Our Local Community: Blog items

Year 6 - Trip to Stanley Park

Date: 20th Jul 2023 @ 4:02pm

As part of leavers celebrations, today we went to Stanley Park for a games morning and picnic together. It was another lovely opportunity to spend time together and have fun. 

Blackpool Children and Families Art Competition

Date: 19th Jul 2023 @ 12:06pm

Blackpool Children and Families Art Competition

One of our year 5 pupils, Sophie W, has been chosen as a winner of the Blackpool Children and Families Art Competition. Her fantastic pencil drawing of Blackpool Tower will be used to make their new Children and Families Plan look and feel more exciting. Well done, Sophie!

Year 3- Heritage Day!

Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 7:53am

Last week we had our Heritage Day and learnt about our local area. In Year 3 we learnt about Fisherman’s Friend and how Doreen Lofthouse had a huge impact on ours and neighbouring towns. We learnt about the Lofthouse family, the history of the throat sweets and even tried some!

Nursery Heritage Day

Date: 6th Jul 2023 @ 12:06pm

As part of whole school Heritage Day, Nursery thought about what clothes they would wear to Stanley Park in the winter and in the summer. We talked about clothes that would keep us warm, clothes that would keep us cool and clothes that would protect us from the different elements. Have a look to see the clothes we chose. 

Year 2 Heritage Day

Date: 5th Jul 2023 @ 4:01pm

This week we celebrated heritage day where each year group has learnt about the History of different things in Blackpool. Year 2 explored the history of Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Both classes were excited to go to the pleasure beach where we learnt about how it came about, got it's name and looked at how the park has developed over time- some of us were shocked to learn that the flying machine is still there after being built and opened in 1904. Whilst we learnt about the history we also got a tour of the park and watched different rollercoasters thinking about how they work and what makes them exciting/scary. We used our knowledge and photos to create an inspiration page all about the Pleasure Beach and are incredibly grateful for the staff there who shared their expertise and knowledge. Lastly, we learnt about Amanda Thompson- one of the few females to be in the amusement park industry and she is carrying on family tradition of being the director. 

Year 6 - Heritage Day

Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 10:48am

Today for Heritage Day, we were given the question: How has Basil Newby influenced the LGBTQ+ community in Blackpool?  To answer this, we looked at his life and how he became one of Blackpool's most successful entrepreneurs. This is due to him creating clubs and pubs that catered for the LGBTQ+ community. Basil owns and runs Funny Girls in town and we were visited by two of his employees, Alex and India. They gave us more background information about Basil and answered lots of questions that we had. We can't thank them enough for their time.

Year 5 - Heritage Day

Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 10:40am

For Boundary’s Heritage Day 2023, we were asked to answer the question, 'Why did Boundary become a popular tourist resort?' We discovered lots of interesting facts about our town's history, including that in the 1930s the town had over 10 million visitors per year! We presented our finding on a google slideshow and shared these with the rest of the school in an assembly. 

Year 1 Heritage Day

Date: 3rd Jul 2023 @ 6:10pm

Today we explored the key question, 'how has the Blackpool Tower Circus changed?' We began by learning about the circus in the past, the year it opened, what acts performed there and how it looked. We looked at both photo evidence and posters, discussing what clues we could see that gave us information about the past. We then learnt about how the circus has changed over time and created a timeline of the promotional posters used. Finally we created our own posters for the present circus! We are also all looking forward to our circus trip as part of our Heritage learning!

Year 4 - Heritage Day 2023

Date: 3rd Jul 2023 @ 3:07pm

For Boundary’s Heritage Day 2023 we learned all about Blackpool Football Club. We started the day by discussing what heritage means and what we have learned about on previous Heritage days. Then we plotted events from Blackpool FC’s history in chronological order on a timeline. Next, we went into the Dance Studio where we were able to look at lots of the Seasider’s memorabilia. To finish the morning, we researched more information about the club including: why they play in tangerine, a famous chant called ‘Allez, Allez, Allez’, who owns the club, promotions and trophies they have won (FA Cup in 1953, promotion to the Premier League in 2010), their home stadium Bloomfield Road and what the coat of arms on their badge represent.

