Eco Warriors - Nursery Children helping to save our future planet!

Date: 13th Feb 2020 @ 12:37pm

This week we have taken part in lots of recycling activities. Firstly, we talked about how to look after our planet and the importance of recycling. This linked to our previous knowledge of Eco Bricks, as we have been building them as part of a whole school project for the last few months. As part of our BLT for last week we were asked to either start to make our own Eco Bricks or bring some plastic bits and pieces into Nursery. Lots of children brought in bits to help us on our school project of making Eco Bricks. Our teachers in Nursery then cut up the big bits of plastic into smaller bits so we could use a long stick to push the bits of plastic into the bottles. We have also made pictures and models from recycled bits, along with cleaning out our water tray after someone had put a lot of plastic in there! We all enjoyed learning about how and what we can recycle, and how we can look after the planet for our future. 

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