Reception Once they were giants

Date: 20th Sep 2022 @ 8:55pm

Recption have been reading the story 'Once they were giants'.  The story is all about a little girl growing up in a supportive and loving family.  Throughout the story we discussed the different skills the little girl learns as she grows like sitting up, crawling, walking and talking.  As a group we talked about the different things we have learnt since being a baby.

"I learnt to go to the toilet and not in my nappy" Kazimir

"My mummy taught me to eat food and not throw it on the floor" Kayden

"I learnt to ride my bike" Nathanial

We talked about how all these things we had learnt were in the past and discussed what we might learn to do in the future.

"I'm going to learn to read at school" Lana-Rose

"I'm learning to write my name" Miley-Rae

"We are learning numbers at school" Alfie

"I want  to learn to drive a car like my dad" Ishaanvir

We then looked at the life of the queen and how she grew and changed over time.  We looked at pictures of her as a baby and discussed how she changed as she grew into a child, an adult and then finally an elderly lady.  We talked about all the different things she learnt to do and achieved throughout her life and then set some goals for ourselves.

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