No Pen Day!

Date: 11th Oct 2019 @ 3:45pm

No pen day was great fun! We did all our learning without using a pen. In writing we learnt about instructions. We were given a set that was all in the wrong order and our challenge was to correct it. We thought about what should go first, next, after that and what would come at the end. Maths was exciting too ... we used objects to create the part part whole method of addition. Some of us even got up to 20! In the afternoon we carried on our 'No Pen Day' learning in PSHE. We learnt about the characteristics needed to be a good friend and what friendship means. We had a go at various activities and challenges which tested our friendships skills and we were all very sucessful. A couple of children asked if we could have no pen day every week!!! 

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01253 287250:

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