Whole School - Fishers Farm visit

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 2:39pm

Boundary has been lucky enough to secure a visit from Fishers Mobile Farm today! This special event not only gives the opportunity for children to see animals they may not have seen before up-close but it also supports their learning journey across Science, Geography, PSHE, Maths and even Reading into Writing! Our children have been telling us about the animals that they have at home including those whose family live in other countries, like Emmanuel whose family have a goat called Coonudoo!
Visit our school website for more pictures and to learn more about the learning taking place today. #BoundaryBelieves

Year 3's Trip to Aspire

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 2:44pm

Year 3 were lucky enough to have a trip to the local high school, Aspire. We went to their labs and had a Science lesson based on light. We first of all learnt about white light and tried to create our own rainbow. We then used finger lights to create white light. We had such fun and can't wait for another visit. 

Art - Young Seasiders

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:37am

This year, Boundary took part in the annual Young Seasiders Art competition. We submitted nearly 30 entries, from across the school, and we are very proud to announce that Maja (Year 3) and Alice (Year 1) have been chosen as our school’s winners! All the entries will be displayed at the exhibition located at Blackpool School of Arts and can be viewed by the public from 27th February until 31st March. For more information, please see the flyer below.

School's Alive Award

Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 9:03am

Thanks to a generous donation by a parent, each child who took part in our School's Alive performance received a medal in recognition of their hard work, determination and overall brilliant performance!
Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to our parent donor for allowing us to give each child their own medal!
#schoolsalive #BoundaryBelieves 

Year 6 meet and greet with BFC players

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 12:34pm

Today Year 6 were lucky enough to have a meet and greet with 2 1st team Blackpool FC players: Shayne Lavery and Sonny Carey. During their visit, Year 6 pupils asked them a range of questions, such as 'Who is the toughest team you've faced?', 'How did you feel when you first stepped out at Bloomfield Road as a Blackpool player?' and 'What job would you have had if you hadn't have been a footballer?' 

We'd like to thank the players for taking the time to visit our children and answer their questions.

Layton Light Switch On

Date: 29th Nov 2022 @ 9:40am

Well done to our choir for performing at the Layton Christmas light switch on event.
It was fantastic to see so many parents and carers supporting the event and a big thank you to Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Pope and the Boundary staff for all of their hard work and commitment ???

Year 3- BFC tackle bullying!

Date: 14th Nov 2022 @ 2:56pm

Today we celebrated Anti-bullying Day. As a school, we came in wearing odd socks to show that we are all individual yet all special in our own way. As part of our anti-bullying learning, Year 3 were lucky enough to have a session with Simon and Mark from Blackpool Football Club. We learnt how important it is to be an upstander and not a bystander. Together we can tackle bullying! We also learnt the importance of kindness and created our own kindness jars. We finished the session off by watching a powerful video of acts of kindness being passed on and we made a pledge to carry out our own act of kindness this week. 

Year 5 Aspire Science Visit

Date: 11th Oct 2022 @ 8:21am

This morning children in Year 5 visited Aspire Academy to take part in a science lesson. As part of our learning journing with 'materials and their properties' we were challenged to separate a mixture of rock, salt and water. Our first task was to filter the solution using a funnel and filter paper, which removed the rock. This left a solution of salt water. By heating the solution with a bunsen-burner, we made the (liquid) water evapourate, leaving behind the (solid) salt.

Year 6 Harvest Assembly

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 7:41pm

Today, Year 6 led the whole school in our Harvest assembly. We were joined by Matt and Jenny from the Church Army, who discussed the difference between giving and getting and how giving is more rewarding than always receiving and getting things from others. We thanked everyone for their kind food donations, which will be shared with the local charity 'Vincent House' next week.

Year 4 start RUGBY!

