Sandwich making

Date: 3rd Nov 2020 @ 3:20pm

We had a great start to the new term this week, when we made our own healthy balanced lunch box contents. In the morning, we did a sensory taste test of lots of different types of lunch box contents (for example, tomatoes, sausage rolls, bread, cucumber). Then, we decided what crudités and sandwiches we would make in the afternoon. After looking at the EatWell Guide on the NHS website, we decided how we would make it a balanced diet. Next, we practised cutting using the bridge and claw method and practised grating with a grater. It was great fun in the afternoon making the sandwiches - but lots of children definitely need some practise spreading butter on their bread. We nearly ended up with some butter sandwiches (oops!). All in all, a lovely first day back and the children were really sensible and enjoyed themselves. 

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