Maths - 100th Day
Date: 22nd Feb 2023 @ 8:44pm
On Tuesday 21st February 2023 we celebrated our 100th Day of this academic year. We began by joining together as a whole school and sharing the book, 365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental. We then took part in maths activities based around the book.
In Year 1, pupils measured penguins using non-standard units. Year 2 consolidated their multiplication learning by finding how many different arrays could be made from 24 penguins. Year 3 focused on investigating how to group the penguins in different ways.
Year 4 calculated the cost of feeding the penguins for each month of the year and Year 5 investigated triangular numbers and their link to square numbers.
Overall, a great day of Penguin problem solving was had!