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 11:33am

We started our Rubgy lessons today with Tom from Wigan Warriors. We will be learning lots of new rugby skills over this half term when Tom comes in every Thursday! We absolutely loved it. We learned how to hold the rugby ball and even started to tag each other with it when we were trying to score a try!

Year 4 - Heritage Day

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 7:47am

This week we had our Heritage Day. It was a fantastic day learning all about the history of Doreen Lofthouse and Fisherman's Friend. We began the day by learning all about how Fisherman's Friend are made and how they first came to be. We then tried a lot of the different flavours (some were much better than others)! Then, we created our own timelines to show the development of Fisherman's Friend over time and how Doreen Lofthouse and her charitable donations benefited the local commnity for years after her death. 

Year 3's Heritage Day!

Date: 7th Jul 2022 @ 9:04am

As part of heriatge day, Year 3 answered the question 'Who are the Thompson family and more specifically who is Amanda Thompson?' We started by looking at the jounrey of the Pleasure Beach and discovered how much it has changed since it was first opened. We ordered pictures to create a timeline of the Pleasure Beach. Did you know that the Pleasure Beach was originally built on the sand dunes?

We then went on to look at the significance of the Thompson family and everything they had done for the pleasure Beach and Blackpool. We used our art skills to create an artistic fact file about Amanda Thompson. We were inspired by her achievements, especially in her achievements as a female. We found out that the role she is holds is mainly held by men! 

It was very interesting learning about Amanda Thompson and her family and we are grateful for the jobs she creates in Blackpool and the tourism that she helps to bring in to our home town. 

Year 2 Heritage Day- Blackpool is Grand

Date: 5th Jul 2022 @ 8:01am

Yesterday, the whole school took part in Heritage Day celebrating significant people and events from the past in Blackpool. Year 2 explored the key question ‘How did Thomas Sergenson and Frank Matcham influence theatre in Blackpool?’ Throughout the day, we completed a range of activities comparing Blackpool Grand Theatre when it was first built to what it looks like today as well as comparing the inside to a modern theatre. We also created a timeline of historical events in Blackpool and even added our previous learning of Mary Seacole and World War One to our timeline. We loved learning about the history of the Grand Theatre.

Nursery Heritage Day - That's The Way To Do It!

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 10:07pm

Nursery joined in with Heritage Day by looking at how seaside holidays have changed over the years. We looked at some photographs of people on the beach and talked about how a long time ago the men wore suits and the ladies wore long dresses! Then we explored seaside entertainment and we watched a video of a Punch and Judy show. After this we performerd our own puppet shows and started to make a big puppet theatre to go outside! 

Reception- Heritage Day- How has the seaside changed?

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 5:50pm

To celebrate Heritage Day, the chidlren in Reception have been looking at Blackpool in the past and now.

We looked at old photos of the what people wore on the beach, Blackpool Tower, The Pleasure Beach and how children spent their time whilst on holiday in Blackpool. We then sorted photos into the 'past' and 'now'.

"We looked at photos of when Blackpool Tower wasn't fully built" Marleigh

"In the past people wore dresses and long shorts to go swimmimg" Charlie

"I go in the arcades and play games - they didn't have them in the past" Oakleigh



Year 1 Heritage Day

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 2:27pm

We began the day by discussing what Heritage Day actually means and what we thought we might be doing as part of our History learning. We were introduced to our influential people, ‘William Cocker’ and ‘Sir John Bickerstaffe’ and discussed the key question we will be exploring today, ‘how did William Cocker and Sir John Bickerstaffe influence Blackpool tourism by building Blackpool Tower?’ We explored Blackpool in the past by creating a timeline. This displayed when Blackpool attractions opened in chronological order. We then found our time capsule! We explored the different photos and posters inside to piece together Blackpool Towers story. Throughout the morning, we then compared present Blackpool to Blackpool in the past, created a new attraction and some of us even wrote a letter/postcard to William Cocker or Sir John Bickerstaffe.

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust