Eco- A Micro Wood on Grange Park.

Date: 22nd Nov 2024 @ 10:16am

This week, the Eco Warriors were invited to take part in planting trees to create a micro wood on Grange Park.

They planted various different young trees with other local schools and members of the community. 

Jenni from Treescape, Lancashire explained how the micro wood was for everyone in the community to enjoy over the years. and the Eco Warriors were excited to discover that some of the trees planted were the same as the names of our classes in school, such as Oak and Hawthorn.

"I will come here with my mum and look at how they have grown" Lyra- Rose.

"I have an oak tree in my garden- it grows acorns" Lacey

"I planted about twenty five trees this morning and then I lost count. It was really good planting them near our school" Damien.

" I hope that hedgehogs will find a home in the woods" Hannah- May.

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