Date: 15th Sep 2020 @ 9:26am
Year 6 have taken their RE lesson outside this week. They have explored: What sort of things are we sorry for? Why do we say sorry? Why is it important to say sorry?
What sort of things are we sorry for?
- Breaking things on purpose or accidental
- Hurting feelings
- Falling out
- Stealing
- Being mean
- Online bullying
- Cheating in a test
- Physically hurting someone
- Making fun of someone
- For someone’s loss
- When you let someone down
- When you are late for something
- When you forget to do something
- Making mistakes
Why do we say sorry?
- For forgiveness
- To fix your mistake
- Make somebody feel better
- Make yourself feel less guilty
- To show you care about a person
- To show you regret what you have done
- To be polite
- To show it was an accident
- Acknowledge feelings
- Show empathy
Why is it important to say sorry?
- For healthy relationships
- To make friends again
- To make clear the air
- To restore trust
- To understand what we may have done wrong
- It shows respect
- To take responsibility for your actions
- Shows you care
We also created a forgiveness scale and explored different scenarios. The children placed themselves on the scale according to how challenging that scenario would be to forgive.