Perfect Pancakes!

Date: 28th Feb 2020 @ 4:09pm

This week we celebrated Pancake Day! We read the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes,’ and talked about what we thought we might need to make our own pancakes. In our special box we then found the ingredients we needed to make pancakes, including some instructions for us to follow from Mr Wolf! We looked at the numbers to help us follow the instructions, starting at number 1, following the words and pictures all the way to number 6, which was eating the pancakes! Yum! We worked in small groups to weigh and sieve the flour, pour in the milk and egg and whisk the mixture together. We all had a turn at each stage until we had made a batter; our teachers then took this into the kitchen to cook in the frying pan. We all tried the pancakes before home time; some of us even tried lemon and sugar as a topping! We also made pancakes in our Play Dough area, which we put into small frying pans to try and flip and take part in Pancake races! In our Maths area we also used dice and different pancake toppings to create a pancake. We rolled the dice and added the correct number of toppings onto each pancake. We had toppings of strawberries, blueberries, orange and even chocolate!

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