, as we like to say, our lollypop lady! 

We all learnt that we have to :

1- Find a safe place to cross.

2- Stay on the curb.

3- Look both ways.

4- Listen for the traffic.

5-Then walk sensibly across the road.


"Look both ways when you cross the road" Dennis

"Be sensible when crossing the road- walk don't run" RJ

"Always hold hands with an adult" Riley- Ella

Year 5 - PSHE: Responsibility

Date: 12th Jan 2025 @ 10:19am

This week we have been looking at RESPONSIBILITY and how we can be responsible for ourselves and our actions and for other things including pets, younger siblings and PLANTS!

We signed a responsibility promise to take care of our plants and our first task was to fill our plant pots with the right soil. We then carefully planted our seed in the pot. Year 5 discussed that our responsibility would last much longer than just today, we would have to water and feed our seed as it grows, ensuring it gets the right amount of sunlight too. Eventually, we will have to repot our plant into the ground when it grows bigger!

Finally, we talked about how our responsibilities and our actions we undertook to care for our plant have consequences; being responsible means our plant will grow, not taking our responsibilities seriously will mean our plant will not survive!

School Council-Books and Charities

Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 5:32pm

The school council met today to discuss what type of books they would like Miss Moyes to order and what charities we will support as a school.

We then went on to discuss linking up with the Eco Warriors to do a fund raiser for the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) charity.

Year 5 - R.E - Hinduism

Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 9:40am

In this lesson we were introduced to the main beliefs of Hinduism and, as ever, we used our 5 finger recall facts!

We heard from  Vandana, a 22 year-old Hindu who explained about how she works, lives and plays all while following Dharma – the duty or moral responsibility in Hinduism. We discussed how an equivalent to Dharma for us would be The Always Way and following the Boundary Always Promises.

Finally, we discussed Brahman, the formless and eternal entity in Hinduism and how this can be depicted in animal or human form. Finally, we designed our own deity to depict Brahman and how they/it might influence the world around us.

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Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust