Trick or Treat!

Date: 30th Oct 2019 @ 7:15pm

Welcome back everyone! We have enjoyed hearing about all the exciting things you have done during half term. We have had a spectacularly spooky first week back! We arrived into Nursery to find our home corner had been taken over by a witch, who had turned it into a 'Witches Kitchen.' She has been making potions and leaving us secret messages on ghost paper! We had to use special torches to read the message she had left us! We have also been decorating pumpkins, witches and monsters. We have used different shapes for the different body parts on our 'shape monsters,' looking at the properties and how to recognise the shapes we used. 'Whats in the Witches Kitchen', 'Room on the Broom' and 'Five Little Monsters,' have been our stories this week and we have been looking at rhyming Halloween songs and rhymes. Try singing some of these songs together at home! Happy Halloween! 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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