Year 5 - 100th Day in School
Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 4:12pm
After reading the book '365 Penguins' by Jean-Luc Fromental, pupils in Year 5 completed activities which required maths skills to organise the penguins. The first task involved arranging the penguins into equalateral triangles. By counting the penguins in the shapes, we discovered 'triangular numbers'. Pupils then discussed the patterns in the triangular number sequence and how we might be able to find others without drawing them. In the story, Dad arranges 144 penguins into a square. We then investigated which other number of penguins could be arranged in a square pattern. Again, pupils shared what they had found and discussed pattterns in the number sequence. We were amazed to find that the sum of two adjacent triangular numbers made a square number!