Remembrance Day
Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 8:07pm
It was a blustery day but the whole school remembered the fallen during a special Remembrance Service held outside the school, next to Boundary's Remembrance Garden. Prior to the service, Reception had been busy learning about why we wear poppies and had been involved in painting poppies, creating transient art poppies, collaging poppies and making poppy pictures on a light box. We had also taken part in the whole school art activity, attaching all our poppy art to the silhouette of a soldier which was then displayed in the hall.
Here are some photos of us planting poppies in the Boundary Remembrance Garden, creating a field of poppies on a light box and our display of artwork on our soldiers.
"We wear poppies to remember the soldiers who died" Rosalie.