Year 2 No Pen Day- Spring 1

Date: 25th Jan 2022 @ 8:32pm

Last week, we had our favourite day- No Pen Day! Pupils and Teachers alike put out pens down for a full day and focused on using our communication skills. Throughout the day, we worked collaboratively to continue our Reading into Writing and Maths journey's. 

We continued our Reading into Writing journey by learning about different tenses. We identified we can tell a sentences tense by finding the verb- to show matching past and present tense verbs we had to find the person with the verb of the opposite tense before sorting a variety of verbs and sentences into the tenses they were written.

In Maths, we consolidated our knowledge of giving change by playing a game of Mathopoly. For each square we landed on we had to calculate how much change a person would get depending on how much they spent and the coin they used to pay.

In the afternoon, we enjoyed continuing our learning of Hinduism with Mrs Bunday and PE with Mr Willetts.

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