The Adventures of the Naughty Bus
Date: 28th Feb 2020 @ 4:22pm
This week our story has been ‘The Naughty Bus.’ We started the week by reading and discussing the story, talking about our own experiences of where some of us have been on a bus journey! We have been building towns and roads in our construction area, making stop signs at the writing table, and adding a certain number of people onto the bus in our maths area. We have also painted a big box that we have turned into a bus for our role-play area. We all had a great time, taking it in turns to be different parts of the bus, setting up a bus stop, and handing our tickets to the driver when the bus arrived! Firstly, we painted the bus red, found circle shapes for wheels and cut out some rectangular shapes for windows. We’ve been on lots of bus journeys to different places, giving our bus ticket to the driver and him taking us where we wanted to go!